Ancestral Healer

Chapter 46: 046 Zhao Jiayan next


Zhao Jiayan is clever. She has long felt that Dongfang Tianlong’s disappearance seems to be related to her framing him of Gongshenwu. It seems that he disappeared because of her own framing. However, she selectively comforted herself. Twenty thousand yuan is due to the rewards that have been paid. But now, she can no longer deceive herself.

She estimated that Dongfang Tianlong's strong return should have got rid of the bad luck that entangled him and was about to return to avenge his persecutors. Li Tingting is one, and next, he will come to find his own revenge, if he knows that he has framed him.

Zhao Jiayan felt the danger, and she immediately set about leaving the village.

Before leaving, she first persuaded her brother to report to school. Although there are still a few days before school, her reason is: "Get there first, you can get familiar with the environment first, get familiar with the teacher first, and you can even choose first. bed."

Zhao Jiasheng didn't know why, he was also a little irritable these days. Of course he also knew that Dongfang Tianlong was back. Although his own affairs were very concealed, he was still afraid that Dongfang Tianlong would come to him. Therefore, his sister persuaded him to go to school early, and he immediately agreed.

"Well, I'll buy a train ticket right away, and then wrap up our field and leave."

"Is there any train ticket to buy? Just get on the train and buy it again. I still have to buy the land. I have to go. After the land is packaged out, I will go to the city to work as a babysitter." Zhao Jiayan said. She has asked someone to help her find a job as a nanny in the city.

After Zhao Jiasheng left, according to the plan, Zhao Jiayan stayed and wrapped up her family's fields before leaving. If she also left with her brother, Dongfang Tianlong would not find her easily for a while. Unfortunately, she was reluctant to part with the fields at home, and she stayed for those fields. Her plan, at most three days, she must leave. However, her Tian was not so easy to take out because her second uncle did not allow it.

Her second uncle insisted that since their brothers and sisters don't cultivate the fields, they should cultivate these fields. "It's better to farm others than to farm your own uncle." Asked how much grain he planned to give? He said: "Does my uncle still need money for plowing some fields?"

Not only the second uncle thinks so, but her grandparents also think so. As for where their second uncle and grandparents went after their father was missing and their mother died of illness, they selectively forgot.

It is naturally impossible for Zhao Jiayan to give the field to Second Uncle Geng in vain. Second Uncle and they forgot, but she did not. She said coldly: "If you are our uncles, how come no one will help us find my father if he is missing? If we have grandparents, why no one helps us when my mother is sick? My brother is now studying I just need help. If I have uncles and grandparents, should you think of a way to pay the tuition for my brother?"

It was naturally impossible for the second uncle and grandparents to pay the tuition for them, so they went away cursingly. Zhao Jiayan just thought of getting up and going out, but found that the door of the yard was closed, and a teenager appeared in the yard.

The yard of a farmhouse is generally spacious enough, and there is a person standing in the middle, who does not seem to have any sense of existence. If it wasn't for Zhao Jiayan who wanted to go out, he wouldn't know when someone stood there.

"You are" Zhao Jiayan asked.

"Why, don't you know me?" Dongfang Tianlong asked.

In fact, during the Spring Festival, Dongfang Tianlong also came to their home, because Zhao Jiasheng wanted to borrow his review materials, he sent the review materials over. However, at that time, Zhao Jiayan didn't pay much attention to the Eastern Tianlong, and the Eastern Tianlong only came and left. Therefore, it is normal for Zhao Jiayan not to remember his face.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for here?" Zhao Jiayan asked. Suddenly, when she thought of something, her face changed a little.

"That said, you really don't know me? Hey, didn't you give evidence that I said that the female archer did you? You don't even know me?" Dongfang Tianlong approached Zhao Jiayan step by step.

"You, are you Dongfang Tianlong?" After confirming his guess, Zhao Jiayan's face turned white.

"I didn't die, are you disappointed? Since I didn't die, you are about to die, and say, why did you kill me?" Dongfang Tianlong breathed coldly all over. Dongfang Tianlong had no mercy for this girl who framed herself.

When he heard the words of death, Zhao Jiayan was scared. She felt that Dongfang Tianlong was really going to kill her.

"I, I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't do anything, I didn't want to kill you." Zhao Jiayan's eyes were full of tears, his whole body trembled, Chu Chu looked at Dongfang Tianlong pitifully.

"Didn't you do it? Didn't you prove that my Gongshen woman did you? How can I say nothing? You made my family ruined for 20,000 yuan, so you dare to tell me you didn't do anything?" Dongfang Tianlong is ruthless Asked harshly.

Sure enough, he knew about it. Fear made Zhao Jiayan no longer able to support it. He thumped and knelt down: "I didn't mean it, Brother Tianlong, they forced me. You don't want to kill me."

Dongfang Tianlong is also contradictory, should we kill her

"Want me not to kill you? Give me a reason first."

Feeling a glimmer of life, Zhao Jiayan hurriedly said: "I told others that you framed you, but I did not sue you. If others want to kill you, they will kill you without me. It has nothing to do with me. I have nothing to do with me. The false accusation did not cause great harm."

"It has nothing to do with you? No harm?" Dongfang Tianlong said fiercely, "Do you know that someone bought a goddamn killer to kill me, but the goddamn rules don't kill innocent people because of your frame. It proved that I am not an innocent person. They just took over the business of killing me. Not only did they kill me, they also tricked my mother out of the house. Now I don’t know whether I’m alive or dead. Now you still dare to say that your falsehood Limitation doesn’t hurt me. Does it have nothing to do with you when others kill me?"

Zhao Jiayan was dumbfounded, and she still found it strange that those people didn't want her to sue Dongfang Tianlong. Why did she prove that although the Dongfang Tianlong bow had fucked her, it turned out that it was because the rules of the gods did not kill innocent people. From this point of view, I really can't say that I didn't hurt the Eastern Heavenly Dragon.

But she still didn’t want to die: "You didn’t die? Even if I did something wrong, but I am not guilty of death. Moreover, they want to kill you, even if there is no false accusation from me, they still want to kill you. Please. , Don’t kill me, I am willing to do anything for you to atone for your sins, but please don’t kill me."

Dongfang Tianlong looked at her, and to be honest, he couldn't do anything to kill her. Because, she was right about one thing. Ouyang Gang and his son wanted to kill him. Even if they didn't find this excuse, they would find other excuses. Even if they couldn't buy a goddamn assassin, they wouldn't find other assassins to kill him.

Do you want to kill her? He was really unwilling to let her go.

The clever Zhao Jiayan seemed to see Dongfang Tianlong's hesitation: "As long as you let my brother and me go, I am willing to give you a treasure."