An Eye for News

Chapter 757: Special interview


"Nie Cai saved my life, of course I remember it... But, what does this have to do with you snatching my remote control?"

Kong Yunshi was stunned for a moment and said.

When the plane was hijacked, it was Nie Cai who stepped forward to save everyone on the plane, including her. This incident happened not long ago, so of course she remembered it clearly.

"Of course there is a connection. Don't forget, he is a reporter. There is only so much I can do to help him."

Kong Lao sighed, and before she could react, the TV screen suddenly changed and a breaking news began to appear.

"Breaking news, the Pharaoh Kingdom's confrontation in Tawfik Port at 2 pm local time has the latest situation. During the interview, our reporter Nie Cai was surrounded by the Pharaoh army because he found key evidence. In order to silence them, let us listen to the live broadcast brought to us by our reporter Nie Cai at the scene."

After the host finished speaking with a serious face, the scene turned into a piece of yellow sand.

"Ah... it's Nie Cai. How did he become such a disgraced person?"

Kong Yunshi exclaimed, looked carefully, and laughed again.

I saw Nie Cai holding a selfie stick in his hand, which looked a little funny. It didn't look like he was live broadcasting, but like a tour group taking photos.

However, Nie Cai picked up his selfie stick and quickly panned the camera, and an army of the Pharaohs appeared in front of the audience.

Firearms, artillery, tanks... This is simply a fully-organized army. An entire army surrounded the lonely Nie Cai, and the scene formed a sharp contrast.

"Ah... what is going on? Why do these people look like they are facing a formidable enemy, with their guns pointed at Nie Cai!"

Kong Yunshi jumped up from the sofa and exclaimed.

Being able to interrupt CCTV's live program and insert news is definitely no small matter.

But she never expected that Nie Cai would be in Taufik Port, the center of the recent conflict, and even be surrounded by an entire army!

"Host, I am now in the Port of Dussel, Pharaoh. I believe everyone is very interested in the latest situation of the conflict between China and Pharaoh. Reporter Nie Cai will bring you the latest reports from the front. Surround me. What is in a circle is the Pharaoh Army Corps. As you can see, this Army Corps is numbered xxxx. It is the elite Army Corps of the Pharaoh Kingdom and is very well-equipped."

Nie Cai paused for a moment and changed the camera to a front-facing camera. He did not change his composure in front of the tanks and artillery of the Pharaohs, and his voice was extremely stable: "This elite army regiment has put up such a large formation, but it is not actually an exercise, but They are preparing to deal with our reporters. As for why? Please switch the screen to the director and play the footage that the reporters secretly filmed at the risk of their lives."

After Nie Cai finished speaking, the director immediately switched the screen and began to play the scene of the conflict at the Port Authority that Nie Cai had previously captured through the infinite time-shift camera component.

This scene has been quoted by many media in recent days. Even Kong Yunshi, who doesn't care much about current affairs, has watched it countless times. However, she can tell at a glance that Nie Cai's video is longer than Pharaoh's. The footage revealed by China is much longer.

In the video, the deputy director of the Pharaoh Port Authority, Aria, was aggressive. He first asked for bribes from China, and then continued to incite people from the Pharaoh to take action. He even took the lead in beating people. This was in stark contrast to the footage of the shooting that was released by the Pharaoh. Compared.

But it wasn't over yet. The video screen changed and switched to a scene in the hospital.

Aria sat on the bed energetically and said: "In order to deal with China, I must pretend to be seriously injured to win the sympathy of international public opinion. I must not mention that we beat people first, let alone ask for bribes... "

Seeing this, almost all the viewers sitting in front of the TV were in an uproar!

After watching the first video, I found that although Aria was aggressive, it was true that he was shot after all. Some people, especially those outside China, had some sympathy for him, but after watching the second video, I'm afraid no one will pity him anymore. Deliberately pretending to be seriously injured just to gain sympathy from international public opinion is disgusting.

Mr. Kong, who was sitting upright, suddenly slammed the table and said angrily: "It's so despicable!"

He considered himself to be good at cultivating qi, and he always kept his emotions in check, but this time he really couldn't bear it any longer.

After the hospital scene was broadcast, the scene returned to the news scene.

In front of the camera are black holes of gun muzzles, as well as an entire army.

But the camera is still moving slowly and firmly, as if what is blocking the front does not represent the majesty and violence of the country.

But Nie Cai still took his mobile phone and walked out resolutely, focusing the camera on General Nubar, who looked extremely ugly!

A picture seems to be walking out of the pit, staring at General Nubar outside the pit, and asking loudly: "Here, the reporter can't help but want to interview this General Nubar, who is known as the Lion of the Pharaoh. As a Journalists with news gathering rights, I am just exposing the inside story of your country’s collusion with the Cursed Sect, so why did you send out an entire army to deal with me? Are you afraid that I will expose your collusion with the Cursed Sect?”

Seeing Nie Cai approaching step by step, the Pharaoh soldiers suddenly panicked and quickly raised their guns to aim at Nie Cai.

Click, click!

The sounds of guns being loaded were heard one after another, and in an instant, countless long guns and cannons were pointed at the camera!

"I want to interview you General Banuk, please get out of the way, thank you."

However, in the live broadcast footage, Nie Cai was still holding his phone and speaking in a deep voice.

He walked slowly step by step and approached General Nubar, as if ignoring the soldiers with guns.

Although there are thousands of people, I am going!


In front of the TV, Kong Yunshi suddenly lost her temper and exclaimed loudly.

She had already forgotten the Korean drama she was about to catch up on. She was staring at the camera, for fear of hearing the sound of gunshots and Nie Cai being beaten into a wolf's nest by the soldiers of the Pharaoh Kingdom!

Alone, facing thousands of troops with live ammunition, he still showed no sign of timidity and instead pressed forward step by step. This made the audience in front of the TV sweat a cold sweat for Nie Cai.

"Put the gun down!"

However, at this time, General Nubar immediately cursed loudly and suppressed the guns of the soldiers beside him, preventing them from firing.

It would have been fine if he had killed Nie Cai quietly, and he could have been accused of whatever crime he wanted afterwards. But now that Nie Cai was being broadcast live and questioning him by name, his momentum had reached its peak.

Killing him at this time would be tantamount to being a public enemy of the press, and he would be saddled with a crime that cannot be washed away for the rest of his life!