Ancient Foodie Survival Guide

Chapter 80


The nobles in the palace asked for snails, and the people below had to send them immediately. They hurriedly fished some very clean snails from the spring on the mountain and sent them to the palace.

After Jiang Shuyao had lunch in the imperial concubine's palace, Tianluo was brought in, along with the seasonings that Jiang Shuyao requested were also brought into the palace from Duke Xie's residence.

The snails sent in are all raised by mountain springs and have been washed repeatedly, and they will not come out of mud if they are washed with water again. Jiang Shuyao asked people to soak the snails in salt water for a while, and let the snails spit out mud for a while. Of course, if conditions permit, it is better to soak a few drops of oil overnight.

After lunch, Jiang Shuyao talked with Concubine Lin for a while, and Concubine Lin took a nap.

Jiang Shuyao was bored, reading a book in the hall, looking at Xie Xun and thinking of Xie Xun. Today is the closest place to Xie Xun's duty station.

I don't know what Xie Xun is doing, whether he is busy or not, and whether he has eaten well for lunch.

She held her chin in a daze, and suddenly a little eunuch ran over and whispered a few words to the big eunuch in the hall.

Jiang Shuyao heard the sound and looked towards them. When she turned her head, the eyes of the two happened to meet her.

The eldest eunuch gave Jiang Shuyao a flattering and kind smile, walked over with a bowed waist, and whispered: "Madam, Lord Xie asked Xiao Shunzi to send you a message, asking how your lunch was. Said that if you stay in the palace until You Shi, then you will go back to the palace together, and Sir Xie will wait for you at the palace gate after he is on duty."

Asking for lunch must be an excuse, Jiang Shuyao thought, and Xie Xun probably also thought of her.

"Lunch was good," she replied. "I see."

The big eunuch covered his mouth and smiled. He hadn't seen such a silly newlywed couple for many years, how sweet he was.

He smiled and said, "That's good, I'll ask Xiao Shunzi to go back and talk to him. If you have anything to say, let him pass it back."

Jiang Shuyao shook his head: "No more." Even if there were, it would be embarrassing for others to pass it on.

After Concubine Lin fell asleep, the two chatted for a while about clothes and jewelry. They were sent away in the afternoon, and the snails in the dining room were soaked.

Concubine Lin and Jiang Shuyao chatted for an afternoon, and the first few rustlings were cleared up. Seeing that it was almost time, she said to Jiang Shuyao, "How about you, do you really want to start cooking? Now that you are soft, my aunt will reward you with some jewelry. rouge."

Jiang Shuyao stood up and said confidently, "Niangniang, don't underestimate me. If the snails I made are delicious, would you still reward me?"

"Reward." Concubine Lin was also happy when she saw her bright and energetic appearance, "It depends on whether you have the ability to receive this reward."

Jiang Shuyao saluted and retired, and was invited to the dining room by the maid.

Concubine Lin was favored, the dining room was much larger than the small kitchen in Xie Guogong's mansion, and the condiments and ingredients were readily available.

Jiang Shuyao walked to the big basin where the snails were soaked. The tails of the snails had been cut clean at her request, so she could start cooking directly now.

First put the treated snails in a pot and boil water, add cooking wine to boil, skim off the foam, and finally pour out and drain.

Boil the pan over high heat, add oil, and after the oil is 60% hot, add diced garlic, tempeh, green onion, ginger slices, etc. and saute until fragrant. saute. The snails made a crisp sound when they were stir-frying in the pot. With the action of turning the pot, the aroma of the material head choked into the snails during the stir-frying process, and the dining room was instantly filled with a fresh and rich taste. It's a little weird at first, but after a few more smells, it smells good again.

Add water and simmer for three minutes, let the soup be further immersed in the snail meat, then add peppers, perilla leaves, salt, cooking wine and continue to stir fry. Fried snails, perilla leaves are the soul, which can not only remove the muddy smell of snails perfectly, but also add freshness and fragrance. Finally, stir fry with high heat, so that the screw can better absorb the soup and oil and gas, and at the same time collect the juice. After the pot is out of the pot, the tail of the snail will absorb the thick and salty soup.

Fried snails are a heavy-tasting dish. Jiang Shuyao did not show mercy when he prepared the ingredients. The oil was sufficient, and the fried snails were shiny and oily, and the soup was thick. The black snails were piled on a white porcelain plate. Xiaoshan, to the palace people who have never eaten snails, looks really strange, but the fragrance is too strong and attractive, so they can't help but ignore the strange appearance of snails, and want to try what it tastes like.

When it was brought to the table, Concubine Lin's reaction was more than theirs.

She frowned tightly, her face was stiff, she shrank her neck and ducked back, pinched her nose and said in disgust, "You really got fired."

Jiang Shuyao said helplessly, "It doesn't smell bad."

Concubine Lin raised her eyebrows, even though her expression was distorted, she was still very beautiful.

She hesitated to release her hand, but as soon as she released it, a strong fragrance penetrated into her nostrils. It is very fresh, with a pungent pungency in the freshness, and the soft aniseed herbal fragrance is incorporated into the pungency.

She walked forward tentatively, and saw the plate of fried snails on the table, her disgusting expression hung back on her face: "How do you eat this, do you eat the shells?"

Jiang Shuyao picked up a bamboo skewer and picked out a little tender meat from the snail: "Eat the meat. But don't eat the tail part." Although the snail is raised from a mountain spring, it is better not to eat it.

Since the two had the ingredients for a bet, Jiang Shuyao fried it, and someone had to taste it.

Concubine Lin swept her eyes around the eunuch in the palace, and pointed at the eunuch: "Come and try." After speaking, she felt unkind and added, "There is a reward."

Jiang Shuyao was even more helpless.

The eunuch was originally from a poor family. After all these years in the palace, he was not a delicate person.

He bowed his head and walked to the table, kneeling respectfully, his head touching the ground, and said, "Thank you, Madam, for the meal."

This scene is the same as giving poison. A palace maid brought a porcelain plate over, picked a snail and put it on it, and then brought it to the eunuch.

The eunuch raised his head and followed Jiang Shuyao's movements to pick out tender meat from the snails.

The soup was thick and hung on the snail meat, with a hint of chili oil shining on it. The spicy and rich aroma came from the surface, which was a taste he had never experienced before. It was rich in layers, and the freshness and spicyness were perfectly neutralized. It seemed that all the aromas were integrated into the small snail meat.

Originally, he was racking his brains a moment ago to think about how to say it if it was unpalatable, but now he suddenly realized that it seems that such a set of euphemisms is not needed.

Jiang Shuyao told the tail that it is best not to eat it, so he just tapped the snail meat lightly with his teeth. The snail meat was extremely tender, but tender and tenacious. Just as he imagined, the rich and complex flavors were all integrated into the small meat. In the small snail meat, it is extremely delicious, extremely spicy, with a hint of sweetness and sweetness with a long lingering rhythm.

Obviously only a little bit, but a strong fragrance burst out in the mouth in an instant, fresh and refreshing, spicy and hearty, if you have wine to accompany at this time, eat a mouthful of snail meat, and drink a sip of bitter and sweet sake, then it is called happy.

"How is it?" Concubine Lin asked.

The eunuch hurriedly came out of the trance of the delicate taste and said, "It's very good to go back to the imperial concubine!" It's a pity that his mouth is stupid, and he can't describe it very well, and he can't give the praise he deserves.

Jiang Shuyao expected this answer, but did not react, but Concubine Lin couldn't believe it: "Really?"

She didn't need the eunuch to answer, she knew how the eunuch dared to answer a lie, but such a decisive "excellent" still made her unable to believe it. She walked quickly to the table and looked at the plate of fried snails.

Walking in, the fragrance is spicy, and the spicy sweetness is more intense.

Seeing Jiang Shuyao looking at her with a smile, she took a breath and gritted her teeth: "Bring the lottery, this palace will try it."

Naturally, she didn't have to do it herself, the palace maid picked it out for her, she took it, and hesitantly put it in her mouth.

She has lived in the palace for a long time, and she has not eaten heavy food for a long time, and she has never tasted the taste of pepper.

After eating, she was stunned.

The snail meat falls on the tip of the tongue, and the spicy taste first bursts in the mouth, a little painful, a little numb, but more of a stimulating aroma that makes people drool, followed by the freshness of the snail meat, which is soaked in the soup. It is rich, and the bottom taste is sweet and sweet, and it further highlights the freshness, numbness, spicyness, freshness, and sweetness. All kinds of flavors occupy every part of the mouth in an instant. Before chewing, she couldn't help swallowing the snail meat. .

Chew the snail meat again, the taste is very wonderful, tender and firm, with chewy teeth, a small lump of meat, the more you chew, the more fragrant the more you chew, each time you chew, the more obvious the flavor of the soup, and because it is Ganquan The snails raised are still fresh and sweet. After chewing it carefully and swallowing it, I just felt that it was completely unsatisfactory, and it evoked cravings, but it was only so small, which was not enough.

Jiang Shuyao knew what she was thinking by looking at her expression, so she held back her smile and said, "How is it?"

Concubine Lin stopped talking, and reached out to probe the plate. The palace maid quickly picked the next one for her, and she waved her hand: "I'll do it myself."

She took a snail in her hand. It was really strange how such an ugly little thing could be so delicious.

Jiang Shuyao reminded at the right time: "There is soup in the snail, suck on the tail, and then suck out the snail meat. This way of eating is the most wonderful."

Her simple sentence made Concubine Lin swallow unconsciously.

She tentatively put the snail to her mouth, and she was stunned when her lips touched the snail, and realized that this action was too unsightly. But it was too late, the delicious soup on the snail shell had already made her react subconsciously, and when she sucked it gently, the rich and spicy soup suddenly poured into her mouth, not much, but enough to wake up her taste buds instantly.

The soup is fresher than the snail meat. It seems that all the essence is integrated into this little soup. It is warm and hot, it seems to be spicy, and it seems to be the rich aroma that was just out of the pot, which is spicy and spicy. The taste of fresh is so unpleasant that people can't get enough of it.

She couldn't hold back, she sighed again and made a "Zizzi" sound, which was really indecent, but she couldn't remember it at this time.

Jiang Shuyao saw that she had sucked several snails in succession, and then she reminded her: "Niangniang, how is it, is it worth the reward?"

Concubine Lin froze for a moment, then quickly relaxed, with a smile on her face, she said happily, "Reward!" Then she added, "Now you have convinced me."

As she spoke, she kept her hands on her hands: "In the future, the Lin family's food business, Ben Gong will help, so don't worry about King Kang's side." She sighed, "This is the first time that Ben Gong has gone to the sage for the business of the Lin family since he entered the palace. Love, you can be more aggressive in the future, don't let me down."

Jiang Shuyao did not expect such a development, she was surprised: "Sir?"

"Naturally." Concubine Lin said, "Don't worry, this palace will do what it says."

She wiped her fingertips and returned to her extravagant and lazy look: "But not now, the smell is too heavy, wait for me to take a bath and then go to the saint."

Jiang Shuyao nodded, thinking about going back later and asking Xie Xun what happened.

Lin Guifei looked up at the sky and said, "It's getting late, you go back first."

Jiang Shuyao thought that Xie Xun was still waiting for her at the palace gate when she was on duty, so she saluted and resigned.

It wasn't long before she walked out. Concubine Lin swept away her lazy appearance, refreshed her spirits, and restarted the snails. This time, she finally didn't have to be restrained. The snails were so loud that she sucked the snails directly. In the mouth, while tasting the soup and chewing the meat, it is a pleasure.