Ancestral Healer

Chapter 10: Dragon body


When Dongfang Tianlong came to the middle hall with dragons again, he was finally able to restrain himself from running away, because he found that the dragon had no breath, it was dead, and there was no breath of soul around it.

Dongfang Tianlong finally let go of his heart, but he still couldn't see the dragon up close, so he could only turn around Longshan a few meters away.

When he turned to the right of Longshan, he suddenly noticed that there was a dragon next to him. It was just that the dragon was small and very small, and its whole body was golden yellow. Only the baby's arm was thick and it was five or six meters long. It was paralyzed there, motionless.

For some reason, as soon as he saw this dragon, the Eastern Heavenly Dragon moved in his heart, and rushed towards the dragon like a moth to a fire. The body entered the dragon's head and disappeared.

After the Eastern Heavenly Dragon entered the Dragon’s Sea of Knowledge, he found a cloud-shaped thing. What is this thing? He just reached out to touch it, and the mass came towards him immediately and entered his body through his hand. He was taken aback and hurried to run, but the mass of things rushed over immediately, surrounded him, and in a blink of an eye, it merged with his body. What's even stranger is that after merging this mass of things, suddenly there are some memories in my mind.

It turned out that this was a group of dragon souls without consciousness. After he absorbed the dragon soul, it was equivalent to fusing with the dragon soul and obtained some memories of the dragon.

Memories are few and only fragmentary images. It seems to be a piece of life after a dragon egg was born, a golden dragon and a white dragon carefully taken care of. The two dragons are sometimes in human form, sometimes in human form with dragon heads, and sometimes only The golden dragon, sometimes only the white dragon, sometimes a man and a woman holding the dragon egg and saying something that the Eastern Tianlong could not hear clearly.

Then, suddenly one day, the golden dragon suddenly ran into the room of the dragon egg, turned into a woman in golden clothes, picked up the dragon egg and ran away, after escaping from the dragon palace, suddenly thought of something, and waved back to shrink the dragon palace. When he was slapped, he received his hands, and then fled.

Dongfang Tianlong read the memory in his head: Not long after the woman escaped, a black dragon chased him up, transforming into a man in black, and fighting with the woman in gold. The woman just desperately wanted to escape, and because she was concerned about the dragon egg in her arms, her combat power could not be fully utilized, and the man seemed to persuade the woman to do something while beating, and did not beat the woman to death.

The gold-clothed woman fought and fled, while the black-clothed man was in hot pursuit. As soon as the two chased and fled, they had already passed thousands of mountains and rivers before they knew it, and fled to a beautiful place.

The man seemed to have lost his patience, and suddenly he hit the dragon egg with a palm. The woman couldn't protect her, and the dragon egg was cracked. The woman screamed and suddenly became desperate. In an emergency, this video was suddenly interrupted.

Through the memory of this image, a dog-blooded Qiao Duan appeared in Dongfang Tianlong’s heart: Dragon Egg’s parents are a loving couple, and Heilong is a third person who admires Dragon Egg’s mother. It wants to be nice to Dragon Egg’s mother. , But Dragon Egg’s mother did not buy its account.

As a result, the black dragon killed the dragon egg’s father, Bai Long, and wanted to forcibly take away the mother who occupied the dragon egg. So, the dragon egg’s mother ran away with the dragon egg. On the way to escape, the black dragon caught up and wanted the golden dragon to follow. He went back, Jin Long resolutely refused to do it, and Hei Long shot her child. As for whether Jin Long drove the Black Dragon away or killed the Black Dragon in the end, it was not certain.

In addition, the dragon egg was clearly injured, how it became emasculated later, and how it came to this underground dragon palace, Eastern Tianlong cannot guess.

But there is one thing. Golden Dragon should have been seriously injured, so he died after he came to the underground to place the Dragon Palace. It may also be that Golden Dragon ran out of his life in order to save the dragon egg. It is also possible that the Golden Dragon was injured and exhausted his life to save the dragon egg, so he died.

But how did the little golden dragon disappear from consciousness? How can the consciousness disappear and the body is still alive

In the imagination, Dongfang Tianlong thought of a possibility. After the golden dragon was injured, it took a lot of effort to lay out the dragon egg, but the little dragon was injured by the black dragon's brain and was born with dementia. After the death of the golden dragon, it didn’t even know how to eat the dragon egg , Holding his mother and crying all day long, finally, the Yuan Ling disappeared.

In short, the golden dragon died, the dragon egg mayfly became a small dragon, but without consciousness, and then the Eastern Heavenly Dragon came by chance, merged with its soul, and then resurrected.

The Eastern Heavenly Dragon had a strange feeling. If it weren't for being harmed by others, and the soul came here to merge with the dragon soul, the dragon body would gradually lose its vitality. But now that he owns the dragon's body and merges with the dragon soul, he has a feeling that he is a dragon, and the dragon is himself! When I looked at the golden dragon again, I even felt a cordial feeling. It seemed that the dragon was his own mother.

He just froze for a moment, and immediately came to his senses: No, I am not Xiaolong, I am Dongfang Tianlong. It just occupied the dragon body. Of course, when I am strong, I will avenge you.

He thought, his name is Tianlong, maybe he should be destined to become a dragon.

However, he looked at his five claws and smiled bitterly: This body is really sad and lacks any strength.

The Eastern Heavenly Dragon is now a dragon, he was just a wandering soul just now. Using the dragon body to resurrect is a blessing in disguise.

However, he dared to conclude that he was the first human to enter this dragon palace. This underground dragon palace should have been here for a long time. He could enter this dragon palace just by falling into the well, indicating that this dragon palace should not be difficult to enter. Why, this dragon palace has never been discovered before and entered here

Xiaolong’s body hadn’t eaten for a long time, and Dongfang Tianlong dragged the weak dragon body into the cave of the rockery to drink the profound liquid spirit milk that Dongfang Tianlong drank when he was still in the soul state.

Moreover, after the soul body drank the profound liquid spirit milk, it could directly strengthen the soul. If the soul of the Eastern Heavenly Dragon hadn't drunk the profound liquid spirit milk to strengthen the soul, it would be impossible to merge with the dragon soul, nor could it control the vast sea of knowledge of the dragon. The final result is to get lost in Xiaolong's divine sea, slowly dissipating.

For ordinary people, the soul is the most difficult to grow, but these profound liquid spiritual milk seems to be a treasure in the dragon palace, which is produced by the treasure mountain in the dragon palace. It is used to feed the dragon and help the dragon grow. Has a healing effect.

Dongfang Tian can drink the profound liquid spirit milk with the soul body, and it can strengthen the soul. This function of the Profound Liquid Spirit Milk doesn't seem to be in the memory! Could it be that this is a feature that came later

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