Ancient Foodie Survival Guide

Chapter 42


After returning from Xu's side, Jiang Shuyao went back to the reclining chair in his own courtyard, bored.

All the recipes Jiang Shuyao came up with have been submitted to Lin, and she sent a letter saying that the restaurant would open in a few days. It's a pity that this place is not modern. Jiang Shuyao's dream of experiencing a big boss to inspect the opening work is too difficult to realize.

She doesn't like reading books and writing, and her only hobby is cooking. After resting on the rocking chair for a while, she got up and walked to the small kitchen.

I ate hot and salty at noon, but now I am thirsty and want to eat something cold and sweet.

Not long ago, a small exquisite stone mill was moved next to the small kitchen. With the sauce pot and jars lined up by the wall, the elegant and desolate Tingzhuyuan was instantly down-to-earth, and those who didn't know thought it was a farmyard.

Jiang Shuyao took the rice to grind the flour, and the maids naturally didn't dare to look at it, and they all stepped forward to help.

So when Xie Xun came back, he saw the maids pushing the stone mill around in a circle, and Jiang Shuyao threw rice into the stone mill with a blank expression.

When he walked over, the maids saluted, and Jiang Shuyao, who was distracted, was taken aback and stared at him.

Xie Xun touched his nose awkwardly and asked, "What are you doing?"


The obvious thing, Xie Xun nodded, with his hands behind his back, he was as tall and straight as a loose body... Watching the maids grind the powder.

Jiang Shuyao seemed to see the shadows of those uncles who liked to watch people play chess in the park.

Xie Guogong's mansion has no servants and is not afraid of this cold-faced and arrogant third master. The maids were stared at by his eyes and their hands and legs were soft, and cold sweat on their foreheads was coming out.

The more they pushed, the more uneasy they became. When their arms trembled to the point of weakness, Xie Xun suddenly said, "Can't you push?"

Hearing this sentence, the maid was almost scared to tears, and before she knelt down to apologize, she heard Xie Xun say in his calm and cold voice: "Then let me come."

After all, he rolled up his cuffs and robbed the maid of work.

So there was such a scene in Tingzhuyuan - Xie Xun, the third master of Xie Guogong's mansion, pushed the stone mill with a cold face, and the third lady lost the rice with a blank face.

Bai Zhi watched from a distance, not knowing what to think for a while.

In the huge capital, there are not many noble people who can find a special love, and the two are a strange match.

After grinding the powder, Jiang Shuyao put the powder into the porcelain jar, and Xie Xun followed her into the small kitchen.

It was getting warmer, Jiang Shuyao replaced all the windows of the small kitchen with screen windows, which were wide open during the day, facing a quiet green vine outside, so that he would not be irritable and stuffy when cooking.

Heat a pot over a low heat, mix the ground rice and glutinous rice flour with water and mix evenly. While stirring the warm water in the pot with a large spoon, slowly pour in the mixed slurry.

You can't stop boiling the cold cake. You must keep stirring to prevent the sticks from sticking to the pot. When the white water in the pot gradually solidifies, you can turn off the heat.

Pour the thick white syrup into a bowl, set it aside and let it cool, then boil the brown sugar over low heat. After the brown sugar is boiled and let cool, the cold cake is completely solidified.

Flip the cold cake with a small bowl, pour a few spoonfuls of brown sugar water over the cold cake, sprinkle with white sesame seeds, and the brown sugar cold cake is ready.

The brown sugar cold cake is really a good product for summer. The color of the cold cake is like white jade, smooth and shiny, and the brown sugar is slightly brown, which makes the cold cake more and more white.

Jiang Shuyao and Xie Xun each had a bowl and sat under the big tree in the courtyard to taste.

After the cold cake is completely cooled, the inside is also soft and cool, the taste is soft and smooth, a bit like jelly, chewing more tough and waxy than jelly.

It's not sticky but not sticky. The brown sugar water has a strong sweetness and a slight burnt and bitter taste. With the soft and soft cold cakes swaying in the mouth, the sweetness does not dissipate, and it is sweet and cool.

Xie Xun watched her eat half a bowl and didn't need it, and asked, "You only eat half a bowl after you've done so much?"

"Half a bowl is full." Jiang Shuyao remembered something and called Bai Zhi, "Send a few bowls to the big room."

Bai Zhi responded and handed a letter: "Madam, this is a letter from Miss Ge's family."

Jiang Shuyao took it, opened the letter and read it slowly.

The letter begins with Wen Xuexi's greetings. Ge Qingshu also seems to understand that Jiang Shuyao is not a talented person, so he put it away in a hurry, turned to gossip a few words, and got to the main topic - the last time you said when the Lin's restaurant will open. ? Have you selected a location

Xie Xun felt uncomfortable when he heard Ge Qingshu's name. He ate the last spoonful of cold cake in the bowl, put down the spoon, and muttered, "Is she really writing letters to you?"

"Yes." Jiang Shuyao read the letter and didn't have time to talk to him.

"What did you say?"

"Just gossip."

"Gossip, what gossip?" Thinking of what Ge Qingshu had targeted at him last time, he immediately became alert.

After Jiang Shuyao finished reading the letter, he folded the letter and looked at Xie Xun with a frown: "Why are you so weird?" He didn't seem like a gossip person.

Xie Xun coughed uncomfortably.

"It's nothing serious. She asked me when the restaurant will open."

Xie Xun nodded: "The restaurant is located on the pier, and it is not sold to nobles. If she wants to join in, there is no chance."

"Yes, but I have a heart." Jiang Shuyao said, calling the next person to take a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Xie Xun didn't know Ge Qingshu, and didn't understand her purpose in rushing to approach Jiang Shuyao.

He was thinking wildly, Jiang Shuyao sighed suddenly after he had finished writing his reply.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Shuyao propped her chin and complained, "It's nothing, I just thought that Miss Ge couldn't go to support me. Why don't I be the same? It was the first time in my life that I participated in opening a store, but I couldn't go and have a look."

Xie Xun wondered: "Why not?"

Jiang Shuyao blinked: "Ah, can I go?"

"Of course you can go if you want." Xie Xun counted the days, "I just took a break when the restaurant opened, would you like to go with you?"

"Really?" Jiang Shuyao widened her eyes and leaned over excitedly.

"Of course it can't be fake." Seeing her so excited, Xie Xun understood why Mrs. Xiangyang liked to spoil this daughter. Seeing her rejoicing, I am also very happy, I wish I could keep coaxing her to be happy like this.

"But..." Jiang Shuyao hesitated, "I'm afraid this is not a good idea. After all, I am the third wife of Xie Guogong's mansion, and I must always behave in a proper manner." She finally began to adapt to the thinking of the ancients and began to examine her own behavior. .

This sign just emerged, and before it took shape, Xie Xun slapped it down.

"What's wrong, you are my wife, I don't mind, what other people have a lot of mouths." Xie Xun stretched out his hand and asked the maid to serve him another bowl of cold cake.

The depression in Jiang Shuyao's heart dissipated immediately, and he sighed, "Xie Boyuan, you are such a good person."

This compliment sounded strange, Xie Xun said "um". Although he wasn't looking forward to this compliment, he still pursed his lips and laughed for a while.

On duty the next day, Lin Cheng was planning to take a break with his friends and go out for a ride in the city. When asked about Xie Xun, Xie Xun shook his head and refused.

"Bo Yuan, you've changed." Lin Cheng was heartbroken. "After you got married, it's like you've changed. The next runner is the fastest, and Xiu Mu doesn't come out to play. We are all divided."

Xie Xun said indifferently, "Don't make a fool of yourself."

Lin Cheng snorted and said, "I think we have become more and more divided these days. Why don't we go to your house for a gathering on Xiu Muri, do you think?"

Friends watching silently on the side, look at me, I look at you, a thought called "rubbing rice" met at that moment, and they all echoed: "That's it, that's it."

"I think Wen Rao's proposal is very good."

"Yeah yeah."

Xie Xun glanced at them, always feeling that something was wrong. In the past, these people were afraid of his majestic elder brother and never liked to visit his house.

He said, "Next time, I have something to do on the day off."

The crowd let out a sigh and dispersed regretfully.

Seeing them like this, Xie Xun's heart twitched slightly.

It seems that Wen Rao's words are true, and he is indeed separated from his friends.

They wanted to have more contact with them, but they refused. It is reasonable for them to be so lost, and they must pay more attention in the future.

Lin Cheng walked over to Xie Xun and whispered, "What are you busy with?"

Xie Xun said: "I want to accompany my wife to see the restaurant opening."

Lin Cheng breathed for a while, and casually, it seemed that he just asked casually, "Where is it?"

"At Lin's dock."

Lin Cheng nodded and staggered away with his hands behind his back, with a smug expression on his face.

He thought that he was the only one who had heard about this, but he didn't know that his colleagues who had been working hard put their ears down and whispered, "Is the Lin's Wharf the one on the west side of the outskirts of Beijing?"

"No way, are you going to the pier to buy food?"

"Haha, I'm going to the outskirts of the city to race horses, can't I pass by?"

"I don't think it's necessary. Naturally, Bo Yuan's meals are carefully prepared by his wife every day. Can it be the same as the rough men who sold it to the gang of clerks at the dock?"


Everyone discussed it, saying that going to the pier for dinner is too cheap, and they will never go!

After a while, Lin Cheng was found one by one, and they all said that something suddenly happened, and Xiu Muri couldn't run horses together.

This was exactly what Lin Cheng wanted, he pretended to be regretful on his face and secretly laughed in his heart. His mind was filled with the duck blood vermicelli soup that he had eaten at Xie Xun's house last time. He wondered if it would be sold in restaurants.

It was a good day on the holiday, the sun was shining and the sky was blue.

Lin Cheng, who had promised to go to the outskirts of the city alone to run horses, dressed in cotton clothes, appeared on time at the outskirts of the city.

He was afraid of meeting Xie Xun who came here, so he deliberately dressed up. At this moment, he was just like a good-looking white-faced scholar among the crowd.

"I heard from the lady who sells cakes that the restaurant will open today, right?"

"Yeah, I haven't eaten stewed meat for several days since the grandma who made the stew closed the stall. I wonder how it tastes, and I don't know how the newly opened restaurant tastes like."

"Since they go to restaurants to work, they must not taste worse than before."

Lin Cheng followed behind the two working men, following the flow of people to a small street not far from the pier.

Uncle Xiangyang's shot, even if it is a pilot, the scene is not small.

Four storefronts were taken in one street, and they were opened in one go. The front of the store was filled with tables, chairs and benches, and a wine look with "Lin" written on it fluttered in the wind.

Lin Cheng approached, and a tangy aroma surged in.

The Lin family restaurant is different from other restaurants in that it pays attention to the word "quick" when serving food. Similar to a food stall, a string of pots and table cases are set up in front of the store, and they are sold while cooking.

There was a loud-sounding second at the door shouting the price, swiftly reporting the name of the dish, and shouting for the diners to be seated.

The guys in the Lin family did everything in an orderly manner. After a while, all the noisy men were ordered and seated. Lin Cheng came to the front and was introduced by the little Er, who didn't know what to eat.

Xiao Er raised his hand and pointed: "How about a bowl of noodles?" Seeing that this one doesn't seem to be able to eat, he will not be introduced to eat rice bowls or steamed buns.

Lin Cheng nodded and followed Xiao Er to the stall.

The noodle maker was the proprietress who was selling noodles at a nearby restaurant. When she saw Lin Cheng's face, her tone improved a lot, and she asked with a smile, "What kind of brine are you pouring?"

Lin Cheng chose one at random, and the proprietress responded, took the noodle bowl brought by the worker at the back, poured a large spoonful of steaming brine on the white water noodles, and handed it to Lin Cheng.

The noodle bowl was still hot, so Lin Cheng took it carefully.

At this time, there were not many people, so Lin Cheng found an empty table, smelled the fragrant braised noodles, and couldn't wait to move his chopsticks.

The color of the braised noodles is brown and red, bright and moist, the noodles are white and thick, the yellow egg skin, the black fungus and mushrooms, the red carrots, and the tender white diced tofu are mixed together with rich colors.

Stir evenly with chopsticks, the marinade is still thick but not scattered, tightly wrapped in noodles of uniform thickness.

As soon as you enter the mouth, you will understand the magic of thick brine. The brine is delicious, and the noodles are salty and suitable. The fragrance is rich and mellow, but not greasy.

The stew is about a good soup, and the slow-boiled chicken soup is accompanied by diced mushrooms, so fresh that people can't wait to swallow their tongues.

The egg flower is scattered in the brine, thin and flexible, with a mellow egg fragrance, which is particularly conspicuous in the brown-red brine, because the egg flower is thin enough to taste, and after chewing, the salty stewed soup overflows from the egg flower, with a strong taste The more chewy the noodles are, the more flavorful they are.

I don't know how the noodles are kneaded. There is no soup, but it is not sticky, soft and smooth, and the roots are distinct.

In the past, it was difficult for anyone to eat this kind of noodles gracefully. Lin Cheng was still restrained at the beginning, and at the back, he directly picked up a large chopstick and opened the entrance.

The thick stewed soup and noodles are wrapped in the mouth, hot and fresh, sprinkle some white pepper on the stewed soup, the hotness stirs up the numbing aroma of pepper, spicy and fresh, fresh and mellow, and a few drops of fragrance Vinegar, one bite after another, the corners of the mouth are soaked with bitterness, and it is impossible to stop.

Lin Cheng ate happily, unaware that there was someone sitting across from him.

The man opposite said to himself while eating: "The soup poured on the noodles is really wonderful, the mushrooms and mushrooms are fragrant, the egg skin is fragrant, the fresh bamboo shoots and fungus are fragrant, and there is a faint meat fragrance of the broth, which is obviously normal. The ingredients have made an unusual taste, and it seems that the wisdom of the people is endless."

This voice, this tone, this familiar chatter...

Lin Cheng looked up and saw Li Fu, his colleague who had clearly said that he was going to the bookstore to grab the orphaned book, was sitting opposite him, immersed in tasting the noodles.

His eyes glanced at Li Fu, the dark cotton shirt, and then looked at what he was wearing, it was too similar.

The person on the other side was still eating noodles while snoring, and Lin Cheng couldn't take it anymore, so he knocked on the table.

Li Fu raised his head inexplicably, and then froze.

The two of them looked at each other with big eyes to small eyes, and after a while, they uttered four words dryly: "What a coincidence, what a coincidence."

They smirked a few times, and then invariably bowed their heads to eat the noodles, Li Fu finally restrained his voice.

After eating a few mouthfuls, a person came to the side, and snorted and ate the noodles. Lin didn't care about the cost, but when Yu Guang glanced at the familiar dark robe, he always felt an inexplicable strangeness.

He looked sideways, and it was really no different from his own.

Isn't the person who sees through the clothes that he wants to compose poems with his classmates who can't go to the horse race

Lin Cheng stopped, and Li Fu, who was opposite, felt strange and looked up at the person next to him.

The table was quiet for a while, and Guan Ying also paused. When he looked up, the three of them stared at each other.

"… "

In the silence, the three of them thought in unison: They clearly ordered their servants to "find an inconspicuous piece of clothes that ordinary people wear", why are the three of them wearing the same clothes at this moment? ! Could it be that the inconspicuous ones in the eyes of the people of the government are all this style