Ancestral Healer

Chapter 83: 083 on the network


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Hearing Dongfang Tianlong's words, the man's face changed and changed, but he still stood there, seeming to measure the truthfulness of Dongfang Tianlong's words.

Xiao Xiao frowned and thought for a while, took a few from his pocket, and took out a few tickets: "Well, look, classmate Lin said that he didn't know you, and it's no use calling here. You just said you don't have money to eat. , I will lend you some money, so you can go and find a place to eat first."

When the man saw that he had dozens of dollars, he grabbed it and said, "Okay, thank you, this classmate. Just assume that Lin Shaohai borrowed it from you. Let Lin Shaohai return it to you. I'm going to see a doctor and come back tomorrow!" Get up and walk outside.

When Dongfang Tianlong said he had broken his illness, he was hesitating. After getting Xiao Xiao's tens of dollars, where would he stay? When he left, the classmates who were watching also dispersed.

The classmates were talking while they were walking. Most of the people said that this should be Lin Shaohai’s father. Otherwise, he would not dare to come here to make trouble, and Lin Shaohai would not dare to come down and confront him. It should be Lin Shaohai’s test. After going to college, I didn't like my father in the countryside, so I didn't recognize my father. Some say that this man did something that made Lin Shaohai extremely sad, so he didn't recognize his father, maybe he raised a junior and abandoned Lin Shaohai since he was a child. Some people oppose that there is no father in the world who wants his son to be expelled. It should not be Lin Shaohai's father, even a post-Laozi.

The three of Dongfang Tianlong went upstairs and saw Lin Shaohai sitting there with their heads bowed. The air pressure in the room was obviously very low.

"Fourth old man, tell the truth, who is he?" Hu Guanglong asked.

"I don't know him!" Lin Shaohai still said.

"You don't know him, then why did he come to you instead of me, find him, find him?" Dongfang Tianlong became a little angry: "He is not your Laozi, why are you reacting so much? Why don't you go out and face him Squirt hard?"

"He|, he, he is not as good as a beast!" Lin Shaohai said hysterically.

Seeing that he was a little out of control, Dongfang Tianlong had to stop saying: "Look at him like that. If he leaves today, he may come again tomorrow. You should think about how to treat him."

Xiao Xiao thoughtfully said, "If I hadn't expected it to be wrong, the fourth child's father must have done something extremely sorry to their mothers. Am I right?"

Lin Shaohai looked at Xiao Xiao suddenly, but his mouth moved for a long time, but he couldn't say a word.

Dongfang Tianlong's heart trembled suddenly: "Really? How much did he hurt you? Make you refuse to forgive him?"

Lin Shaohai's eyes were still red, but he said from between his teeth: "I want to forgive him, unless my grandparents can be resurrected!"

Dongfang Tianlong and Xiao Xiao looked at each other: Did Lin Shaohai’s father kill Shaohai’s grandparents and his own biological parents

The room fell into a dead silence.

Suddenly, Hu Guanglong yelled "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for you to go to the campus website."

"What? So fast?" Dongfang Tianlong was taken aback. What happened just now, was posted to the website in less than half an hour

They immediately ran to their computers except for Lin Shaohai, because he didn't have a computer!

A post entitled "He is not as good as a beast!" quickly became popular on the campus website, and it was written about the incident that happened downstairs in the freshman boys' dormitory where the son did not recognize his father. The man who was suspected to be Lin Shaohai’s father was also allotted, spitting and talking.

In addition to seeing the edge, it was accompanied by a voice-over: "Students, just because this father has no money and is sick, his wife does not recognize him, and his son does not recognize him. For whom does he work? Isn’t it for the wife to live a good life, so that the son can have books? But our classmate Lin went to college with the money from the old father’s work, but because his father had no money and was sick, his son didn’t recognize this part-time job. Father, you say, isn’t such a person inferior to a beast?"

In less than ten minutes, the number of followers reached hundreds. Because of the tearful accusations from the "father" on the verge, public opinion almost all condemned Lin Shaohai on one side, and he didn't think he was "tired to death" when he entered university The father of tired sickness.

Of course, there are many wise men who have raised doubts: these are the words of the "father". Who of you saw Lin Shaohai come out and say something

But such a voice was immediately overwhelmed by opposition: If the "father" wronged classmate Lin Shaohai, why didn't he come out and clarify the facts for himself? Parents in the world, even if their parents are at fault, can't help but admit it.

The number of clicks on that post quickly reached tens of thousands, and then reached 50,000, 100,000, and Lin Shaohai, a new classmate, became the "famous" of the entire Yanhua University in an instant!

Dongfang Tianlong pulled Lin Shaohai to his table: "Look for yourself, see for yourself, you just said that your father is inferior to animals, but now, just because you don't speak, you are the son of inferior animals! "

Lin Shaohai looked at the computer screen nervously and quickly, and the green veins on his forehead were exposed, still beating, as if it would explode at any time, showing the extreme anger of the owner.

"Who is it? Who said that to me?" Lin Shaohai's lips were shaking!

Dongfang Tianlong grabbed his collar: "At this moment, what did you and the female horse ask who said? You tell me the facts, I need the facts!"