An Eye for News

Chapter 738: screen


"Can what I said be broadcast?"

Seeing that the white-robed staff member had become mute, Nie Cai said with satisfaction.

This kind of interview can actually be broadcast in China, but the effect is definitely not as good as the neutral BBC TV station. It is obviously more convincing to use their mouths to say it.

"Of course we can. Our BBC TV station is not the kind of TV station that is afraid of power!"

Billie smiled, patted her chest and said

Of course they are not afraid of power, because they are officials of the Pharaoh Kingdom, and they can't control them at the Eagle Country BBC.

"That's good. I hope what I said can appear on TV in full. I have to go, otherwise they will cause trouble for me!"

Nie Cai secretly smiled in his heart, but when he squinted his eyes, he saw four or five security guards from the Port Authority walking over angrily, screaming as they walked.

It seems that the other party finally realized that something was wrong and immediately came to drive away the people. These people did not dare to be rude to the BBC reporter.

Before the people from the Port Authority could react, they rushed directly to the corridor!

Although he is not afraid of these ordinary security guards, if there is a fight, it will be difficult to explain his strong skills to the other party.

Where did the intermediary come from that was so skilled that he could fight five of them? This would be better, it would be better to leave first!

"Remember to broadcast it..."

After Nie Cai left these last words, he slipped into the crowd like a slippery fish and disappeared in an instant.

The security guards rushed over panting. The other security guards chased Nie Cai and quickly helped the man on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

The remaining security guard held up the white robe and asked.

"Ah oh oh ah..."

But Baipao couldn't say anything. He just pointed at the two BBC reporters with an extremely anxious look on his face!

The interview just now was filmed by a BBC reporter. This is simply a slap in the face. No matter what, you can't let this news be broadcast.

The camera must be taken away. Even if it offends the BBC reporters, there is nothing they can do. They must be stopped!

"I understand, you want me to send them two away?"

The security guard had no idea what was going on. He nodded in realization and said quickly.

Reporters from the BBC have been treated as honored guests since they arrived here. How did he know that he would now turn against them and actually want to stop them

"No, no, no, you go chase that person and don't worry about us."

Billie quickly waved her hand, pointing in the direction of Nie Cai, while winking at the camera.

They have no way to leave this port. If they want to save this video, they can only use some special methods.

As long as the precious exposed interview can be preserved, it will definitely detonate a hot spot of public opinion and allow the BBC to take the lead in the already very hot conflict between the Chinese Pharaohs.

As for their own situation... Billie is not worried at all. What can a small port authority do to them BBC reporters? The Pharaoh Kingdom has already offended a Chinese nation, how could it dare to offend an Eagle Kingdom again!

They had done this kind of cooperation many times. When the cameraman saw Billie's eyes, he immediately understood and unknowingly inserted another memory card in the machine to start hot backup and replaced it with another one. open.

The camera they used has a hot backup function, which can synchronize the data of the two memory cards. If they are forced to do so, they will hand over one of the cards and hide the other card on their body, with the first card as a If you use a smoke screen, the other party will generally not be suspicious.

"How considerate that such a famous and beautiful reporter actually thinks about herself..."

The security guard was stunned. Although he couldn't understand English, he always understood him. Looking at Billie's gestures, he actually understood, and he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

He put down the person he was supporting and immediately ran to catch up with Nie Cai. Even his pace seemed to be much faster.

The man in white robe on the ground whined angrily, but couldn't say anything at all. In addition, it seemed that he had fallen so hard just now that it was difficult to even stand up. He could only watch the BBC reporter leave. hereā€¦

But Nie Cai easily got rid of the security guards of the Port Authority and directly entered the solidified dimensional space.

He changed out of the white robe he was wearing and immediately changed into another outfit. He was dressed in a yellow overalls. He looked like a sailor who had just landed ashore and would not attract anyone's attention at all.

"I don't believe you can still recognize me now?"

Nie Cai smiled with satisfaction and swaggered back to the departure hall on the fifth floor.

This time he no longer delayed, and directly turned on the infinite time-shift camera component according to the time when the conflict occurred yesterday!

This is where Captain Liao and the others clashed with each other. As long as they use the infinite time-shift camera component to go back to the time of the conflict, everything will come to light.

"Confirm the timeline... Entering the dimensional cave..."

The powerful voice of the super news system sounded. Immediately, Nie Cai felt that the scenery in front of him was twisting and spinning. The next moment he appeared in the dimensional cave created by the infinite time-shifting camera component!

It was still the same hall, but there were far fewer people going through the formalities. There were not as many people as today.

A group of eight people from Huaxia walked into this hall under the leadership of Captain Liao.

"Our ship is almost repaired. I will handle the formalities later. Just wait in the lobby and don't cause trouble."

Captain Liao said with a serious face.

"But... Captain Liao, I feel like they are going out of their way to make things difficult for us. The procedures we just went through have been enough to keep us stuck all afternoon!"

Another soldier was a little angry and couldn't help but say.

"People have to lower their heads when they are under the eaves, so let's just pretend that we can't see them and don't cause trouble."

Captain Liao shook his head and said: "Besides, you don't understand the language. Even if you are scolded by them, you won't know. So stop messing around here."

He explained a few words, then went to the counter and talked with the staff of the Pharaoh Kingdom in Russian.

Russian is the official language of the Pharaoh's country. The reason why he was sent to handle the formalities was not only that Captain Liao was always prudent in his work, but also that he could speak Russian in Central Asia.

"This is the last procedure. As long as you complete this procedure, you can leave the port..."

The clerk who handled the formalities was quite polite and did not make things difficult for them this time. However, when she was about to put the stamp, she suddenly remembered something and took the stamp back.

"Since your ship is quite special, I want to ask our superiors..."

The clerk put the information from Huaxia back on the table and looked back, as if he was looking for someone.

Seeing the clerk's face, Captain Liao's heart sank, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.