An Eye for News

Chapter 741: The wrong person was arrested


The man in gray robe closed his eyes, chanted an unknown tune in a low voice, and reached into the skull wrapped in white cloth.

Suddenly a strange syllable came out of his mouth, and he suddenly opened his eyes, which were blood red!

At this time, when Deputy Director Aria was inciting emotions, the entire hall began to commotion.

"Very good...the bigger the noise, the better..."

The man in gray robe said with a sneer on his face.

He watched indifferently for a while, then bit his finger and smeared the blood on the skull in Bai Buli.

In an instant, the empty eye sockets of the skull were filled with blood!

At this moment, a gunshot suddenly sounded in the hall.

Nie Cai noticed that everyone in the hall had a hint of blood red in their eyes. Some people had lighter blood in their eyes, while some had more blood in their eyes.

Especially the soldier who fired his gun. If you look closely, he is so jealous that he seems to have pink eye!

This shot was like poking a hornet's nest, and the whole hall was in chaos.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the man in gray robe quietly left the port authority, got into an ordinary black car and left. No one discovered that he was the initiator of the entire conflict.

"Soul-stealing... No wonder this cursed sect can incite war. Sometimes starting a war is very simple, as long as there is a suitable point to break out!"

Seeing this, Nie Cai couldn't help but take a deep breath and thought to himself.

He stepped back from the infinite time-shifting camera component, his face slightly serious.

Although the truth of the matter was discovered, and he was certain that the gray-robed men from the Curse Sect used the soul-stealing secret technique to provoke this conflict, Nie Cai still lacked sufficient evidence.

Under the influence of that blood light, the controlled object can become "red-eyed", have its thoughts and behaviors affected, and do impulsive things.

The secret technique of soul-seizing is so weird that even if Nie Cai takes out the video captured from the infinite time-shifting camera component, people may not believe it and will instead question the authenticity of the video.

So many people at the scene didn't notice it, so how did Nie Cai take this video? It will be hard for Nie Cai to explain it then!

"This is a bit nerve-wracking... How can we reverse this situation?"

Nie Cai frowned and sighed helplessly.

We can only take it one step at a time. With this video, it can at least prove that the other party started the fight because of asking for bribes. This can somewhat win back international public opinion and prevent it from being one-sided.

"Go to the hospital at the port and take a look at Aria. You might find something new."

Nie Cai sighed and prepared to go to the hospital at the port.

He didn't bother to take the detour to the stairs, so he directly used the dimensional space to pass through the wall in front of him and took a shortcut directly to the stairs.

The wall seems to be an office, and there are actually many people in the office. The white-robed man who worked as a translator for the BBC reporter is also here.

The BBC female reporter was also sitting on a chair in the office with her legs crossed, looking indifferent, but the cameraman who was with her just now was no longer there.

"You losers, the people in the lobby on the first floor clearly said that they didn't see anyone going out, but you actually managed to lose that camera?"

Baipao's face looked a little ferocious, and his voice finally recovered and he started yelling.

His position should not be low, and the reprimand made the security guards hang their heads, looking dejected.

"But... we have turned this building upside down and still can't find him."

A security guard said helplessly.

The whole building is not very big, and it is very strange that the people who mobilized the Port Authority to search for it could not find Nie Cai.

"Stop reprimanding them. The person we just interviewed was just telling the truth. We won't just listen to one side. You can also convince us."

Billie on the side couldn't stand it anymore and said.

She was a woman, and she wore high heels of seven to eight centimeters. Of course, she couldn't run away as fast as the cameraman. She was quickly stopped by people from the Pharaoh Kingdom and brought here.

"Hand over the video you just took, and I won't make things difficult for you. Otherwise, don't blame us for detaining you!"

The man in white robe suppressed his anger and said.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was a reporter from the BBC, he might have become violent by now.

"Then you can keep me detained here. I hope you will make a big news about the reporter under house arrest."

Billie said indifferently.

The people of Pharaoh's kingdom are just lustful and cruel. How dare they be detained all the time

She also expected to make further reports based on this news, so how could she listen to what the other party said.

"you… "

Baipao was a little angry, but he didn't dare to explode, and his face turned red.

He slammed the table hard, as if venting all his depression.

"Report, we found the reporter!"

Suddenly, a security guard opened the office door and said excitedly.

"found it?"

Baipao's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but said in surprise.

Billie's face looked a little unhappy. She thought about it in her mind. Her partner probably hadn't had time to transfer the video data in such a short period of time. I'm afraid things might get worse now!

"Found them... You brought them here, what do you think you should do with them?!"

The security guard nodded quickly and said proudly.

"So many military and police officers have failed to find them, but you security guards have actually found them? You are really lucky..."

Baipao was stunned for a moment, glanced at the reporter who was brought outside the door, and his expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Nie Cai was a little curious and looked around, only to find a person standing outside with a semi-shoulder-mounted camera in his hand. He obviously looked like a reporter.

But although this reporter was wearing the black robe of a local woman, but with her hood opened, she had a standard Chinese face, and she was actually a woman. There was absolutely no way she could be the same person as the BBC cameraman from Eagle Country just now!

"I asked you to find the BBC camera... who asked you to find her!"

Baipao raised his palm angrily, wishing he could slap these losers in the face!

Anyone with eyes can tell that this is definitely not the BBC camera just now. How could these people find a Chinese and look so complacent

"We... we haven't seen that camera either."

Nie Caineng could see the security guard's neck visibly shrinking, and he took a step back in fright.

Seemingly realizing that he had found the wrong person, he said a little aggrievedly: "I just received your order to ask them to find reporters. When I saw this person sneaking around outside to take photos, I immediately captured them. You came here to take credit for the arrest, but who knew it wasn’t the person you wanted to arrest!”

This is really an unforeseen disaster. It's all Baipao's fault. Who knew that this reporter was not the reporter Baipao was looking for