An Inconspicuous Shooting Star

Chapter 1: first meet


"What is love at first sight? From the day I saw you, you have always appeared in my dreams, in my mind, and lingering."

Probably because the summer in Rongcheng has not yet faded away, the heat rolling in the air made people a little impatient, until the moment when the shadow covered his path, Cheng Yan noticed that someone behind him was holding him. Then stopped.

The sun was shining from behind the man, and when he turned his head, he couldn't see the other's expression clearly, only the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the beautiful jawline caught his eye.

He heard people ask him, "Classmate, how can I get to the auditorium?"

"South." He whispered back, but without waiting for the person to thank him, he turned around and walked back directly to the dormitory building.

The campus of Rongda University is full of camphor trees, because the leaders of the school wanted to learn the orderliness of northern cities when it was built, which made several roads look very similar. It was like the one that had just been stopped by someone, and the one before returning to the dormitory was no different at first glance, but only those who lived here could tell the difference.

Without the sound of cicadas, the impetuousness of people's hearts has not been weakened by the torn calendars, especially in this weather, the noisy voices are accompanied by the reciprocating scenery, which makes people feel like they are always quiet. In the endless nightmare, it is difficult to escape.

Sweat slipped from the forehead to the eyelashes, Cheng Yan looked at the mirage-like scene in front of him, and couldn't even think too much.

Fortunately, the air-conditioning floor of the dormitory building was open on the whole floor, and before entering the building, the slight coolness from the gap between the door saved him in advance.

The corner mirror on the first floor rarely showed a figure, but even if the mirror surface was polished, it could not reflect the drooping head, the forehead hair sticking to the ear, and the heavy glasses. expression below.

In the words of college classmates, Cheng Yan's character is very similar to this image.

So when he entered the dormitory, what greeted him was only the noise of the mechanical keyboard, and a shout: "Cheng Yan, you're back? It's just right, so what, are you going to the South Gate in a while? I listened to the lecture in the auditorium and just helped me get the courier."

The person who spoke was called Liu Rong, and although he was in the same dormitory, they were not related to each other. Liu Rong's major was arranged at home, and graduation was also arranged at home, so it was obviously the employment season, so he stayed in the dormitory all day and didn't go out.

Cheng Yan heard what he said, and didn't reply immediately. Instead, he climbed onto the top bunk. It wasn't until after a while when people asked the second time, he replied softly, "No."

After hearing this reply, Liu Rong couldn't help making a "hiss", and then with the sound of "DEFEAT" coming from the computer, he also stood up and said to the bed, "What's wrong with you? You go down, or I will be sent back by express."

This made Cheng Yan's head dizzy and rose again. Fortunately, the air-conditioning vent was facing his bed, which calmed his turbulent brain somewhat.

Liu Rong waited for a while and ignored him. He had no choice but to pull the stool to make a harsh sound, then sat down and started a new game.

Hearing this sound, Cheng Yan just turned to face the wall, opened his eyes and said nothing.

There are employment-related lectures in the auditorium, which are routinely arranged by the school for their senior freshmen, but today it is mainly for those students in the business school, and it is not related to the small language that Cheng Yan has learned, so he naturally has no plans to go.

Not long after lying down, for some unknown reason, on the edge of the dream, the corners of the lips with the light behind their backs appeared indistinctly, and the opening and closing of the lips when asked softly, the man seemed to be saying something, He also replied something.

What can be said? Cheng Yan was a little confused when he woke up. He glanced at the time, then looked at the ceiling and thought for a while. After calculating that there was still an hour before the lecture in the auditorium, he got up and said to Liu Rong, who was still in the fierce battle. After saying a few words, he left the bedroom door and walked towards the south gate.

Liang Chen of the student union stood at the entrance of the auditorium and was surprised when she saw Cheng Yan who was entering. At first, she thought that she was admitting the wrong person. After all, people with such an image were not uncommon in Rongda, but when she confirmed that it was Cheng Yan, He hurriedly handed the roll call to the classmate next to him and chased after him.

"Ayan." Liang Chen shouted.

Seeing it was her, Cheng Yan smiled slightly, and then replied, "Why are you here?"

"Hey, there aren't enough students in the business school student union today, so I brought us to make up the count." Liang Chen stood beside him with a smile, and he didn't care that the people around him were looking here, so he took Cheng Yan's arm and walked in. .

Although it was still early, the auditorium was already full of people. Liang Chen took Cheng Yan around and could not find a suitable seat, so regardless of the regulations, he dragged him directly to the dedicated area for the student union in the front row. , and then went to help for a while, until the host came on stage and returned to his seat again.

Unlike Liang Chen, Cheng Yan has never had a sense of existence, but Liang Chen walked in and saw him, and a few people around noticed him.

Although Liang Chen was his youngster, she was also considered a talented woman in the social college. Xu Shi knew that there were not a few people who knew her, and when they saw him and Liang Chen together again, there were some whispers around. Although those discussions were unclear, they couldn't stop the key words from drifting into my ears.

Liang Chen didn't care because of his carefree personality, and jokingly said to him, "Do you know who is here today?"

"Huh?" Cheng Yan noticed that the person had come back, and before Liang Chen could introduce again, he seemed to hear the host speak on stage.

Cheng Yan didn't hear a word of what he said specifically. He only remembered that the podium lit by the spotlights was very bright, and the people on the stage were dressed in slim suits, and the corners of their mouths when they smiled were as good-looking as seeing them in the early afternoon.

At that moment, the surrounding world seemed to be all quiet. Whether it was the wooden podium or the seats covered with red velvet cloth, they disappeared from sight. The whole space seemed to be separated by the world, and there were some , just looking at the man himself, and the man standing in the center as dazzling as the sun.

The light behind him embraced his body, as if to melt every corner of the clothes into the light, making it a little unclear.

Cheng Yan couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Then he heard, accompanied by the faint sound of electricity from the microphone, the man opened his mouth and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Huo Sheng."

The author has something to say:

Double update today. In addition, I would like to thank Mrs. Da Qingzao'er for the protagonist's name, which saved my name cancer.

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