An Eye for News

Chapter 737: Meet the BBC again


Nie Cai recognized them. Yes, they were the BBC reporting team he met before.

At this time, he remembered that the last time the Red Skull's people ran into trouble deliberately, the BBC's people were the first media to arrive, but they were still overtaken by Nie Cai and almost blocked Nie Cai's picture. Although he He wasn't wearing sunglasses today, but Nie Cai still recognized him.

It’s been less than half a month since we last saw them, so I didn’t expect to meet them again. What a coincidence!

But Nie Cai was relieved when he thought about it. These two were the ace reporters of the BBC. They would rush over as soon as there was any major news. Last time, Nie Cai was the first to report that the cruise ship ran aground. This time, Huaxia and Pharaoh When a conflict broke out in the country, they said they would not miss the opportunity to dominate the news. They rushed to the scene as soon as possible and even issued a report before Al Jazeera.

"No, no, no, we have taken a lot of footage of the office scene. What we have to do now is in-depth reporting... For example, the impact of this kind of thing on the world's largest canal, the Suez Canal, this person seems to Are you here to do business at the Port Authority? Can you help me ask if I can interview him?"

Billie shook her head, but looked very interested in Nie Cai.

The Suez Canal is one of the busiest canals in the world. It accounts for more than 20% of the fiscal revenue of the Pharaoh government and can be said to be a pillar industry.

Now that the conflict with China breaks out, the operation of the canal will definitely be greatly affected. In order to ensure the safety of the cargo, those cargo ships would rather take a detour than come here to get into trouble. The most direct victim is the Pharaoh government.

This can also be seen from the depressed port authority, otherwise it would never be so deserted on weekdays.

"All right… "

Baipao was a little helpless, but he was ordered to cooperate unconditionally with the BBC reporters, so he could only agree.

He turned around and looked at Nie Cai with a gloomy face: "Hey, which cargo ship are you helping to handle the formalities? This is a reporter from the BBC TV station in Eagle Country. You can answer whatever he asks after a while. If you want to complain, Cry and complain about China’s power invading us, and do not damage the image of our Pharaonic country, otherwise, your cargo will never leave the country.”

There are many people in the port who help overseas cargo ships go through the formalities. This kind of people is commonly known as intermediaries. Regardless of ancient and modern times, this kind of profession will be created whenever there is a demand.

"Me? Being interviewed by the BBC?"

Nie Cai said, somewhat dumbfounded.

The staff member of Qing Dynasty regarded him as a local intermediary. This kind of intermediary always relies on the official's breath and can come and go at a moment's notice. How dare they not cooperate with the people from the port authority

Billie nodded and started oral sex in front of the camera.

"BBC TV station, this is the port of the Suez Canal. After the Chinese military shot Pharaonic staff, conflicts broke out on the second day, which had a tragic impact on the local area. The BBC reporter obviously found that there were many fewer cargo ships entering and leaving the port, and stranded in The ship owners at the port are miserable, so let’s interview the operators of cargo ships about how they feel now.”

The female reporter took the microphone and spoke in English with ease, and then handed the microphone to Nie Cai.

Nie Cai didn't look like she could speak English, so she winked at the staff member and asked him to translate.

"Remember what we just said? According to what I just said, otherwise..."

The staff member in white robes snorted, looked at Nie Cai with an unkind expression, spoke in Arabic, and then prepared to translate.

"I didn't expect the BBC to be so biased... It actually directly said that the shooting in China had a tragic impact on the local area, and concocted this kind of plot that Americans loved to see!"

Nie Cai couldn't help but snort in his heart. According to the BBC's interview method, it will definitely make China more and more smeared and guide public opinion to criticize China. The Pharaoh government is also happy to see such a report by a media with huge international influence, so that it can pretend to be a weak one. group.

His heart moved, and he didn't even wait for the staff member to translate. Instead, he cleared his throat, looked at the camera, and began to answer in standard English: "What we feel now is very angry!"

"Really? Why do you feel angry? Is it because of China?"

Billie was a little surprised. She didn't expect that this man who looked like an Arab could actually speak English with a smooth Oxford accent.

"No, no, no... It's not because of China, but because the government function of the Pharaoh Kingdom is too low. They ask for bribes from us everywhere, and they won't let us leave the port if we don't give them!"

Bai Pao was stunned for a moment and realized that what Nie Cai said didn't follow his script at all, and he was immediately stunned.

"You... are talking nonsense!"

He hurriedly ran to Nie Cai angrily and wanted to scold him.

But the cameraman was well prepared and deliberately stretched out his other foot to block him.


The staff member was caught off guard. He didn't expect that the BBC people would do something wrong. He fell down and couldn't get up for a long time.

"You go on and don't worry about him."

Billie said with obvious excitement on her face.

As a BBC reporter, she has always been looking forward to breaking news. For example, Nie Cai's current interview exposing Pharaonic officials* and blatantly asking for bribes was a bomb.

Exposing corrupt officials is one of the responsibilities of a reporter, and anyway, Nie Cai is not talking about officials from the Eagle Kingdom. He is just a deputy director of the Port Authority, which is nothing to her.

Now the whole world's focus is on the Kingdom of Pharaoh. If she can reveal this latest shocking news, the ratings will definitely skyrocket!

"I saw it last time when there was a gun battle with Huaxia. The port director asked for a bribe but failed to cause the conflict. Alas, how can the Chinese be so easy to bully like us..."

Nie Cai secretly laughed in his heart and kept doing nothing, so he simply threw all the dirty water on the Port Authority. After all, asking for bribes was a real thing, so Nie Cai could not be blamed.

When the staff member on the ground heard Nie Cai's revelation, he became furious and screamed.

If the Port Authority's crimes are exposed on a TV station like the BBC, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the reputation of the Pharaoh Kingdom, and the one-sided public opinion situation that was finally created may be broken.

"Let you talk more!"

Nie Cai snorted in his heart and flicked his finger!

"Hurry up... drive him away... "

Bai Pao just opened his mouth, but at this moment... he suddenly felt an itch on his neck, as if something had stabbed him in, and he couldn't speak the second half of the sentence.

Although Nie Cai didn't know how to tap acupoints, he was now a master of Dan Jin. Gang Qi was condensed into needles and pierced into his neck. It immediately affected his vocal cords and achieved the same effect as acupuncture, making him basically Speechless!