An Eye for News

Chapter 752: Variation and evolution


"Want to run? No way!"

Nie Cai snorted coldly. The power of this white ghost was probably around the peak of An Jin. In fact, it was not too powerful, but it was very annoying.

As one of the few things in the world that can hurt Nie Cai in the dimensional space, it is always a potential threat. Nie Cai will not let this threat exist in this world no matter what, so he might as well kill him as soon as possible to eliminate this potential threat. Threat!

He clasped his hands together, and a dazzling white light suddenly erupted from his palms. A sword light seemed to split the space and hit the white ghost!

After entering Dan Jin, the two swords of the Dimensional Sword combined with Nie Cai's Gang Qi, and the sword light was spitted out at a distance of nearly one foot.


When White Ghost saw the flash of Nie Cai's sword, he let out a shrill scream of fear.

It can feel that this sword light is more dangerous than the Karma Fire Red Lotus that Nie Cai sent out just now. If the Karma Fire Red Lotus just now was just a blazing flame, then this sword light is the temperature of the sun.

This white ghost can enter the dimensional space, and it also carries the power of space. The combination of two dimensional knives is the ultimate power of space, and it is naturally capable of restraining things like white skulls.

It doesn't need to be split in half by the two-dimensional sword that merges into one. As long as it gets a trace of it, it will be instantly wiped out!


The ice edge blocking the white ghost's face was directly cut off by Nie Cai's two-dimensional dagger, and ice shards flew everywhere.

The dimensional knife is still powerful and is about to hit the white ghost!

The white ghost let out a shrill scream, seemed to look at Nie Cai angrily, and suddenly exploded, turning into a vast white mist.


Nie Cai's dimensional space was filled with a vast white mist, as if there was a heavy fog.


Nie Cai put away his knife, stood still, and frowned slightly.

The white skeleton dissipated strangely, and I didn't know whether the knife hit it just now or not.

You can't attack people in the dimensional space, you will be kicked out directly, but he is still in the dimensional space, which is something wrong in itself.

While he was wondering, the white mist suddenly surged up and rushed behind Nie Cai.

The messenger from Hades, who was exuding cold air, seemed to be a huge whirlpool, attracting all the white mist.

Gradually... its shape gradually became clearer in Nie Cai's eyes. It was no longer a gray-white mass like other objects, and looked no different from the real space.

The messenger of the underworld was standing there in a daze, but at this moment, its empty eyes suddenly looked at Nie Cai, and a pale white light emitted from its eyes, as if a bloodthirsty beast had discovered its prey!

Nie Cai was stunned for a moment. He was still in the dimensional space and should not be seen by the messenger from the underworld, unless something happened to the messenger from the underworld!

"Could it be that... this white ghost and this messenger of Hades merged together, so that this messenger of Hades takes on some of its characteristics?"

Nie Cai just thought about it for a moment and immediately understood.

This is troublesome... This messenger of Hades is already very difficult to deal with. The reason why Nie Cai was not afraid of it before was because he had the trump card of solidifying the dimensional space.

The solidified dimensional space can be attacked when advancing, and defended when retreating. Except for the outliers such as the sentinels and white ghosts, no one can pose a threat to Nie Cai who enters the dimensional space.

Now there is one more anomaly, and that is this mutated Messenger of Hades. This Messenger of Hades is not a tease like White Ghost who can only show his claws, but a real master of Danjin, twins, a blend of ice and fire. , more difficult to deal with than ordinary Danjin!

"Roar… "

The soul of the messenger of the underworld let out a low roar and rushed toward Nie Cai with an arrow!

It clenched its fist, ice-blue energy suddenly erupted, and a shadow with dragon patterns suddenly appeared, wrapped around its fist, and hit Nie Cai fiercely!

The shadow of this frost dragon was more condensed and larger than when 043 was still alive, which immediately gave Nie Cai a sense of threat.

"It's so difficult!"

Nie Cai sighed secretly, feeling helpless.

Being haunted by the soul of the messenger of Hades, he had to give up the idea of pursuing the black-robed mage Tutankhamun.

Gaining the ability to see through dimensional space, this messenger from the underworld is also a Danjin practitioner. No matter from every aspect, he has become the strongest enemy Nie Cai has ever seen in his life.

If we really want to compare, I am afraid that only the sentry who took away Redel can be compared, but that will have to be after the injury has recovered, and the severely injured Redel before is not included.

In a battle of this level, as long as a flaw is revealed, Nie Cai's life may be in danger. Nie Cai can only devote himself to the battle. How can he care about chasing those necromancers

"Come on... It is rare to encounter such an enemy in this era!"

Nie Cai took a deep breath, turned around, activated his Gang Qi to the extreme, stepped heavily on his feet, and rushed forward!

Tap tap tap…

Nie Cai's steps were heavy, and one by one, red lotuses of karma appeared where he stepped, leaving several red lotuses of karma behind with each step, just like the legendary lotus born step by step.

This is a manifestation of his strong Qi and blood and incomparable concentration of Gang Qi. If he has cultivated to this level, he would have been regarded as a god in ancient times!

In an instant, Nie Cai's sprint brought his speed to the extreme. The hot energy in his palm suddenly exploded, and he struck the opponent's fist with his palm!


Just hearing a huge roar, the two of them were knocked out of the dimensional space!

The underground hall was reinforced with concrete, but it still couldn't withstand the remaining energy of the two people's fight.

Click... click...

The ceiling of the underground hall instantly revealed huge cracks, and dust and gravel fell from the ceiling, falling all over the floor.

As for the furnishings in the underground hall, not to mention, a clear space was opened by the impact of the two people's fight, and it was a mess!

This is because the two of them fought in the dimensional space just now. The dimensional space absorbed part of the impact. Otherwise, the underground hall could collapse with just that move!

Nie Cai felt a slight numbness in his arms, and was shaken by the huge force of the shock, and the energy in his body was scattered. An extremely cold breath, like a steel knife, invaded Nie Cai's meridians and wreaked havoc everywhere.

Nie Cai had no choice but to silently circulate a circle of Gang Qi to dispel the cold air in his meridians and restore Qi and blood to normal.

The condition of the undead messenger of the underworld was worse than that of Nie Cai. Nie Cai was shocked back half a step, and half of his arms were drooped. Even the Frost Dragon True Gang above was shaken to pieces, and the extremely cold breath dispersed. , actually froze his arms.

The only advantage is that it doesn't seem to feel any pain. It doesn't stop at all. Dragging on this injury, it waves its other intact arm and rushes towards Nie Cai!