An Eye for News

Chapter 754: Shock


"Didi didi..."

Hundreds of kilometers away in Cairo, a staff member of the Seismological Bureau saw the seismic recorder sounding an alarm and drawing a long shock wave. He picked up a pen and recorded it casually.

"Slight earthquake, magnitude 2.3, the source should be... Taufik Port?"

His face turned pale and he stood up in horror: "Could it be that China has used missiles? The geology of that place is stable and earthquakes are rare..."

Nie Cai didn't know that he had caused huge panic to the earthquake bureau hundreds of kilometers away. He was still underground, punching and kicking the undead messenger of Hades.

The small space of two or three meters just now was blown open by the shock wave of the two people's fight. It became larger and larger, and it was already more than ten meters in size.

The two of them were fighting each other for who knows how long. Nie Cai felt a little out of breath. They fought one after another without any chance to breathe. This caused his Gang Qi to begin to scatter and his Golden Core to float slightly.

If this continues, Nie Cai estimates that he won't be able to hold on for long, and he is afraid that he will be forced to collapse and consume all the huge energy and blood in the golden elixir!


Nie Cai felt annoyed and slapped the messenger of Hades with a stronger palm.

However, suddenly, a piece of sand fell from above their heads and hit the two of them on the head!

The soft sand hitting his head was nothing, it couldn't cause any harm, but it made him extremely happy.

"Hit it to the ground?"

Nie Cai was stunned for a moment and thought in surprise.

The light came in from outside, and Nie Cai couldn't help but feel refreshed by the fresh air.

But before he had time to be happy, he found that the situation outside seemed not to be good.

His fight with the messenger of Hades created a big pit. Outside the big pit, there were densely packed people.

There were soldiers carrying machine guns, and there were also people carrying RPG rocket launchers on their shoulders, standing ready. The most exaggerated thing was that there were more than a dozen tanks lined up in a row, turning the barrels on the turrets to aim at them, as if they had been prepared for it.

"General Nubar, I can confirm that it was him who detonated those rocket launchers in the desert!"

The black-robed mage Tutankhamun stood next to a pharaoh* wearing a khaki military uniform, gloatingly pointing at Nie Cai and saying.

He escaped from the tunnel, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He simply notified the Pharaoh, and while Nie Cai was still fighting with the undead messengers of Hades, they surrounded the exit of the tunnel!

But what I didn't expect was that Nie Cai didn't come out of the tunnel. Instead, he blasted a big hole in the ground. Fortunately, he didn't deviate too far and was still within the encirclement.

"That's right, General, he was the one who sneaked into our heavily guarded hospital and port authority, and even when he turned into ashes, I recognized him!"

Next to General Nubar was an acquaintance of Nie Cai's, who was the white-robed member of the National Security Bureau of the Pharaoh State whom he had seen before.

Although Nie Cai was disgraced after a fierce battle underground, the man in white robe still recognized Nie Cai at a glance.

"Nie Cai, let me see where you are running this time? This is General Nubar of the Thunder and Lightning Force, the most elite force in the Pharaoh Kingdom. Even you, the messenger of Hades, cannot stop so much artillery fire!"

Tutankhamun sneered and said.

As the saying goes, no matter how good your kung fu is, you can be knocked down with one shot. Although Dan Jin masters are no longer afraid of ordinary bullets, artillery is still a huge threat.

The two messengers of Hades who were killed by rockets or rockets in the desert are living examples. The human body is far from being as strong as one imagines, even for Dan Jin masters.

In order to deal with the conflict with China, the Pharaohs had already deployed heavy troops at Taufik Port. It was easy to mobilize a force, which was enough to deal with Nie Cai.

Nie Cai had heard about this thunder and lightning unit before. It was the most elite special forces of the Pharaohs. It was established after the third Middle East War. It was tasked with regaining the lost land of the Pharaohs. Those who could enter were all the elites among the elites. Command Lieutenant General Guannubar is also known as the Lion of the Pharaoh. Under his command, he has participated in many anti-terrorism operations and has made great achievements.

"Get rid of this Nie Cai. He is the most powerful killer of the Dragon Group and the legendary messenger of Hades! Do you know how much effort I wasted trying to trap him here? Don't waste our sacrifice!"

Tutankhamun whispered to General Nubar beside him, adding a lot of detail.

Nie Cai was not forced here by them, but forced them out. Tutankhamun said this just to put gold on his face.

The messenger of Hades never showed up again after being buried in the sand, as if he had escaped underground. However, Nie Cai could feel a powerful aura dormant at Tutankhamun's feet, and he should be secretly guarding him underground. With Tutankhamun.

Nie Cai took a deep breath and looked at Tutankhamun with sharp eyes.

He was not angry or intimidating at this glance, but the aura of this glance immediately gave these soldiers a feeling of terror. The soldiers nearby were so frightened that they pointed their guns at him. Fortunately, the general was calm and waved his hand. , only to suppress the commotion of the soldiers.

"Don't expose the identity of your cursed sect, otherwise our cooperation will cease and we will try our best to annihilate you!"

That Nubar whispered to Tutankhamun, as if he was worried about collaborating with the cursed sect and ruining the reputation of the Pharaoh's country.

"General Nubar, do you really believe what he says? This Tutankhamun is the leader of the cursed sect and is best at provoking. I have evidence that they are behind the conflicts between your country, China and Iraq. shadow!"

Nie's perception was sharp and he said loudly on purpose.

There was still room in his words, which seemed to wake up General Nubar, but in fact they were a warning to keep a distance from them.

If Nie Cai is really forced to make the evidence public, the Pharaoh Kingdom's blatant collusion with evil organizations like the Curse Sect will definitely be enough to make them drink.

"The Cursed Sect? The legendary Cursed Sect?"

"My parents always used this to scare me when I was a child. It is said to be an extremely evil organization!"

"Yes, this evil organization is known as the gatekeeper of Hades. It specializes in eating human flesh and blood. It's so weird. It's full of things that are neither human nor ghost!"

When the soldiers heard Nie Cai's words, they immediately went crazy and shouted one after another.

"Please be quiet and don't believe this Chinese man's instigation. If you want to be evil and weird, who can be more evil and weird than this man!"

After General Nubar finished speaking, he glanced at Nie Cai in the pit again, his face a little serious.

When the soldiers around him heard Nubal's words, they couldn't help but secretly nod in their hearts. It was weird enough to be able to blast such a big hole in the ground, which was much more powerful than ordinary explosives.

"It can be seen... this person is much more powerful than the military masters I have seen!"

Nubar snorted coldly, feeling a little helpless.

Cooperation with the Curse Sect is a last resort. Other powerful countries can afford to support agent organizations like Dragon Group and Mortier. Although the Pharaoh Kingdom has a long history, it cannot afford to train these money-burning agents, so it can only cooperate with the Curse. The denominations cooperated.

The strength displayed by Nie Cai made him extremely vigilant. He had already heard the rumbling sounds coming from the ground. Before, he had doubted whether someone had detonated a bunch of explosives underground. When Nie Cai appeared in front of him, When he was standing in front of him, he realized that such a big movement was actually caused by the fight between two people.

The Messenger of Hades is a long-standing legend in the Pharaoh Kingdom, and it can be said to be a household name. However, this is just a legend after all. General Nubar did not believe that anyone could really become the Messenger of Hades, even if Tutankhamun personally summoned the Messenger of Hades. When I showed it to him, he was still a little skeptical.

Until today, when he saw Nie Cai's appearance, he didn't know that a person could become so powerful!