Ancestral Healer

Chapter 57: 057 Under the unlucky robber


The young magician’s smile was very bright: "You caught them, you can take care of them. There are three more here, and they will be dealt with together." After that, he pointed to the door of the car, the door opened, and the previous "change" The robbers with no" appeared there, looking confused.

Dongfang Tianlong had no choice but to catch these robbers again and put them together with others. The eight robbers are all here.

Dongfang Tianlong looked at everyone: "Who is going to call the conductor or the policeman?"

A few half-and-half children have seen Dongfang Tianlong's skill long ago, and the children who are easy to admire the hero have stars in their eyes. Hearing his words, they immediately jumped up: "I'm going!" "I'm going!" "I'm going!" The train conductor ran away in the carriage.

The eight robbers all fell to the ground at this time, with fear and begging in their eyes.

Dongfang Tianlong ignored the robber who fell to the ground at all, and turned to the young magician: "I wonder if I have the honor to invite the magic master to have a drink?"

The young magician was very happy: "Okay. But I have one more thing to do, please wait a moment." He turned to everyone: "Friends, rely on your parents at home, and go out to rely on friends. Just now I performed mobile phones for everyone. Enter the bottle and make a big change to live magic. If you are still satisfied, please see Keiichi as much as you like." He took off his hat and turned the hat up. It turned out to be paid for the magic trick just now.

Everyone couldn't react for a while. He has this ability, does he need to make money like this? Also, everyone discovered that the young magician didn't seem to take the injury on his shoulder seriously.

Dongfang Tianlong also looked towards his shoulder, and he was shocked after only one glance: Although he still had a wound on his shoulder, there was only one wound that was not deep. The blood has stopped long ago. Others can't see it, but his treasure hunting eye can see clearly, and his wound just now is definitely heavier than it is now. He still remembered that the boy was staggered by the knife.

Could it be that his physique is so special that he can heal wounds automatically

Suddenly, a depressed cry of pain passed into Dongfang Tianlong's ears, and he found that the robber who had just slashed the magician with a knife seemed to have suffered serious injuries. No, he was just kicked by himself to prevent him from hurting the magician. How did his injury hit his shoulder? Moreover, the wound was deep, just like the first injury the magician suffered!

The shock in Dongfang Tianlong's heart is indescribable: Could it be that the young magician passed his injury to the robber

At this time, the young magician was still waiting to receive payment. A beautiful woman took the lead in taking out a hundred yuan bill and put it in the magician's hat: "Your magic day is wonderful. This is my payment."

The young magician just smiled and bowed his body: "Chenghui." It seems that the beauty gave only a dollar.

Everyone thought they would be robbed today, but now they were spared because of the intervention of the young magician and the Eastern Dragon. They were all very grateful, and they were very generous in their actions. Anyway, if it weren't for the young magician, their money would have been robbed.

Regardless of whether people give a dime or two cents or a two bucks ten bucks a hundred bucks, he always said the same "Chenghui!"

Finally, he put away his hat, and as soon as he collected the money in the hat, he pulled Dongfang Tianlong to the direction of the restaurant car.

They had just walked for less than two minutes when the conductor and the police arrived. They found that these robbers were the "speeding car" robbers who often robbed on the train that they did not capture. They were very good. He often drove on halfway and got out of the car after the robbery, making it impossible for people to catch. Unexpectedly, I caught it unexpectedly today.

At this moment, Dongfang Tianlong and the young magician were sitting in the dining car, drinking red wine. The two exchanged names. The young magician was called Bai Shi. After a few glasses of wine, they both felt a little bit of sympathy.

Regardless of whether people give a dime or two cents or a two bucks ten bucks a hundred bucks, he always said the same "Chenghui!"

Finally, he put away his hat, and as soon as he collected the money in the hat, he pulled Dongfang Tianlong to the direction of the restaurant car.

They had just walked for less than two minutes when the conductor and the police arrived. They found that these robbers were the "speeding car" robbers who often robbed on the train that they did not capture. They were very good. He often drove on halfway and got out of the car after the robbery, making it impossible for people to catch. Unexpectedly, I caught it unexpectedly today.

At this moment, Dongfang Tianlong and the young magician were sitting in the dining car, drinking wine. Because it is not meal time at this time, there are very few people in the dining car.

"My name is Bai Shi, thank you for your help today, your martial arts is very powerful." said the magician.

"My name is Dongfang Tianlong. I just ran into it today. It's just a matter of effort. Your magic is also very powerful." Dongfang Tianlong said.

"Each each other!" The two smiled at each other.

Dongfang Tianlong asked Bai: "What you just performed was a big transfer technique, right?" In fact, he wanted to ask the other party directly, why the guy who slashed him had a deep wound on his shoulder, and his shoulder was hurt. The cut on the shoulder of the magician who had been slashed was shallow

It seems that the magician passed his wounds on to the robber.