An Inconspicuous Shooting Star

Chapter 11: Slightly concealed


"I'm afraid that any clues will allow you to discover my shameful selfish desires."

Candid photography is very addictive. After the first time, there will be a second and third time, like when I set off to shoot his back across the crowd, or the man and Liang Chen go up together. When leaving, I candidly photographed his slightly turned side face.

Although Cheng Yan knew that this was not good, he still couldn't help but do it. He would put those pictures in the album on his mobile phone, and then upload them to the cloud for storage.

He couldn't help but despise his little action, but he couldn't match his selfishness.

Just taking pictures made him feel a little happy, but in terms of mountain climbing, he still really overestimated himself.

Probably it was the joy of being able to work with Huo Sheng, which washed away his sanity, so that he had no resistance to the sun. When he climbed halfway, he couldn't help but told his colleagues on the administrative side that he wanted to slow down and asked again. When it was time for the return journey, I left the team and walked slowly.

The administrative side also thought that this was a team building, and it would be meaningless to separate, and they thought about refusing to come, but looking at his slightly pale face exposed to the sun, and worried that he would be uncomfortable, a few people discussed it. , and finally explained to him that he should not insist, if not, you can go down the mountain to the meeting point and wait for the bus, and then leave first.

To say that Cheng Yan is all tired from going up the mountain, that's not the case. He got up too early in the morning and didn't get enough sleep at all. At this point, he felt a little overdrawn when he exercised.

Fortunately, he had plenty of time to listen to what the administration said about the situation, so he walked up slowly.

Although the temperature on the mountain is not high, it is still very sunny.

Fortunately, there were many mountain springs along the road, and Cheng Yan felt unbearable, so he sat beside the mountain spring, took the water through the bamboo pipe given by the local residents and rushed on his arm.

The coolness made him feel a little better, and after a little relaxation, he began to hesitate whether to just go on like this.

There were people passing by constantly along the way, and he lowered his head to ease the discomfort in his body.

But he didn't think about it. After sitting there and resting for a few minutes, a gentle male voice came from above his head and asked him, "Are you alright?"

Cheng Yan's glasses were placed on the rock on the side, and when he looked up at the person, the picture was not clear, but he still clearly identified the other person's identity, and hurriedly said, "No, it's okay."

Huo Sheng was also a little surprised by this look up. Because Cheng Yan usually bows his head slightly, or wears his thick-rimmed glasses, he can't see his eyes most of the time.

Looking at it this way, he suddenly found that the other party's eyes are very beautiful, with thick eyelashes, and the eye shape is also a standard almond eye, but it seems that it is because of severe shortsightedness and the lack of focal length, which makes him look somewhat dull.

He watched the person in front of him stretched his hand to the side of the rock to pick up the glasses, put them on the bridge of his nose and returned to his usual state, and couldn't help laughing, "I find your eyes are very beautiful."

In an instant, Cheng Yan's heart jumped, and he looked away with a bit of embarrassment, "No, no."

Huo Sheng thought that he had misunderstood what he meant, so he quickly explained: "I mean, your eyes are very good-looking, and the good-looking eyes can easily be passed on to children, and your children in the future must also be very cute."

Hearing this, Cheng Yan's heart slowed down unconsciously.

It turned out to be the case. He didn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed, but he thanked him with a slightly flushed face, and then asked again, "Speaking of which, why did you come here, the big unit?"

"The main force has already gone up the mountain. I looked around and didn't see you. I asked the administration to know that you were not feeling well, so I came down to take a look. I was afraid that something would happen to you." Huo Sheng said truthfully.

Cheng Yan suddenly became happy again, the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising upwards, and he whispered, "I'm fine, I just don't exercise very often."

Huo Sheng laughed out loud, "You are so young, don't you do more activities?"

Cheng Yan paused for two seconds after hearing the words, and then whispered again: "I'm not young anymore."

"Aren't you young anymore?" Huo Sheng said happily, "How old are you? You said you're not young anymore."

"27, it's not too small." Cheng Yan stood up, raised his head slightly and looked at each other.

"It's true, but it's not too big," Huo Sheng said, "but your temper is really serious. I'm like you at this time, and I'm still a little squeamish."

Think about my time, 6 years ago? Cheng Yan thought about it for a second, then wrote the words "I don't believe it" on his face and looked back.

When Huo Sheng saw this expression, he was provoked to laugh: "Is it so unbelievable?"

"No." Cheng Yan replied.

But he still couldn't help thinking about the first time he saw each other 7 years ago, and the high-spirited Huo Sheng he saw when he first joined the former company a year after that.

In his heart, instead of saying that Huo Sheng was a little squeamish, it would be better to just say that he was not as calm as he is now. The Huo Sheng he was referring to back then was very courageous in doing things, and he not only dared to mention many things that others would not dare to think about. Dare to do it.

It’s like there was a case that year. Although the cost of the project was high enough, many people felt that it was a difficult problem and couldn’t do it. When everyone encounters this kind of case, most of them will choose to avoid it if they can. After all, the things they have come up with are uncertain, and it will be difficult to build again if they lose their trust. However, Huo Sheng proposed it himself or not. At that time, he was just a call. Several people who had been in the same group with him raised their hands and offered to follow him.

Cheng Yan, who was a newcomer that year, heard other people's gossip at the dinner table, and couldn't help but admire it.

Of course, Huo Sheng also made it happen. Although Huo Sheng himself mentioned that there was some luck in the final summary, it was such a thing after all, and the outcome determined the outcome.

Huo Sheng looked at him with a smile, obviously not taking his denial seriously, "It's you who came out to work after graduating from college?"

"Well." Cheng Yan replied.

"Is it convenient to ask which company you were in before?" Huo Sheng continued to chat.

But Cheng Yan hesitated after hearing it, then thought for a moment, and finally said, "The company is not big, I guess you haven't heard of it."

Huo Sheng didn't ask any further questions, and the two continued to walk up.

For a while, the two didn't bring up new topics, and Cheng Yan couldn't help but feel some regrets in his heart. What could I do? I used to be in the same company as the other party, and I was transferred around the same time. As a result, I am so easily nervous about people now. I am always afraid that the other party will think too much.

He fell into a trance in silence, thinking about it, and didn't even see a gap in the front steps.

Cheng Yan, who stepped on the empty foot, slammed his knee directly on the stone, and the pain made him grit his teeth instantly and frowned.

Huo Sheng, who was two steps ahead, didn't pay attention until he heard a passerby say, "This fell a little hard", then he hurriedly turned around and ran down, grabbed his arm, and said with concern, "You Are you all right?"

Jianshi's knees and frayed palms hurt so badly that Cheng Yan was a little speechless. He turned around and sat down for a while before whispering, "It's okay."

Despite what he said, blood was still oozing from his knees and hands. Huo Sheng rolled up his trouser legs to take a look and said decisively, "Anyway, let's go down the mountain first."

Cheng Yan nodded first, and when he raised his eyes, he saw again that Huo Sheng was holding out his hand like him with the sunshine behind his back, as if to help him.

The sunlight surrounded Huo Sheng, as if to outline a shape for him, and at this moment, Cheng Yan couldn't help but think of the moment he first met in the hot afternoon that year.

It feels a little unreal.

The author has something to say:

Four shifts (4/5)