An Inconspicuous Shooting Star

Chapter 17: Horrible little


"He has a little doting in his eyes, and he looks better than usual."

Early on Saturday morning, Cheng Yan picked up the prepared cake and took a taxi to the amusement park.

When they arrived, Huo Sheng's father and daughter hadn't come yet, and Cheng Yan stood at the door and waited for a while before seeing them.

Huo Xiaoman had two dumplings on his head, one on the left and one on the right. He was wearing a pink short-sleeved and puffy skirt. He wrapped his hands around her dad's neck and buried his entire head in the neck socket.

And Huo Sheng apologized a little embarrassedly when he saw the person: "I'm sorry, we are a little late, let you wait for a long time."

"It's okay, I just arrived." Cheng Yan smiled slightly, then looked at the one who was still lying on his back, and couldn't help asking, "Xiaoman is this...?"

"Let her sleep," Huo Sheng smiled and looked at the little guy in his arms, and explained, "Yesterday she called you and jumped on the bed excitedly until midnight, refusing to sleep, and she's still sleepy now. ."

Cheng Yan couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, he hesitated, "Then why don't we just forget today..."

"It's alright," Huo Sheng understood his worries in an instant, and laughed out loud, "It'll be fine in a while, don't worry."

"Huh?" Cheng Yan was puzzled, but he went forward anyway.

Entering the gate of the amusement park, there are two neat rows of gift shops.

There are a lot of toys outside the store, and the children can't walk as soon as they see it, grabbing their parents' sleeves and trying their best to enter.

Cheng Yan was still thinking, if Xiaoman fell asleep like this, she wouldn't be able to play, but she didn't want to. As soon as she passed the gate, her small round head suddenly lifted up, pointed to the gift shop and said to go.

Huo Sheng thought that it was rare to come here, so he put her down and went in for a walk.

Cheng Yan couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this little guy kicking his two little fat legs and scurrying around in the store.

Seeing his expression, Huo Sheng, who was on the side, smiled and walked over to pat him on the shoulder and said, "I'll tell you, don't worry."

There are a lot of toys in the store, Huo Xiaoman has been picking and choosing for a while, and finally asked for a small shoulder bag with a rainbow unicorn.

After paying the money, she was finally woken up and reacted. Seeing Cheng Yan waiting at the door, he raised his head and smiled and said, "Hey, brother, you're here."

"Well, is Xiaoman awake?" Cheng Yan bent his knees and said, looking at the little guy in front of him.

"Look, my pony bag is cute!" Huo Xiaoman held up the small satchel and handed it to him.

Cheng Yan looked at his cute appearance, couldn't help laughing "poof", rubbed her head, and then nodded.

Huo Xiaoman stared at him for a while, and suddenly, as if he had discovered a new world, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Cheng Yan's bangs on his forehead.

Cheng Yan was taken aback by this grab, and he fell directly to the ground. He looked at the crooked head in front of him in a daze, and wanted to ask 'what's wrong', but before he could speak, he went back again. I heard her open her mouth and say with a milky voice, "It's different."

Cheng Yan understood this, covered his bangs, smiled and said, "Well, I cut my hair."

Huo Sheng came out after buying the water, just when he saw this scene, Chong Huo Xiaoman asked casually, "Brother Cheng Yan's new hairstyle looks good?"

Huo Xiaoman immediately looked up at her father, then turned back to look at Cheng Yan, then opened his mouth to reveal two small front teeth, giggled twice, and said, "It's beautiful."

Cheng Yan's ears suddenly turned red.

This playground is one of the playgrounds in Rongcheng that is relatively suitable for children, so most of the people who come on weekends are adults leading their children.

The children around were running wildly, but Huo Xiaoman was more honest, just holding her dad with one hand and pulling him forward.

Cheng Yan followed behind half a step away, observing the appearance of the people next to him from time to time.

He couldn't tell why, but Huo Sheng like this made him a little fresh. It doesn't mean that Huo Sheng is not good enough for them on weekdays, and he is also very gentle, but towards Huo Xiaoman, he probably has a kind of coddling as a father, and that kind of love that comes out of every move is extraordinarily special. dazzling.

Because the original time to enter the venue is not too early, the teams in each venue are not short.

Huo Xiaoman's spirit came, and he was very excited. When he saw that he was interested, he immediately pulled the two adults to line up.

Originally, Cheng Yan was a little embarrassed, thinking that everyone else came from a family of three, but they were two big men with a 4-year-old girl. But it's really thanks to Huo Xiaoman that she has one older brother and one shorter brother, but it makes such a combination less special.

The first project that Huo Xiaoman picked was called Adventures of the Dwarfs, which was an amusement project with an indoor train and 3D images.

When they entered, the two were in a row, and Huo Sheng tucked the big one and the small one in the front row, and sat behind him.

Children are full of curiosity, and inevitably they have to sigh about everything and ask a question about everything. Cheng Yan's patience is also very good. Sitting next to him, he will explain what the other person asks in a low voice.

After a game, Huo Xiaoman was very satisfied, and even when he got off the train, he still held Cheng Yan's hand, chatted, and refused to stop for a moment.

Looking at the two people in front of them, one big and one small, even Huo Sheng smiled involuntarily.

One morning, Cheng Yan was dragged by Huo Xiaoman to several places.

Standing at the end of the team again, he felt a little tired, and the little one was still jumping.

Seeing that he was panting slightly and his cheeks were slightly flushed, Huo Sheng smiled and said to him, "Do you think the child's energy is particularly strong?"

Hearing the sound, Cheng Yan nodded without denying it, and when he calmed down a little, he said honestly, "Xiaoman is indeed quite lively."

"She can make trouble," Huo Sheng smiled, stretched out his hand to wipe Xiaoman's sweat with a small square towel, and then turned to ask Cheng Yan, "Are you tired? If you are tired, go to rest for a while, I'll take her with me. I'll find you after playing."

But not wanting, Cheng Yan shook his head and said, "It's okay, I promised to accompany her."

It was really hot and the fans in the queue area didn't really work.

After waiting for ten minutes, Huo Xiaoman began to look at her father with a bitter face. Her father raised her with both hands, blew on the fan, and put it down again. He looked at Cheng Yan with a bitter face.

Cheng Yan couldn't stand her little expression, so he took the map in his hand and gave her a blow.

When Huo Sheng saw it, he took out water from the small bag he was carrying and asked Cheng Yan if he wanted it.

After Cheng Yan took it, he put it on his face to cool down, and whispered, "That, thank you, water."

"Hey," Huo Sheng suddenly laughed after hearing this.

Seeing him laughing, Cheng Yan couldn't help but wonder, and when he finished laughing, he heard someone say, "Why are you so polite? I want to thank you. On such a hot day, I am willing to accompany her out to play."

When he came out of the video hall, Huo Sheng saw that the two bottles of water he had bought before were finished, he explained that Cheng Yan was looking at Huo Xiaoman, and he went to buy two more bottles.

Cheng Yan nodded in response, and was thinking about pulling Huo Xiaoman to the bench next to him to sit, but unexpectedly just took two steps when he saw Huo Xiaoman tugging at his trouser legs with a mysterious look on his face. Let him squat down, and then lean into his ear and ask, "Brother, do you want to eat ice cream?"

Hearing this, Cheng Yan looked at the sky and felt that it was really hot, so he nodded, went to buy her a copy, and took two copies in his hand.

But just when he turned around and saw Huo Sheng coming, and was thinking about handing the ice cream to the other party, the other party opened his mouth before him, facing Huo Xiaoman, who was standing on the side eating deliciously.

Huo Sheng's tone was a little stern. He said, "Huo Xiaoman, how did I tell you before, and you secretly let someone buy you ice cream and eat sweets. Who was the one who was rolling at home with a toothache the other day?"

After hearing this, Cheng Yan wanted to explain a few words and persuade him.

But he never thought that after hearing this, Huo Xiaoman took two bites of the ice cream without saying a word. He turned his back and said angrily, "It's what my brother wants to eat. If he wants to eat, I will accompany him to eat."

"..." Cheng Yan looked at the little figure on his back, and instantly asked himself a question in his heart.

Now, myself... should I explain

The author has something to say:

No matter how I write it, I will update it tomorrow. (stay on February 5)