Ancestral Healer

Chapter 108: 108 Underground secret room


After Dongfang Tianlong drank the spirit milk, his spirits and spirits reached the climax, and then he opened his treasure hunting eyes again and looked at the underground secret room. This time, the things in the secret room can be seen more clearly: a row of ten boxes is placed along the root of the wall in the secret room. There are a lot of things in the boxes, gold and silver jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and painting, and there is a box with things in it. Revealed an aura.

The Eastern Tianlong suppressed the heartbeat, and then looked back. There is a tunnel in the secret room, which leads to the outside. Unfortunately, Eastern Tianlong’s perspective is still not far away. You can’t see it only about one mile outside the courtyard. Clear.

This is the secret way of escape for the rich in that era. If this place was in ancient times, it would have been outside the city. As a separate courtyard, it was built such a secret way. Could it be that the original owner of this courtyard was planning something big

If so, the things in this secret room are worth looking forward to.

Dongfang Tianlong looked at the treasure hunt again in the back garden, and couldn't help being mischievous: In this back garden, which was about more than 1,000 square meters, there were no less than a hundred bones buried!

These bones should be the disobedient servants, or even wives and concubines, that the host of this other courtyard quietly handled back then? At that time, the people were dealt with and buried in the garden. No one knew, and the officials would not care!

Dongfang Tianlong's heart suddenly felt a little cold, and even a little trembling. This entire courtyard, recorded a history of blood and tears of people and women.

Dongfang Tianlong wanted to stop watching, but when his eyes swept across the roots of a grapefruit tree, he suddenly found a piece of brilliance. He quickly swept his eyes back and settled under the tree. Sure enough, he found a bunch of good things. : Under the grapefruit tree, there are three large tanks filled with Koyo.

This Guangyang should be a treasure buried in modern times!

Dongfang Tianlong suppressed his excitement: There are only so many things underground, but it is still difficult to get them out. Dongfang Tianlong decided to find it from the underground secret room first.

The exit of the basement secret room is under the bookshelf in the backyard study. There should be mechanisms for opening passages in the study. Although the Eastern Tianlong can forcibly destroy the mechanism and dig holes, it will trigger the mechanisms in the secret room and bring danger to itself. , It will even destroy the secret room, the secret room is destroyed, and the treasure inside will naturally disappear.

Therefore, he still finds the key to open the mechanism.

Because of the treasure hunting eye, Dongfang Tianlong can easily find the mechanical spring that controls the opening, and then follow the mechanical spring and see a very inconspicuous small protrusion on the stone bookshelf. If it is normal, at most this small protrusion will be used as a A small section left on the bookshelf.

The stone bookshelf, what kind of handwriting is this, because of its heavy weight, it makes it impossible to move it, so it has remained there since it was built. But who would have thought that this stone bookshelf is just to hide a secret

Dongfang Tianlong pressed down that section with his hand, and the lowermost layer of the bookshelf easily popped up a handle one by one, popping the books there.

Dongfang Tianlong took the book away, grabbed the handle and rotated it forcefully, and heard a rushing sound. On the ground next to the bookshelf, a floor rose up, and then moved aside, revealing a dark hole.

As soon as the entrance of the cave was exposed, a shower of arrows flew out of it and shot towards the Eastern Dragon!

Dongfang Tianlong was taken aback, and hurriedly flashed to the side. Finally, he was so fast that he dodges, letting the arrow rain pass. If you change to an ordinary person, I'm afraid you will be shot into a hedgehog by this rain of arrows!

What shocked him even more was that the arrow was glowing with blue light, which was obviously poisonous!

After the arrow rain, there was no more movement in the cave. Dongfang Tianlong controlled the beating heart and looked at it, and found a step extending downward. It seems that there should be no ambush inside.

But Dongfang Tianlong was still uneasy. He collected those arrows first, and then set up a small restraint in the study room, so that even if someone hits the study room, he couldn't see the hole. After that, he carefully walked along the steps. Went on.

Although Eastern Tianlong was able to use the treasure hunting eye to achieve the purpose of perspective, it still took out a night pearl pried from the cave of the Dragon Palace Jubaoshan to illuminate it.

After about thirty steps deep underground, there is a stone gate in front of him, and next to the stone gate is the underground secret passage. Step by step up and down the stairs, all the way to the distance.

There was a lock on the stone door, and the Dongfang Tianlong shielded his body with dragon power, then opened the stone lock with brute force and pushed the stone door open. Even though the scale armor had already protected his body, he still flashed aside to avoid any organs in the stone gate.

But fortunately, there is no mechanism in Shimen. Dongfang Tianlong walked into Shimen. Inside was a secret room about fifteen or six square meters. Just like what he had seen from the perspective above, there was a row of large boxes stacked along the root of the wall. , Dongfang Tianlong counted it, there are a total of twenty large wooden boxes.