An Eye for News

Chapter 91: Come on


"I can't play ball, you've got the wrong person."

Feeling the hostility prompted by the mind reading component, Nie Cai frowned.

He didn't need to use his mind-reading skills to know what Qin Dapeng's hostility was about.

Li Wei is such a temperamental beauty, even more beautiful than some so-called beauty hosts. She is still single, so it would be strange if she doesn't have some suitors in the provincial TV station.

"You are brave enough to chase the woman I like, but not brave enough to compete with me. What a coward!"

With a provocative look, Qin Dapeng spit out the gum in his mouth and spit it at Nie Cai's feet. If Nie Cai hadn't reacted quickly, it would have almost stuck to his shoes.

You Qin Dapeng, you are simply too deceptive!

Nie Cai was feeling a little unhappy just now, but this time the anger in his heart burned even louder, and he stood up involuntarily: "If you dare not, I will fight you!"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you on the court!"

Qin Dapeng had a ferocious look on his face, said something viciously, and returned to the court with the basketball.

"Nie Cai, do you really want to go up and fight?"

Seeing that the warm-up preparations of both sides were over and the official game was about to begin, Li Wei said with worry.


Nie Cai nodded and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

"But... you don't even have a uniform, so it would be too much to go out and play like this..."

Li Wei hesitated for a moment, not daring to hit Nie Cai too hard.

Nie Cai's height was barely over 1.7 meters, neither too tall nor too short, and he was quite strong, but his skills were really poor. She had seen it from the sidelines just now. Nie Cai had made several shots but failed to score. He even threw a few misses.

Even if this is a unit competition, this level is too appalling.

At this level, do you dare to fight Qin Dapeng

This Qin Dapeng is the absolute main force of the provincial and Taiwanese teams. He is physically strong, technically proficient, and can also dunk. He simply surpasses Nie Cai by several blocks.

"It's okay. I can't run fast anyway, so it won't have much impact."

Nie Cai smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously.

Li Wei suddenly fainted when she heard Nie Cai's answer.

Has little effect? The impact is too great, okay? Can someone in a suit and leather shoes play ball

"Be careful. Don't hold on if you can't. It won't be embarrassing if you can't beat that bear anyway."

Li Wei sighed and said hesitantly: "Be careful of Qin Dapeng trying to trick you. This person... is bold and has a dark heart!"

Qin Dapeng likes to make some small moves when he plays. Players who have defended him know that many people suffer losses.

Didn't she know that Nie Cai didn't want to play in the first place, but because of himself, he was provoked by Qin Dapeng to participate in the game.

Nie Cai took off his watch and placed it next to Li Wei, then smiled at her and walked towards Director Luo Rong.

Luo Rong is the nominal coach of this game, and Nie Cai needs his permission to play.

Maybe his football skills are terrible, but after all, Nie Cai has a super news system. No matter how powerful this Qin Dapeng is, can he be better than him

"Director Luo, I would like to apply to play on the court..."

But before Nie Cai finished speaking, Luo Rong's head was shaking like a rattle, saying nothing to let Nie Cai play.

"You should continue to sit on the bench. This is the semi-finals. It depends on whether we can enter the top three or even first place. Listen to my advice and don't fight with Qin Dapeng!"

He had just seen the quarrel between Qin Dapeng and Nie Cai, and knew the whole story.

Besides, Luo Rong also saw Nie Cai's poor shots just now. This level is really bad, and even if he barely plays, it will cause chaos to the team.

Nie Cai tried his best to talk and talk, but it was of no use. He could only sit on the cold bench on the bench in depression.

At this moment, the referee blew his whistle to signal players from both sides to enter the field.

Qin Dapeng walked into the field. He was obviously much taller than others at about 1.9 meters tall, and he felt like he stood out from the crowd.

At a glance, he saw Nie Cai sitting on the bench and sneered, with a look of contempt on his face.

He had made quite a fuss just now, and many people knew about it. Seeing Qin Dapeng sneer at him, they immediately began to gloat and boo.

"I heard just now that this newcomer is going to challenge Qin Dapeng..."

"What a one-on-one challenge? You see, he is on the bench, which means he is not good enough to play in the starting lineup!"

"That's right, we can only rely on my family, Li Wei, to turn the tide and lead our n-city TV station to victory!"

There was a round of chattering in the audience, not only from the provincial TV station, but also from the n city TV station. Of course, most of these people were talking with disdain or gloating, and none of them thought highly of Nie Cai at all.

This feeling was absolutely uncomfortable. Nie Cai gritted his teeth and wished he could go on stage right away and teach Qin Dapeng a lesson to let him know how powerful he was.

The referee held the whistle in his mouth and blew the whistle, and the much-anticipated semi-final finally began.

Qin Dapeng relied on his height advantage to grab the ball without any pressure during the jump ball.

"Give me the ball!"

Qin Dapeng rushed to the half court of the N City TV team and asked for the ball from the players.

In the provincial team's style of play, Qin Dapeng was the undisputed core. Soon the ball was passed to his hands and approached the three-point line.

Two players from City N's TV station came over to double-team, one on the left and one on the right, but he made a feint, broke through the defender, made a hook under the basket, and safely threw the basketball in, taking the first one. city.

But the players from City N TV quickly launched a counterattack. Li Wei got the ball and with a pick-and-roll from the players, he directly shot a three-pointer.


The basketball passed through the net, and the score came back.

In terms of personal ability, Qin Dapeng has unparalleled advantages, but the N City TV team sent people from the same column, and they usually like to play together, so they cooperate very well.

After the first quarter, the two sides actually played back and forth, and the score was not open by more than two points.

But after a short rest, the Provincial and Taiwanese teams changed to a more aggressive style of play. Qin Dapeng forced a breakthrough under the basket, running rampant like a humanoid tank.

There was no strong man as heavyweight as Qin Dapeng in the N City TV team, so there was no way to stop him. Qin Dapeng started to jump after crossing the free throw line, holding the basketball in one hand, and directly poured the ball in.

One-handed tomahawk dunk!

Although Qin Dapeng is arrogant, even Nie Cai has to admit that he does have two skills in playing ball.

The audience of the Provincial Taiwan Team suddenly burst into loud cheers. As the momentum ebbed and flowed, the situation on the field suddenly took a turn for the worse.

"This can't go on like this!"

Xu Jiehao was also panicking. He gritted his teeth and called on his teammates to switch defenses and deal with Qin Dapeng himself.

But Xu Jiehao seemed to be overestimating his capabilities, and Qin Dapeng was also angry, as if he vented his dissatisfaction with Nie Cai on the court.

He once again made a brutal charge with the ball, knocking Xu Jiehao to the ground. Not only did he have a nosebleed, but he also had a large scrape of skin on his knee, and he was limping when he walked.

Of course, this kind of player can no longer play on the court, and can only be supported and sit off the court.

N City TV station continued to replace him with another substitute that Nie Cai didn't know, and even changed it to three people jointly guarding Qin Dapeng.

But Qin Dapeng was also amazing. He broke through the three men's defenders and made another powerful slam dunk.

The substitute who had just been replaced seemed not to have expected that Qin Dapeng was so powerful. He hit him in the chest and immediately fell to the ground, screaming ouch and ouch. It seemed that he could not get up for a while.

"Isn't this really a foul?"

"Director Luo, go negotiate with the referee!"

Someone started to boo in the auditorium of N City TV Station. Luo Rong looked a little embarrassed and suppressed the speaker: "The referee didn't call it. There's nothing I can do about it..."

In fact, the penalty just now can be imposed or not, but who is Qin Dapeng? That's Deputy Director Qin's son. The referee will always favor him, but no one will say anything.

The situation was always tilting towards the Provincial Taiwanese team until the end of the second quarter, when Li Wei's layup with the ball was blocked by Qin Dapeng, and all the practice leaders were pushed to the ground, groaning in pain. The balance has tilted towards the Provincial and Taiwanese teams.

The score has been stretched to a desperate 19-40, and the remaining two quarters seem to have become garbage time...

"Damn it, this Qin Dapeng is not playing ball. He is beating people. He has already injured several people!"

Xu Jiehao's feet had already been medicated and he said through gritted teeth.

"That's right, he seems to be playing with emotion. He is probably venting his anger on us, and the referee is also facing them. How can we fight like this!"

Li Wei limped along and said helplessly.

He is the main force of N City TV Station. With this injury, N City TV Station's offense will be half-fired. It seems that there is no hope.

"Director Luo, please take my place."

Nie Cai came over again and said to Luo Rong.

"Qin Dapeng was even more violent when you came on. If all the team members were injured, we wouldn't even be able to get third place!"

Luo Rong was distressed, and Nie Cai came over to him, which made him even more upset.

With Nie Cai's skills, it's useless to play. What threat can he pose to Qin Dapeng

"You just missed several dribbles. Do you want to use your stupidity to kill Qin Dapeng?"

Li Wei rubbed his knees and said sarcastically.

These words seemed to win the hearts of everyone, and everyone nodded in unison.

Nie Cai could only smile bitterly. He obviously had a super eye for news. Maybe there would be a turnaround if he were replaced and he could turn the tide and catch up with the score, but no one in the entire team trusted him.

"Just to make him furious, I will go up to attract his anger. Maybe he will be so angry that he will not be as powerful as before."

Nie Cai just made up a random reason to convince Luo Rong and said.

Unexpectedly, Luo Rong thought about it for a long time, as if it was a broken jar, and actually agreed.

When Nie Cai heard Luo Rong agreed, his eyes suddenly lit up. This time it was finally his turn to play!