An Eye for News

Chapter 756: Special live broadcast


Nubar had already read Nie Cai's information and knew that he was a reporter, but he never cared about it.

In his view, Nie Cai was more like a secret agent, and reporters were just a means to conceal his identity.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Nie Cai would actually return to his job as a reporter and conduct a live broadcast without anyone expecting it.

Even though the two sides were enemies, even he admired Nie Cai's courage at this time.

This is probably the most special live broadcast in history. Facing an army of the country, a reporter still carries out the live broadcast without changing his expression and exposes the shady story. How much courage does it take

One person cannot defeat an entire army, especially when there is an undead messenger from Hades watching eagerly. The only way to survive is to use this live broadcast to prevent the Pharaohs from fearing the impact!

"General, what should we do now? Do we want to take action..."

A soldier next to him asked in a low voice and said.

"No, don't do it!"

Nubar immediately said,

As a lieutenant general of the Pharaoh Kingdom, he is considered to be the top figure, and he is still hoping to run for prime minister or president. If Nie Cai, a reporter, is killed now with the attention of people all over the world, his reputation will be ruined for the rest of his life. Yes, we can basically say goodbye to politics.

"Turn off the nearby mobile base stations! Cut off the power directly! Don't let him continue the live broadcast. Wait until the live broadcast ends and deal with him slowly!"

He was also smart and quickly gave the order.

Taufik Port is a small port and there are not many mobile signal transmitting base stations. As long as the base stations are shut down, Nie Cai's mobile phone will naturally not be able to broadcast live.

When Nie Cai heard General Nubar's words, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

General Nubar finally had some brains, but he couldn't shut down the base station so quickly. He only needed to give Nie Cai a few minutes to complete the live broadcast.

At this time, a prompt came from his Bluetooth headset, reminding him that he could now live broadcast.

Immediately, Nie Cai looked solemn, switched to Mandarin, and spoke to the camera of his mobile phone.

"Host, I am now in the Port of Dussel, Pharaoh. I believe everyone is very interested in the latest situation of the conflict between China and Pharaoh. Reporter Nie Cai will bring you the latest reports from the front. Surround me. In a circle, there is the Pharaoh Army Corps, and you can see that the famous thunder and lightning troops of this Army Corps are the most elite special forces of the Pharaoh Kingdom and are very well-equipped."

Nie Cai paused for a moment, changed the camera to a front-facing camera, and calmly continued the live video broadcast in front of the tanks and artillery of the Pharaoh: "This elite army regiment has put up such a large formation, but it is not actually an exercise. But we are preparing to deal with our reporters. What is this? Please switch the screen and play the footage that the reporters secretly filmed at the risk of their lives."

After Nie Cai finished speaking, he stopped talking and waited quietly.

According to his previous communication with Qin Xiao, the director should have switched the screen at this time and started playing the video, which was the scene of the conflict at the Port Authority that he had "photographed" before.

This conflict was a flashpoint in the tense relationship between the Pharaohs and China. It has been quoted by many national media in recent days, and the audience has seen it countless times.

The people of the Pharaoh's kingdom firmly control the surveillance in their own hands, thinking that it should be foolproof, but who would have thought that there is such a thing as a time-shifting camera component in the world

However, this video of Nie Cai is definitely a heavyweight, because the length of his video is much longer than that disclosed by the Pharaohs. It completely reveals what happened, which is equivalent to dropping a heavy bomb in international public opinion. , which can completely allow China to win back a victory in international public opinion!

a few minutes ago.

Taufik Port, in the escort formation.

Qin Xiao's face was extremely serious, and his hand holding the mobile video workstation was sweating.

"Director Qin, is the satellite signal connected? You should hurry up!"

Ling Xiaolin said hurriedly from the side, stamping her feet anxiously.

After Nie Cai put her down, he asked her to return to the Chinese escort formation and send the information back to China through Qin Xiao's notebook.

In the Pharaoh's country, this may be the safest place, otherwise the angry Pharaoh's team might arrest her immediately.

But just as she and Qin Xiao were editing and processing news materials, Nie Cai's call came in.

"Qin Xiao, I am now surrounded by the Pharaoh's army. The situation is somewhat critical. Please connect me to the live broadcast satellite signal immediately. I want the highest priority. I will broadcast live now."

When they heard Nie Cai's call, everyone could hardly believe their ears.

Surrounded by an army from the Pharaoh Kingdom, Nie Cai actually still has the heart to live broadcast

"Nie Cai... your last live broadcast was on a cruise ship that was about to sink. Now you're having more fun. You're going to scare me to death!"

Qin Xiao took a deep breath and smiled bitterly.

He knew that Nie Cai was in a very dangerous situation, so he quickly called the director of the station, and then used the highest authority to directly send the video signal back to CCTV through the live broadcast satellite.

At first, the station director was a little hesitant, fearing the diplomatic impact and not daring to broadcast live. But Qin Xiao became anxious and directly said that Nie Cai was Mr. Wang’s prospective son-in-law and Mr. Kong’s most valued person. Anyway, I had asked Wang Zhiyu to inform Mr. Wang. Well, if you don’t broadcast it because you are worried about this or that, just wait and bear the wrath of those big shots.

He just hung up the phone when ******'s call came directly to the director's office, one word: broadcast!

The last obstacle to live broadcast disappeared, and the efficiency of CCTV's live broadcast of major events was finally reflected.

CCTV is no joke as one of the world's top TV stations. The speed of broadcasting major news is not inferior to that of ABC, BBC, Fox and other TV stations.

Especially after several major earthquakes that shocked the world, the emergency response speed was almost pushed to the limit. From the news to the broadcast, preparations must be completed within five minutes so that the audience can see it on TV. This has become Hard requirement!

At eight o'clock in the evening, just four minutes and 23 seconds after Nie Cai's call, CCTV 1, CCTV 4, CCTV 7, and CCTV 13 all interrupted the programs being broadcast and began to interrupt the news. .


Mr. Kong, who was watching Korean dramas with his granddaughter just now, went out to answer a phone call. In a rare move, he snatched the remote control from his granddaughter and switched directly to the center set.


Mr. Kong's granddaughter Kong Yunshi suddenly pouted and said unhappily: "I finally came to your place for dinner. The news broadcast is over. Can't you let me watch the long-legged Oppa?"

"This is not ordinary news... Yunshi, do you remember Nie Cai?"

Mr. Kong rarely became serious with his granddaughter and said in a deep voice.