An Eye for News

Chapter 742: Get there first


"My name is Ling Xiaolin, and I am an intern reporter at the China Central Television Station in Cairo. Who is the person in charge?"

At this time, the captured Chinese reporter finally spoke, using pure Russian.

Although her tone was relatively calm, Nie Cai was keenly aware that being surrounded by so many people with guns made her calves tremble a little, which was probably a fake.

This Ling Xiaolin looks to be in her early twenties, with a green face. She must have just graduated from college. I don't know why she was sent to such a dangerous place alone. "I'm the person in charge, what are you doing here!"

Baipao was in a bad mood and said angrily.

He had just been teased by a reporter from the BBC, and now he was annoyed by reporters, especially since these two were reporters from China, which made him even more unhappy.

Fortunately, the Chinese people still have the nerve to come here. Now everyone in the port is in a frenzy of hostility to China. No wonder these two reporters can only secretly take photos outside!

"Of course we are here to shoot news. We signed an agreement with your government and obtained the right to interview. We can legally shoot within the territory of the Pharaohs!"

Ling Xiaolin took a deep breath, took a step forward, and said.

She is a newly recruited college student at the Cairo Reporter Station. She has just been in Cairo for two or three months and is even still in her internship period.

The Cairo Reporter Station is responsible for reporting all news happening in the entire peninsula, so when the news was received, the only two reporters from the reporter station were immediately dispatched here.

Originally, Ling Xiaolin came with Director Luo of the reporter station, and according to the agreement, he should meet her here, but Director Luo was stopped outside the port blockade, and she was the only one who came in.

Stationmaster Luo asked her to go back to Cairo and wait, but she was a little unwilling to do so. In line with the principle of not entering Baoshan empty-handed, she quietly made an unannounced visit. Unexpectedly, she happened to encounter a BBC reporter making trouble, and was extremely unlucky to be killed by the Pharaoh. was caught.

"Is it legal? If I say you can't do it, then you can't do it... Why do you reporters always look for trouble!"

Baipao slammed the table angrily and said angrily: "If we hadn't abolished whipping long ago, I'd give you a few whips to see how honest you are!"

"Then what to do with them?"

A security guard asked Baipao in a low voice.

If these reporters are caught here, they will not be detained or released. They are tantamount to a hot potato.

"Lock him up first. If we can't find the person who ran away, no one can leave!"

White Robe roared angrily and said.

He locked up the two reporters Billie and Ling Xiaolin here. This time he simply led the team himself, leaving only a few security guards to guard him. He took most of the remaining security guards and stormed out angrily!

"You two... are not allowed to leave the office door!"

A security guard spoke to them in blunt English, and the words and gestures finally made the two reporters understand.

Anyway, it was the one in white robe who hurt his head, so they, the little security guards, wouldn't have any trouble, so they walked to the door in groups with cigarettes in their mouths to smoke.

Only two reporters, Billie and Ling Xiaolin, were left in the huge office, which was completely empty.

The two women glanced at each other, seemingly full of questions.

Billie spoke first and said in English: "I really admire you. You dare to come to a place like this alone. Don't you know how hostile the Pharaohs in the port are to China now?"

"I don't understand, but I know that as a CCTV person, I have to do something for our own country. I can't let you continue to slander me like this. I have to have my own reports. Of course, if I get caught, I can only consider myself unlucky."

Ling Xiaolin glanced at the BBC work permit hanging on Billie's chest and frowned: "But aren't you, the BBC, an accomplice of the Pharaoh state? You have been adding fuel to the flames of international public opinion. They should be eager to have you imprisoned. Why are you being accused? Were they caught?"

Although she is only a new reporter, she has been reading international reports focusing on this issue during this period, and knows that the BBC has played a big role in promoting it.

"We are the BBC, news hunters. We shoot whatever news breaks. Who cares who we offend? Little sister, you are too young. You are not even professional in taking candid photos. You shoot with a large half-shoulder camera. If not, who will be arrested? ?”

Billie said nonchalantly: "I don't care. Our Great Eagle Empire has the strongest backing. If they dare not let me go in a few hours, our country's ambassador will come over. I don't believe they dare not let me go." !”

"Exciting? Did you capture any new news?"

When Ling Xiaolin heard this, she immediately forgot her situation and asked quickly.

"Of course, my photographer has already run away with the interview materials. The reason why they arrested you is because they are looking for him everywhere... By the way, you know Nie Cai of CCTV, right?"

Billie smiled and said somewhat proudly.

"Of course, he is my idol. He has just been with CCTV for so long, and he has already filmed a series of major news including the Royal Neutron cruise ship running aground. Many of the news are absolutely impossible to film in my opinion, but he But it happened!”

When Nie Cai was mentioned, Ling Xiaolin's eyes shone and she couldn't help but say excitedly.

CCTV’s status in international news reports has always been inferior to those of traditional international channels such as BBC and Fox, but the emergence of Nie Cai has subverted this convention, from the hijacking case to the cruise ship sinking incident, and then to the Suez Bridge behind it. After the explosion, CCTV finally caught up with a wave of first news, which can be said to be very proud.

Ling Xiaolin didn't say it was okay, but Billie got angry when she mentioned the news that the Royal Neutron cruise ship ran aground and sank.

"Hmph, this is nothing. It's just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse. Last time, he got the upper hand. This time, we finally got the first step. This time, we should let you know that we, the BBC, are the best in the world of international journalism. no. 1!"

Billie was a little unhappy and snorted coldly.

"Luck? It doesn't matter if you get lucky once. My idol didn't report so much big news just because of luck!"

Ling Xiaolin was a little unconvinced and retorted.

"Whatever you say, this conflict between China and the Pharaohs is world-class. You China sent a newcomer like you... It seems that our BBC will win this report."

Billie snorted and said.

In terms of reporting speed, the BBC came out on top. In terms of reporting depth, it turned out that China Central Television had the biggest advantage. However, China Central Television only sent a dumb kid who didn’t know anything. He was caught as soon as he came to film. Yes, it's just for fun.

The last incident of the cruise ship running aground at her doorstep made Nie Cai from CCTV take the lead. This has always made her worried. Now the manager has made a comeback in this big international news. Looking at the people from China Central Television Deflated, Billie suddenly felt some inexplicable pleasure in her heart.

"Sister Billie, tell me what news you found?"

Ling Xiaolin rolled her eyes and asked insinuatingly.

But Billie is such a veteran, how could she easily let Ling Xiaolin talk out of her

She crossed her arms and crossed her chest, and said with some pride: "You want to trick me? It's useless... You will know when the news comes out. It will definitely be the breaking news about the conflict between the Chinese Pharaohs! When the time comes, you will see Nie Caidi I say hello to him!"

Among the international media, the BBC was the first to report on the conflict between China and the Pharaohs, and now it has captured indirect evidence of the Pharaohs demanding bribes. When this news is broadcast, it will definitely be a bombshell.

Two consecutive major news events have allowed the BBC to once again regain a victory and continue to maintain its top position in news coverage of major international events.

"What are you so proud of...isn't it just that you arrived before us?"

Ling Xiaolin pouted and hummed.

She finally saw it now. Billie seemed to have a problem with Nie Cai because of the time when the cruise ship hit the rocks and sank. She was just following this news to attack Nie Cai.

However, she was not happy, but they did better than them. They came from the British mainland to the Pharaoh Kingdom faster than they came from Cairo, the capital of the Pharaoh Kingdom.

For news reporting, speed is of paramount importance, and their efficiency truly deserves the title of the world's top television news media.

But at this moment, only a few muffled bangs were heard, and a voice suddenly came from the door, saying leisurely: "Miss Billie, I heard that you are looking for me?"