Ancestral Healer

Chapter 44: 044 The trouble of Ouyang and his son


Seeing Dongfang Tianlong directly studying in Beishi, Ouyang and his son felt relieved. Maybe they did not expose the murder.

Ouyang Zhi returned to the countryside with confidence. He is now the deputy head of the township and he is very busy at work.

Ouyang Gang is also very busy. He is now the head of the Nancheng City Finance Bureau, and a lot of entertainment is inevitable. No, on this day, Zhou Shaoyu, the CEO of the Golden Land Real Estate Company, once again hosted him at the Tianlun Hotel. Ouyang Gang knew that the other party must have come to ask for a bracelet. Because this was the condition for Zhou Shaoyu to cooperate with him.

Zhou Shaoyu didn't know why the family wanted the engagement bracelet from Dongfang Tianlong's family for Tingting. Moreover, it couldn't be snatched, and the owner of the bracelet had to give it to him willingly. For this reason, he became Ouyang Gang's accomplice and made his son the fiancée of the bracelet owner Li Tingting. However, things had been successful for several months, but Ouyang Gang kept bringing the bracelet from Li Tingting to him, which made him very unhappy.

However, Ouyang Gang is not only the director of Caix, but there is also a leader behind him. He can't force him, he can only want to soften him.

"Wednesday, Tingting hasn't turned the corner for a while, I will let Zhi'er find a way to make Tingting give you the bracelet willingly." Ouyang Gang said.

Zhou Shaoyu was helpless. If it weren't for the family's repeated explanations that the owner of the bracelet must give it willingly, he would want to use it. He sighed: "In that case, I have to wait patiently for your good news. I heard that the land in the north of the city will be auctioned soon. Our Zhou family hopes to buy that land."

Ouyang Gang scolded Zhou Shaoyu secretly in his heart, but said in his mouth: "I heard about that piece of land. It seems to be bidding in a week. Is your Golden Land Real Estate Company ready? Come bidding when you are ready. I will reserve a good place for you."

However, Zhou Shaoyu obviously didn't just want a good position. He poured a glass of wine for Ouyang Gang: "Director Ouyang, I heard that you plan to mark the land in a clear way? You used to use it in a hidden way. I have to get this land!"

The so-called clear mark is to bid on the spot, whoever gets the higher price. The hidden bid is to write down the bids of each person, seal them and hand them over, and at the end, whoever gets the highest price at the time of unsealing will go to whoever has the highest price.

Zhou Shaoyu wouldn't be able to rob someone else if it was marked. Because, during this period of time, because of the troubles of Zhou's youngest in his family, not only did he fail to get funds from the family, but he was also severely humiliated. He said, "If you don't have the ability to start a business, just come home obediently, don't be embarrassed outside!"

If Zhou Shaoyu really returned to his home, it would not only prove that he was incapable, but also that he would never have the opportunity to come out and monopolize the party in the future. Therefore, he is very, very unwilling to go back, so the only way is to buy this land, then he has a reason to stay here.

What Zhou Shaoyu said was "I have to get that piece of land!" This is a bit strong, so Ouyang Gang was very upset: "This matter is personally in charge of this matter by Deputy Mayor Zhang, I really can't manage it."

Zhou Shaoyu was a little itchy: "Director Ouyang, I know you can do it, otherwise how would I find you? You have to know that Hongye Company is yours."

Zhou Shaoyu really should be itchy. Originally, it was said that after the Hongye company after the Dongfang family was taken, the two were divided equally, but he took pains to get rid of Dongfang Yanming, and the purchasing department of Hongye company bought inferior building materials and sold it to him. This led to the closure of Hongye Company, but now, he only paid him 32 million in compensation on the grounds that Li Tingting also accounted for half of the company's shares.

Hongye Company, which has a market value of tens of millions, was completely occupied by the Ouyang family. How could Zhou Shaoyu, who had been staring at Hongye Company, not be itchy

Just after hearing Zhou Shaoyu's words, Ouyang was very angry, but thought that everything he had was in his hands, and endured his anger, and said, "Everyone says it belongs to me, isn't it half of it belongs to the Li family."

"Director Ouyang, it is for others to see, so I don't need to say that in front of me. Everyone knows that Li Tingting is your son's girlfriend. Once she marries into your house, it will not be merged." Zhou Shaoyu is not afraid of him. .

Ouyang Gang became even more unhappy: "Isn't this still unmarried? Before we get married, everything can change."

Zhou Shaoyu was not happy anymore and snorted: "Will you make their marriage change?" He paused again: "It's just a piece of land, and you don't want you to pay the bill."

Ouyang Gang couldn't help raising his voice: "Don't want me to pay the bill? If you manipulate the land price and get caught, not only me, but also Deputy Mayor Zhang can't eat. You want to buy it for a small amount of money. I really can't do this piece of land."

Zhou Shaoyu was also angry, and his face sank: "So, are you not going to help?"

Ouyang just stagnated, Zhou Shaoyu pinched his death vein, before Zhou Shaoyu, how could he dare to get big

If the god killer is still there, he can still find his cousin, the fourth top cousin in the god killer, "Swordsman" to kill Zhou Shaoyu together, but now, the god kills are gone, and the "Swordsman" is missing, he has no way to do it. Threatening Zhou Shaoyu.

"It's not that it doesn't help, it's just that there is really no way." Ouyang Gang said.

"Isn't the dark labeling method that I said just the way? As long as I know other people's labels, I can get this piece of land." Zhou Shaoyu also slowed down.

"Concealed bidding, this kind of bidding method has not been adopted for a long time." Ouyang Gang said.

"Whether to adopt or not, isn't it a word from Deputy Mayor Zhang?" Zhou Shaoyu thought for a moment, and then said: "From Deputy Mayor Zhang, I will benefit him."

Of course Ouyang Gang could hear what he meant: Your benefits will be avoided.

Being forced to do things, Ouyang Gang has never felt this way. In the past, Zhou Shaoyu used to beg him to do things with benefits, but now he is forced to come to the door directly. This makes Ouyang Gang secretly regretted it. Don't ask him for help. He didn't think that without Zhou Shaoyu's help, could he win Na Hongye Company so easily? Moreover, even the things Zhou Shaoyu asked for, he hadn't gotten him yet.

Just as they were embarrassed, the door of the box was knocked: "Director Ouyang, someone is looking for you."

If it was normal, Ouyang Gang would definitely not see him, but at this time, Zhou Shaoyu was pressing him into a serious situation. He immediately said, "Call him in."

The person brought in by the waiter was a ten** year old. A little fat, with a bright smile very eye-catching.

The person brought in by the waiter was Li Shenxiu, Dongfang Tianlong's agent.

Li Shenxiu first saluted Ouyang Gang and then Zhou Shaoyu before saying: "Director Ouyang, my name is Li Shenxiu, and I am the agent of Dongfang Tianlong."

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