An Inconspicuous Shooting Star

Chapter 14: All good


"He's been nice to everyone, not just me."

Huo Sheng returned to his usual state on the Monday after the weekend.

During the morning meeting in the morning, Cheng Yan noticed that the other party's condition was a little better, and the smile was put on his face again, which made him very happy.

Even this kind of happiness was obvious, even when Liang Chen asked Cheng Yan for help, he could see it, and asked him, "What is it that makes you feel so good."

Cheng Yan looked at her, just shook his head and didn't speak.

Liang Chen asked again, "Speaking of which, didn't your mother arrange a blind date for you?"

"..." Cheng Yan admired the topic and turned speechless, but after he finished speaking, he couldn't help but nodded slowly.

Only now did Liang Chen smile, and then said, "It really does."

The laughter attracted the interest of Miao Yu, who was on the side, and hurriedly asked, "What? What's so funny?"

Liang Chen just glanced at the other party and said truthfully: "Blind date."

"What? Did Cheng Yan go on a blind date?" Miao Yu was so surprised.

After listening, Liang Chen smiled and waved his hand, explaining, "No, it's me. I went there once before."

"Ah?" Miao Yu was even more surprised now, "Assistant Liang, do you still need a blind date? I thought..." Halfway through her sentence, she glanced to the side and stopped quickly.

"Why?" Liang Chen continued to ask.

"I thought someone as good as you would be able to escape." Miao Yu said, "However, what kind of assistant do you like? Brother Sheng's kind?"

"Well..." Liang Chen didn't shy away from talking about this, "Brother Sheng is really suitable for marriage, but it's definitely not for falling in love."

"What do you mean? The amount of information in these words is a bit large." Miao Yu said.

Liang Chen approached and whispered to Miao Yu, and then Miao Yu spread it out in disbelief, "Isn't that the legendary scumbag attribute?"

Cheng Yan heard the reputation.

Miao Yu also stared and looked back at each other.

Cheng Yan saw that he couldn't understand it at Miao Yu's place, so he turned to look at Liang Chen again.

Liang Chen suddenly burst into laughter with Miao Yu and said, "Looking at your frightened look, you just said that Brother Sheng is good to everyone, and praise him."

Hearing this, Cheng Yan calmed down a little, but he couldn't help but go through the idea of 'being nice to everyone', and was more certain that the previous thoughts were all illusions.

Liang Chen chatted a few words, and the information happened to be transferred to Cheng Yan, so he took the backup and left.

The remaining Miao Yu looked at Cheng Yan with a smile on his face, and after a while, he leaned over and said, "Cheng Yan, hello, there is a distance from everyone, so that it can show that it is special." Then she shrank back.

Cheng Yan was stunned by this sentence, and couldn't help but wonder if he was a little too enthusiastic about Huo Sheng, and couldn't help but worry.

He couldn't tell for a while, like this kind of behavior of deliberately doing things late at night, and then waiting for the person to leave, what it looked like in the eyes of the other party.

So because of this sentence, Cheng Yan originally went to the tea room to try his luck at noon every day, but he didn't go there at noon that day, but sat early in front of his work, lying on his stomach and didn't move.

When Miao Yu came back, it was strange to see him in advance, "Cheng Yan, are you sick?"

"No," Cheng Yan raised his head, "why do you ask that?"

Miao Yu blinked, "You didn't usually come back for lunch break before, but when you come back for lunch break suddenly, you feel very abnormal. It's like if you usually do one thing often and suddenly stop doing it, it will look very abnormal. "

Cheng Yan, who was sitting there, stared at the table in silence, and suddenly felt that Miao Yu's words made sense, but in a blink of an eye, he thought that he was a small person, maybe the other party didn't notice at all, so he fell down again. , said in a muffled voice, "It's okay, I just want to rest."

Since Huo Sheng mentioned in the morning meeting that the entire completion time of the project should be slightly earlier, everyone has entered a state of tension.

Because Cheng Yan has been procrastinating for a long time every night a few days ago, relatively speaking, the progress is much faster.

After Fatty knew about this, he couldn't help throwing things over to do it, and he said, "It's too late, so please help, everyone is a colleague."

Cheng Yan knew what Fatty was thinking, but he couldn't refuse, so he just took it silently and did it as a part of himself.

After get off work in the afternoon, Huo Sheng suddenly called Cheng Yan into the office.

When Cheng Yan saw the news, he thought it was because Fatty was found out or there was some problem at work, but he didn't want to push the door in and saw Huo Sheng sitting alone in the office and talking on the phone with someone.

He stood there honestly for a few minutes, waiting for the call to be finished before looking over again.

Huo Sheng smiled and said to him, "I'm sorry, I made you wait so long", and then asked, "Are you busy at the moment?"

Cheng Yan shook his head honestly, "Is something wrong?"

Only then did Huo Sheng say something, "There is a temporary meeting above, I can't leave, it's a personal matter, I want to ask you, can you help me pick up my daughter?"

He didn't wait for Cheng Yan to speak, but continued to explain: "I wanted to trouble Liang Chen, but she went out in the afternoon for something, and she said on the phone that she couldn't come back."

"Just pick her up and play with her for a while. I'll go to you when I'm done," Huo Sheng said sincerely, "Is it convenient?"

"I, I have no experience with children." Cheng Yan said politely.

Hearing this, Huo Sheng thought it was a polite refusal, but when he was about to say "it's okay", he didn't want to, and right after him he saw Cheng Yan again and said, "Copy me the address, if I If you have any questions, I will call you."

Huo Sheng laughed after hearing this, found a pen and paper on the table and wrote the address and phone number to Cheng Yan.

Cheng Yan only found out that this kindergarten was a private child not far from his apartment in Linjiang District.

When he arrived at the door of the private child, Cheng Yan was still a little nervous. After all, it was the first time he met this child, and he had only seen photos before, so he couldn't remember.

But I didn't want to stand at the door for a while, and a teacher walked out with a fat little girl, and then asked softly, "Are you Mr. Cheng Yan?"

Cheng Yan nodded and lowered his gaze.

Seeing that the little girl was holding the teacher's hand with one hand, she wanted to pull it back, with a reluctant expression on her lips.

The teacher squatted down to explain a few words to her, but Cheng Yan didn't hear it clearly. All I know is that after the explanation, the little girl carried her schoolbag, her expression instantly twisted together, and she looked like she was about to cry.

Cheng Yan and the teacher panicked when they saw it, and Cheng Yan, who was in a hurry, didn't know what to say.

Just at this moment, Cheng Yan's cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, he heard Huo Sheng's gentle voice inside, saying, "I only have two minutes. You can call Xiaoman and I'll tell her."

Cheng Yan handed over the phone, and then saw the little guy cry out with a 'wow', shouting 'Dad' while crying.

It wasn't until a while later that he wiped the tears from his face with the back of his hand, and then nodded into the phone and said, "Then I'll go with my brother."

This made Cheng Yan suddenly stunned.

What? elder brother

The author has something to say:

The second update (2/4), by the way, when I was revising this week, I missed the title of chapter 11. If you care, you can clear the cache and it will come out. If you don't care, don't worry about it.