Ancestral Healer

Chapter 98: 098 The house cannot be sold


The third update today, it has been three times a day for half a month, ask for recommendation, ask for collection.

Hu Guanglong was surprised: "Isn't he pretty good? How come you are so scared to hear that you are the third young master of Zhou's family?"

Lin Shaohai curled his mouth, but did not speak.

Xiao Xiao also frowned, "I don't know. But from his behavior and eyes, he should be guarding this courtyard house for whom. Now that the third child is going to buy it, he may have ran out and notified people to go. ."

After hearing Xiao Xiao's words, Mr. Xie was startled suddenly, frowning deeper.

When Dongfang Tianlong heard Xiao Xiao’s words, his heart was moved. It was an expression of being a young man. At first, he didn’t stop him from looking at the house. After he came in, he said he wanted to buy it. Then he said, "Master Xie is waiting for you to get the money." , He owed Zhou Dashao 100 million" In this case, I am afraid that Xie Shao owes money and Xie Lao is forced to sell the house. It is basically Zhou Dashao's plan for this courtyard house.

Dongfang Tianlong glanced at Xie Lao: "Xie Lao, I have taken a fancy to this house, do you still dare to sell it now?"

He didn't know if Mr. Xie was threatened by what Cheng Shao said just now.

Xie Lao said fiercely: "Sell, why not sell? As long as you dare to buy, I will dare to sell. I will call the lawyer immediately, and we will sign the contract immediately."

It turned out that Mr. Xie originally hired a lawyer for selling the house. He didn't know if the other party could take a good look at the house, and if he could accept his price if he was good at it, he did not call a lawyer. Now that I am eager to sell my house, I will immediately call a lawyer.

They waited for a while. A lawyer named Liao from Dacheng Law Firm came. He also brought an assistant in his twenties. The two of them handed a long-drawn contract to Dongfang Tianlong. .

Because the house was to be sold, the contract was drawn up long ago, but the buyer’s name was left blank. Whoever bought the house would fill in the name. It can be seen that Xie had already prepared everything.

The contract is similar to the template downloaded on the Internet, with restrictions on the old courtyard house, such as not changing the layout or using it as a facade. After seeing it, Dongfang Tianlong handed it to Fenghua and the three brothers. After seeing them, they thought there was no problem and they could sign the contract.

"I have no opinion, sign a contract." Dongfang Tianlong said.

"Uh, I have to talk about something." Mr. Xie was a little embarrassed: "My yard, after signing, I must get 100 million yuan in funds immediately."

Dongfang Tianlong remembered what Cheng Shao said, "Xie Shao still owes Zhou Dashao 100 million". This was originally the reason why people were forced to sell the house. Therefore, he nodded immediately: "This is okay! But cash is a bit difficult. Sign the contract. After that, I can transfer 300 million to you first, and pay the rest within one month. After the balance is paid, I will go through the transfer procedures."

When Xie heard this, his face immediately showed joy: "That would be great." He was overjoyed to be able to pay 300 million at a time. After all, who is okay with the head of the account who has a large amount of free funds. Anyway, the house is still in his own name, and he is not afraid that Dongfang Tianlong will not pay the remaining balance.

However, when Mr. Xie signed Party A’s own name and pushed the contract to Dongfang Tianlong for him to sign,

A voice suddenly broke in: "Xie Sha, you can't sell this house!"

Six people broke into the courtyard of the Xie’s family home. The headed man was about 30 years old. Behind him was Cheng Shao!

Cheng Shao's appearance was equivalent to announcing to everyone that he was indeed guarding Xie Lao's house for others not to be sold. And this person is the 30-year-old man just before him.

"He is Zhou Wenbin, the elder of the Zhou family." Xiao Xiao quietly introduced Dongfang Tianlong.

Dongfang Tianlong rolled his eyes inwardly and said: Isn't that your eldest brother? I saw Zhou Wenbin had a square face, a pair of eagle eyes, showing a shrewd personality, an eagle nose, let people know that he is not a loser, thin lips tightly closed, the corners of his mouth, showing his good mood , With the arrogant expression of the superior on his face, it seems that everything is in his grasp.

Dongfang Tianlong secretly complained: It seems that Young Master Zhou is really plotting the courtyard of Xie's family. Or, is the Zhou family looking for this Xie family courtyard

Zhou Dashao saw that Dongfang Tianlong was about to sign the contract with a pen, and immediately shouted: "This house, our Zhou family has already bought. You must not sign this contract!"

However, others were afraid of their Zhou family, but Dongfang Tianlong was not afraid at all. He ignored the other party and put his pen on the contract and wanted to sign his own name.

Zhou Da rarely saw that Dongfang Tianlong ignored his words and continued to sign the contract. He couldn't help but furiously. With a glance, he winked at the four men in suits behind him, and the four men in suits immediately threw their legs at Dongfang Tianlong to stop him. He signs the contract.

Dongfang Tianlong snorted and swept his eyes. The four people who rushed to the front suddenly felt cold all over, and they stopped abruptly and stood there unmoved.

Dongfang Tianlong calmly signed his own name, and the four of them felt that their bodies were able to move. The four of them reacted and were about to pounce again, but Dongfang Tianlong had already accepted the signed contract.