Ancient Foodie Survival Guide

Chapter 56


Jiang Shuyao walked over and put the cake down, and said embarrassingly, "sister-in-law, sister-in-law second."

Zhou Shi did not wait for her to ask why she chose to come over and listen to Zhuyuan to join them, and said first: "I just think I'm free anyway. Since you sincerely invited me, I'll come over." Saying so, she regretted it all in her heart. Don't hesitate to refuse quickly.

She said these words to Jiang Shuyao, but her eyes fell on Xu Shi's face, and the words "sincerely invited" were bitten very hard.

Hearing this, Mrs Xu smiled softly, took her words and said to Jiang Shuyao, "I rushed over to finish the affairs and came here on purpose. After all, you said that you want people to be more lively."

Her attitude was extremely gentle and considerate, in exchange for Jiang Shuyao's moving eyes.


Zhou Shi finally took a breath and lost his way. She was so angry with Xu Shi's gentle appearance that her eyes turned black.

Jiang Shuyao didn't care about her awkwardness, greeted the twins one by one, and pushed the cake in front of them.

"This is a birthday cake, let's cut it together." Because they were afraid that it would be unlucky for them to blow out the candles, Jiang Shuyao didn't put in the candles. "Before cutting, remember to close your eyes and make a wish."

It sounds strange, when Xu and Zhou were still thinking about what kind of custom this is, Xie Zhao had already excitedly ran to Jiang Shuyao: "Can my wish come true?"

Jiang Shuyao gave an "uh" and said, "Sincereness is good, but today is your birthday, and God may take care of you."

Xie Zhao nodded hurriedly: "Okay." He turned to Xie Yao and said, "Fourth brother, let's make a wish together."

Xie Yao nodded, closed his eyes and meditated on his wish.

Xie Zhao put his hands together and looked up at the sky, closed his eyes and muttered a long list of words.

"Okay, I'm done. I hope to spend my birthday with my third aunt every year." He opened his eyes and repeated it loudly, pulling on Jiang Shuyao's cuff.

Jiang Shuyao was stunned. First, how could he say his wish like this, and second, his wish was beyond her expectations.

But Xie Yao added in a low voice at this time: "And mother, second aunt."

After he finished speaking, he stared at Jiang Shuyao with bright eyes, waiting for her to answer expectantly.

The three adults present were all stunned.

Jiang Shuyao's heart was sour and soft, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Okay. But when you grow up, you won't want to live with us."

Xie Zhao got the promise, jumped back to his seat, and retorted brightly, "No way."

Jiang Shuyao was amused by his childish words, and asked them to cut the cake quickly.

Although there were only five people present, there was a very lively and warm feeling. Zhou shi hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time, and he twisted uncomfortably in the seat.

She looked up at Mrs. Xu, and found that Mrs. Xu took off the unchanging gentle and dignified mask on her face, showing grateful eyes and a natural smile.

Zhou Shi had been with her for several years, and this was the first time she had seen such a sincere side of her, and she suddenly felt a little emotional.

She looked at Jiang Shuyao, who happened to divide a piece of cake into her plate.

"Second sister-in-law, try it, this is your first time." She said with a smile.

Her smile was warm and warm like the warm sun in winter, and Zhou Shi's eyes became sour for no reason, and he blinked away the faint dampness.

"Sister-in-law's." Jiang Shuyao continued to divide the cake for Xu.

"Thank you." Mrs. Xu said for the first time what she said from her heart, "I ate the cake you made last time, and I still think about it." After she said it, she felt a lot better. Yes, she was greedy for the desserts made by Jiang Shuyao. .

Immersed in kindness and moved, Mr. Zhou moved his ears when he heard the words, and pretended to be casual: "You guys are so familiar with them before that they gave you food."

"I'm not very familiar, I'm just smeared with a thick face." She glanced at Jiang Shuyao and added gently, "My younger brother and sister are kind and easy to get along with."

Zhou's and Xu's eyes met in the air, and their eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yeah, how would you be willing to cook for me and have lunch with me? I always feel guilty and uncomfortable, and I shouldn't be able to take care of her."

Xu shi raised half of his eyebrows, and similarly narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he only deepened the smile on his face.

Jiang Shuyao, who had divided everyone's cakes, looked up and found that the atmosphere was weird.

She looked at the two people who were looking at each other, and when they made eye contact, there were faint sparks flying around.

"Cough." She hurriedly bowed her head and ate the cake obediently like the twins.

I didn't eat a lot of food while sitting, and I was half full after using up the cake.

Xie Zhao still wanted to eat more, but was stopped by Jiang Shuyao: "There is still delicious food, keep your stomach."

Xie Zhao immediately became refreshed: "What is delicious! Have you eaten before?"

"Of course not." Jiang Shuyao stood up, "I'll go take a look."

As soon as she left, Xie Zhao quickly caught up, Xie Yao slowed for half a beat, and followed, leaving Xu and Zhou to stare at them.

Zhou Shi couldn't take it anymore, stood up on crutches, and limped after him.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xu simply chased after him.

So they became four people standing in a row, watching Jiang Shuyao directing the cook to roast duck.

Open the door of the vaulted cellar and put fruit wood under it, and it can be used as a roasting duck stove.

Hanging oven roast duck is roasted on an open fire. There is no smoke when the fruit wood is fired, and the bottom fire is strong. Hang the duck on the iron hook and rotate the duck at any time to ensure even heating. It is a test of patience and skill, so Jiang Shuyao specially let the powerful cook Mother to help.

The firewood burns brightly, the furnace is orange-red, and the duck skin is roasted and reflective. The duck is fat and tender, with thick subcutaneous fat. After being roasted by an open fire, the fat melts, and the oil and water drip down "tick-tock".

"It's almost there." Jiang Shuyao said.

The cook nodded, drew the rod, took the duck out of the stove, and picked it up on the large wooden board next to it.

The duck was freshly baked, the color was purplish red, and the outer skin seemed to be condensed with a layer of honey juice, with a transparent oily sheen.

Jiang Shuyao asked the maid to bring the side dishes, and with the help of the cook, took out the three-strand fork, and started roasting the duck with a blade while holding down the duck's end.

Her technique was neat, and when the knife light swayed, the bright red roast duck turned into slices of clove leaves, neatly stacked in the white porcelain plate. The duck meat is tender, and the orange-red duck skin is extremely thin, which is tightly attached to the white meat, and the red lines are drawn one after another.

After Jiang Shuyao sliced the roast duck, everyone returned to the table, and the maids set out the side dishes one after another: thin and soft lotus leaf cake, thinly sliced scallions, thick sweet noodle sauce served in a small porcelain bowl, cucumber strips, Carrot sticks, etc.

After setting the plate, the maid brought a basin to serve the master to clean his hands, Zhou's Xu was puzzled, and Jiang Shuyao explained: "This dish must be eaten with your hands."

After everyone cleaned their hands, Xie Zhao couldn't wait, and drooled at the roast duck: "Can you eat it?"


As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and took a piece of roast duck and put it in his mouth.

The skin of roast duck is crispy and fragrant, but the meat is tender and moist. The fat under the duck skin is thick, and the fat connecting to the duck skin is roasted until it is tender and full. The teeth melt in the mouth when touched, and the duck oil splashes all over the place. The pork has a rich and long mellow flavor.

A small piece is fat, thin, and skinned. You don’t need to chew it hard when you put it in your mouth. You don’t need any extra dipping ingredients. You can slowly taste and grind it, so that the fresh and fragrant duck meat tastes in your mouth, and it is mellow and moist. , the aroma of oil juice penetrates every inch of the lips and teeth, and the plump and fat fragrance has a light fruity fragrance.

Jiang Shuyao smiled and said, "It's boring to eat like this, you have to wrap it in lotus leaf cakes to eat."

She picked up a piece of lotus leaf cake, baked it softly and tenderly, with a slight noodle fragrance, smeared it with sweet noodle sauce, added three or four pieces of duck meat, added scallion white, and rolled up the lotus leaf cake with a thin crust. Completely unable to wrap the bulging duck meat.

Xie Zhao took it, the cake she rolled was a little bigger, and he had to open his mouth wide to put it all in.

With his mouth open, he pressed the tail of the lotus leaf burrito, and slowly pushed it into his mouth, then pushed and chewed.

The sweet noodle sauce enhances the taste, adding a salty and sweet taste to the roast duck. After biting into the thin and soft crust, the roast duck with crispy skin and moist and tender interior and the sweet and crisp white onions form a rich taste. With fresh and sweet onion fragrance.

"It's delicious." He covered his mouth and praised vaguely.

Xu Shi didn't like eating oily meat, she thought it was because Xie Zhao was greedy and exaggerated, and it was not until she tried to roll a portion and put it in her mouth that she realized that the meat and oily aroma can also be so delicious.

The duck skin is crispy and tender, fat but not greasy. The fragrance of noodles, sauce and green onions are all used to set off the crispy and mellow roast duck.

When roasting duck in the open oven, water must be poured into the duck cavity. When the fire is roasted, the steam will drum up the duck cavity, so that the duck will not lose water and become wood, and the roasted meat will be tender and full, and the gravy will be full.

She rolled a small amount of duck meat, and was still amazed by the deliciousness of the duck meat, not to mention the other people who rolled several pieces of duck meat and stuffed them into their mouths.

Zhou's is no better than Xu's. After she took a bite of roast duck, she completely put aside the proper appearance. Anyway, she got used to it, so why did she care so much.

She and Xie Zhao devoured them together, wishing to stuff six or seven pieces of roast duck into the palm-sized pancake.

Watering the duck cavity can not only lock the fresh and tender juice of the duck meat, but also can use steam to open the duck skin, make the duck skin very thin, and roast it on an open fire, the duck oil will overflow, and the duck skin will be crispy and fragrant. The essence of roast duck.

Xie Yao loves duck skin very much. He specially chooses roast duck slices with less duck meat. The duck skin is crispy, and the oil juice is completely soaked into the thin duck skin. Bite out of oil.

The two little guys and Zhou Clan were full of oil, and even the restrained Xu Clan couldn't hold back, and they ate a little.

After a few people finished eating, they didn't want to move, so they just rested for a while in Jiang Shuyao's courtyard and sat side by side watching the sunset.

The sun sets in the west, the rays of light fill the sky, magnificent and splendid, the orange, red and purple are dipped in each other, sprinkled with a warm and soft glow, and everything is covered with a soft halo.

Mrs. Xu sat on the right side of Jiang Shuyao, and the two children quietly leaned on them to enjoy the sunset. She was infected by this leisurely and comfortable tranquility, and turned her head to Jiang Shuyao and said softly, "Brother and sister, thank you."

Jiang Shuyao withdrew his gaze from admiring the scenery, and turned to look at her puzzled.

"A Zhao and A Yao are very happy today. I have never been so careful about their birthdays before." She rubbed the child's head, hesitated for a while, but still said what was in her heart, "I am also happy, thank you."

Jiang Shuyao looked at Xu Shi's grateful expression, her heart softened, and moved: "Sister-in-law..."

Before he had time to say anything, Mrs. Zhou suddenly said, "Me too. Since I got married to Duke Xie's mansion, this is the first time I realize that dinner can be so warm. I really want the sunset to disperse a little slower."

Jiang Shuyao felt sour in her heart, and put her hand on the back of Zhou's hand.

Zhou Shi smiled at her with a soft expression, no longer covering up her lonely self, and solemnly said, "Thank you."

Jiang Shuyao quickly said no, and looked at her with pity.

Xu Shi, whose beard was cut off, looked stiff behind her, and his eyes fell on Zhou Shi's face like a torch, as if saying, "You pretend, keep pretending."

The corner of Zhou's mouth, who grabbed Jiang Shuyao's attention, evoked a triumphant smile, and his eyes crossed Jiang Shuyao and fell on Xu's face: I just pretended, what can you do to me

The eyes of the two exchanged in the air, and Jiang Shuyao, who was completely in the dark, felt an inexplicable coldness behind him.

The aroma of roast duck lingered for a long time, Xie Xun smelled the smell and stepped into the hospital expectantly, and then was stunned.

The glow of the sun was beautiful, and the scene in the courtyard was dyed with warm light. Jiang Shuyao sat in the middle, with a cute child lying in front of her knees.

He blinked, silently exited the courtyard gate, and looked up at the hospital name.

It's right listening to Bamboo Garden.

So what's the matter with this picture of "the sweet wife and the concubine are on the side, the child is around the knees"? ?

He stepped into the courtyard, shattering this undercurrent of tranquility.

Xu shi and Zhou shi were still staring at each other, and suddenly they felt that an uninvited guest broke in, and they cast their eyes at the same time.

Xie Xun is dressed in bright official robes, tall and straight, handsome and handsome, stepping on the ray of light and approaching Shi Nailang, he is unique and unique in the world.

They still had smiles on their faces, but their eyes were a bit sharper than before.

Why are you coming back now? It's not the time!

Xie Xun didn't realize it, and returned with the same smile, respectfully said, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law." There seemed to be nothing wrong, but Clan Zhou and Clan Xu felt his displeasure.

"Third brother." The two nodded without any sign of leaving.

The air fell silent.

Jiang Shuyao, who was still immersed in the peaceful atmosphere of the years, suddenly shuddered.

It's here again, that weird Asura field is coming again, what is this inexplicable feeling!