An Eye for News

Chapter 758: Pressing questions


Under the watchful eyes of countless Chinese spectators, Nie Cai approached Nubar step by step among thousands of troops.

"Take his phone off!"

Someone suddenly shouted, put down the gun in his hand, rushed over, and started to grab Nie Cai's cell phone.

Nubar did not allow these soldiers to shoot, and they did not dare to use weapons. They could only use the most primitive methods to deal with Nie Cai.

In the TV screen, pairs of hands grabbed him, and the entire screen was immediately blocked by their palms, as if a group of hungry ghosts were fighting for food.

"It's so despicable that so many people bully one person!"

Kong Yunshi blushed angrily and said loudly.

She was worried about Nie Cai's life all the time, fearing that something might happen to Nie Cai.

The live broadcast was briefly obscured by the crowd, but the next moment, someone could only hear a low voice!

The selfie stick in Nie Cai's hand shook slightly. There was no movement in the camera, but the two or three soldiers who were rushing forward were knocked away and fell into the crowd behind them.

The camera flickered again and started to spin. All that could be seen was the soldiers walking through the crowd. The soldiers kept cursing and wanted to catch Nie Cai, but no one could catch him. It was not until a moment later that the picture finally returned to stability. , the screen focused on General Nuback again, closer than before, almost face to face with Nie Cai.

"General Nubar, please answer my interview question. Why did the Pharaoh send out an entire army to deal with me? Are you afraid that I will expose your collusion with the Cursed Sect?"

A calm voice sounded, it was Nie Cai.

Seeing Nie Cai handing the phone to him, Nubal opened his mouth with a look of horror and confusion, not knowing how to answer Nie Cai's question.

Forced by Nie Cai's imposing momentum, Nubal was a little panicked at this time and couldn't help but said: "Because... because you threaten the security of our country!"

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately regretted them.

This threat to national security can be said to be because Nie Cai is too powerful, even the undead messengers of the underworld can't control him, or it can be said that the evidence discovered by Nie Cai's secret investigation is too important and has threatened the national security of the Pharaoh Kingdom.

"Threat to security? The Chinese escort fleet was stranded in Taufik Port for repairs due to damaged ships. However, it was surrounded by your troops time and time again. It provoked our country many times and even planned to injure our people and forcibly detained our people. Who is the threat? "

Nie Cai chased after him and continued to ask.

"I... our Pharaoh Kingdom will not take the initiative to provoke, we are just forced by you China!"

Nubal was a little flustered and said quickly.

"It was forced by China. Then the Port Authority of your country openly demanded bribes. Deputy Director Aria openly incited hatred against China, and then pretended to be seriously injured to win pity. Is this also forced by China?"

Nie Cai sneered and asked without giving Nubal any chance to breathe.

"This... these are all accidents..."

In the face of the facts, Nubar's words seemed extremely pale. He was unable to withstand Nie Cai's sharp questions and was almost completely defeated in this confrontation.

"Well done! You deserve my favor for you!"

Even Mr. Kong couldn't help but admire it and laughed happily.

Nie Cai directly defeated General Nubar. Not only was he just using his words, but he also helped China solve a big problem.

China has long promised to respect the sovereignty of other countries, not to interfere in other countries' internal affairs, and not to actively attack other countries. This has always been China's diplomatic policy.

However, during this period of time, the conflict between the Pharaoh Kingdom and China has caused a lot of momentum in international public opinion. Every piece of news released is unfavorable to China, putting China into a difficult situation.

To put it bluntly, the Pharaohs just want to make things worse and arouse the sympathy of others. Even if they initiate a vote at the United Nations, they can take advantage.

It is human nature to sympathize with the weak, and the Pharaoh's position as the weak is undoubtedly the smartest choice. Supporting the Pharaoh and opposing China is also the trend of international public opinion in recent times.

Now, Nie Cai has single-handedly subverted the international image of the Pharaoh and turned from a victim into a conspirator.

Being able to do this will directly reverse China's previous disadvantageous situation and regain its advantage!

"This Nie Cai... I almost forgot, he is really a reporter."

Mr. Kong was a little pleased, stroking his beard and said approvingly.

"Shh... Grandpa, don't talk, it's a tense time!"

Kong Yunshi glared at her grandfather with some dissatisfaction, and turned up the volume of the TV for fear of missing any details.

However, at this moment, the man in white robe behind General Nubar suddenly shouted excitedly, and seemed to be very excited.

He was speaking in Russian, and if she could understand it, she would know that this was the white robe telling General Nubar that the mobile base station had been completely shut down.


The live broadcast suddenly stopped moving, and the picture was frozen on General Nubar's pale face.

"Nie Cai... Nie Cai... can you hear me? There seems to be something wrong with Nie Cai's live broadcast, and I can't contact him now."

The host felt something was wrong at this time and tried calling Nie Cai several times, but there was still no response.

After a moment, the host glanced at the teleprompter and immediately said: "According to our Arabic translation, the last sentence that could be heard before the connection was interrupted was that the mobile base station had been shut down, so the result was The live broadcast was interrupted.

"This station has just received news that our country's foreign affairs department has issued the most severe diplomatic note to the Pharaohs, asking them not to harm Nie Cai. Here we also hope that Nie Cai can return safely and smoothly! Please follow this article for the latest news Taiwan News Channel.”

The host said this with a heavy face, and the breaking news finally came to an end.

Kong Yunshi's favorite long-legged oppa appeared on the TV screen again, but she had no intention of watching it anymore.

"Grandpa, what happened to Nie Cai!"

She was so anxious that her eyes were red, she grabbed Mr. Kong's arm and asked.

"Yunshi, I don't know how Nie Cai is, but don't worry, good people have their own destiny, I believe Nie Cai will be fine!"

Kong Lao's face was a little heavy, but he still patted Kong Yunshi's back gently and comforted her.

Although China has taken action, distant waters cannot save nearby fire. As an outstanding young man like Nie Cai, he hopes that he must turn danger into good fortune and return home safely.

Otherwise... the Pharaoh Kingdom will have to pay the price with blood!