An Eye for News

Chapter 97: Running wildly


Upon hearing the number one hundred thousand, the faces of the AIDS demolition team members all changed. Their eyes looking at Nie Cai instantly became a little more ferocious and a little greedy...

"No! Does the Tang Group want my life?"

Nie Cai's heart sank. He gritted his teeth and pulled away the AIDS demolition team member who was holding a syringe in front of him. He threw himself and slammed into the corridor window.


The window in the corridor was an old-fashioned wooden glass window. Due to its age, it was actually in a state of decay. Nie Cai's collision immediately shattered the window into pieces.

What is outside the window is not flat ground, but an excavated foundation pit, which is more than two meters high from the ground. Coupled with the distance from the window sill, it is even higher.

Nie Cai only felt that his body fell heavily to the ground and rolled along the slope of the foundation pit to the bottom. He hit an unknown number of rocks, which made his eyesight black and his chest almost out of breath.

Fortunately, there was only soft loess in this foundation pit. If steel bars had been added, Nie Cai would have been stabbed to the core by the sharp steel bars.

But Nie Cai knew that he had no time to rest, so he gritted his teeth and stood up, looking behind him.

A group of AIDS demolition team members with syringes in their hands filed out from the gate of the community and chased him.

The residents of the community screamed and fled in all directions, and no one dared to stop them.

"Damn it, these people can really do anything for money!"

Nie Cai took a deep breath, determined the direction based on his impression, and quickly ran up the slope of the foundation pit.

"catch him!"

"Don't let him run away. If he runs away, there will be no money!"

The sound of pursuers came from behind, and the AIDS demolition team members chased Nie Cai along the edge of the foundation pit.

Nie Cai's eyesight turned black and his feet were a little soft. The fall just now was so hard that he still hasn't recovered, which made him run much slower than usual.

But now there is no time to rest. The only thought in Nie Cai's mind is to run, run as hard as he can!

He finally climbed to the edge of the foundation pit, and a member of the AIDS demolition team ran over, holding the syringe in his hand, and stabbed Nie Cai hard in the arm.

If he let him hit him, there was a high chance that he would be infected with HIV. Even if Nie Cai could beat him afterwards, there would be no way to save him.

"Don't blame me for attacking you. If not, blame you for being too greedy!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and swept over with his legs.

The plight of these AIDS patients is sympathizing, but now they are blinded by money. Nie Cai has no choice but to attack them in order to protect himself.

"ah… "

The man screamed, and his body was immediately swept down by Nie Cai, and he rolled down the slope of the foundation pit.

"Dare to hurt our people?"

Soon another team member rushed over, just in time to see Nie Cai kick the man down, which made him furious.

He was holding a syringe in his hand, and he actually used the syringe as a dart and threw it towards Nie Cai.

Nie Cai was about to climb out of the pit. At this time, there was no way to dodge, and he was about to be hit by this needle!

At the critical moment, Nie Cai narrowed his eyes slightly, and the speed of the syringe suddenly slowed down. Nie Cai raised his hand to block it, using the camera as a shield, and hit the syringe.


The syringe was hit by the iron casing of the camera and fell into the pit.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nie Cai grabbed a stone from the ground and smashed it into the opponent's knee.


The man screamed, his calf bone was smashed, and he immediately squatted down, screaming in pain.

After dealing with two people one after another, Nie Cai did not dare to stop at all. He jumped out of the pit with all his strength and ran towards the gate of the community.

The AIDS demolition team members were walking in a hurry, and Nie Cai was in a daze after the fall. The two sides ran and chased each other, and they ran to the dilapidated gate of the community in no time!

"Throw the syringe and stab him to death!"

The AIDS demolition team members behind were yelling, but their accuracy was really off. They were only a few dozen meters away, but the syringe was thrown thousands of miles away.

Finally, one or two syringes were about to hit Nie Cai, but Nie Cai seemed to have an eye in the back of his head. He took a picture with the camera on his hand and missed the shot of the syringe. .

Nie Cai sneered in his heart. He had been paying attention to the movements behind him. Isn't it easy to smash away these weak "hidden weapons"

As soon as you exit the gate, you will find a village in the city. The terrain outside is complex, and you should be able to get rid of the AIDS pursuers behind you.

Nie Cai took a deep breath and was about to use his remaining strength to rush out of the gate when he saw seven or eight people suddenly rushing out of the land acquisition and demolition headquarters at the gate of the community.

These people wore sunglasses on their faces and held long sabers in their hands. As soon as they met, they pointed at Nie Cai and rushed over with shouts.

"No, it's a thug from the Tang Group!"

Nie Cai felt a chill in his heart and thought to himself.

If in normal times, Nie Cai, the seven or eight men with swords, would not have them in his hands, it would only take a minute or two to deal with them.

But now there was a man holding a knife in front of him blocking the way, and an AIDS patient behind him was holding a syringe and flying needles to kill him. Nie Cai was suddenly in a desperate situation.

"There's no other way, let's fight!"

Nie Cai took a deep breath and rushed towards the saber.

Just when Nie Cai was about to hit the knife edge, his body twisted strangely and flew past the man holding the knife.


The saber struck the concrete floor so hard that sparks burst out.

Without even looking at him, Nie Cai kicked him down, then rushed towards the gate of the community desperately.

He had no choice but to run outside, otherwise, it would be troublesome if the AIDS demolition team behind him caught up and surrounded him!

Sure enough, Nie Cai's delay caused the AIDS demolition team to catch up, but this time they hesitated and did not dare to continue throwing syringes.

These men in black should be from the big boss. If there is an accidental injury, they may not even get good results.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

With red eyes, Nie Cai pounced on a man in black who was blocking him.

The man in black raised his saber high and was about to slash at Nie Cai, but Nie Cai grabbed his wrist and slashed forward with the knife in his hand.

The saber struck the arm of a man in front, causing the latter to groan and the saber in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Nie Cai simply pulled and hit the man in black with his knee in the ribs, causing him to kneel on the ground clutching his ribs.

After knocking down three people one after another, Nie Cai finally opened a passage in front of him. Without thinking, Nie Cai immediately ran out of the gate of the community desperately!

Nie Cai felt that his lungs were burning. The injuries from falling in the pit had already exploded, and his whole body was in burning pain.

But he didn't dare to relax at all. Instead, he used up his last strength and ran out of the gate of the community as if lifeless!

Outside the community is the market in the urban village. Nie Cai panicked and accidentally knocked over a vendor's vegetable stall.

"Fuck, if you dare to bump into my stall, please pay..."

The vendor was about to curse when he saw a group of menacing pursuers running behind Nie Cai, holding knives and syringes, and immediately ran away screaming.

Nie Cai grabbed the vegetable vendor's pole and threw it behind him without looking back. It hit the man in black with a knife who was the first to chase him. He immediately suffered a bloody head injury and fell to the side of a vegetable market. At the fish stall.

The stall's water tank was knocked over by him, and with a large amount of flowing water, hundreds of live fish jumped out of the water tank and flopped on the ground.

A running man in black was caught off guard and stepped on a slippery fish. He fell to the ground and couldn't get up, clutching his waist.

"Well done, little fish, I won't eat your kind this month!"

Nie Cai breathed a sigh of relief. These hundreds of fish bought him precious time, allowing him to finally escape.

But at this moment, Nie Cai heard a bang, and a van crashed into the small market like crazy, knocking over several stalls selling poultry, and stopped in front of Nie Cai.

A group of chickens and ducks were flapping their wings and flapping around. Amid the feathers in the sky, the door of the van opened with a crash, and seven or eight men in black with knives jumped out of the van, blocking Nie Cai's path. The road ahead.

"That's him, chop him to death!"

This group of people rushed towards Nie Cai, shouting and yelling, looking menacing.

Nie Cai's heart sank, he grabbed a basket of vegetables in front of him and threw it at them, then turned a corner and got into a small alley next to the market!

This is an unfamiliar area. If it hadn't been for the minivan, Nie Cai would have escaped by now. But now, Nie Cai could only panic and run around based on his feelings.

There were scoldings from the pursuers behind him, and Nie Cai had no choice. In his current state, there was no way he could defeat so many people, so he had no choice but to keep running forward!

Finally, after running for who knows how long, Nie Cai rushed out of this winding alley, and his eyes suddenly opened up!

This is a medium-sized street. Because it is a village in the city, the whole street is deserted and not many shops are open.

However, before Nie Cai had time to take a breath, at this moment, another van appeared and rushed into the street.

The door of the van opened, and six or seven people rushed out with a roar. As soon as they met, they rushed towards Nie Cai.

Nie Cai felt that his eyes were going dark. He had already been injured when he fell into the pit, and then his running all the way had exhausted most of his strength. Now he was probably at the end of his strength!

"Am I going to die here today..."

Nie Cai's eyes darkened and he gritted his teeth and said.

In order to avoid being too conspicuous in this urban village, he parked his car far away and had to walk at least ten minutes to get it.

In normal times, this ten-minute journey is nothing, but now, it is the distance between life and death!

Without a car, how can you escape the enemy's dragnet

He smiled bitterly. At this point, it was obvious that the other party had set up a dragnet to deal with him. There was no point in escaping, so he had to fight to the death. Killing one would be enough, and killing two would be profitable!