Ancient Godly Monarch

Chapter 128: Sikong Mingyue


At this moment, the people still remaining on the nine battlefields are: Sikong Mingyue, Second Sword, and Third Night from Xueyun Kingdom; Luo Qianqiu, Qin Wentian, Gu Xing, Ruo Huan, Ou Chen, Hou Tie, Leng from Chu Kingdom Ya, Chu Chen, Jiang Feng.

Next, there are twelve people, and three more need to be eliminated. However, now the remaining ones are all difficult to deal with. I am afraid that it will not be easy for any one to be eliminated.

Sikong Mingyue and Luo Qianqiu cannot move.

The second sword, the third night, is the strongest person in Xueyun Kingdom except Sikong Mingyue.

Ou Chen, Tianmiaofang is very optimistic about him at this year's Junlin Banquet, and he has shown his talent in Tianhe Hall of Emperor Star Academy.

Lone Star, this is a lunatic. No one dares to mess with someone who is desperate for his life.

Ruo Huan, the perfect combination of star and soul, is hard to shake.

Qin Wentian became stronger as he fought.

Hou Tie and Leng Ya, these two people from the Divine General Wu Mansion have always given people a mysterious and powerful feeling.

Jiang Feng, the strongest person under the Yuanfu of Shenfeng Academy, ranks sixth among the top ten talents in the capital, which means that among the five figures among the top ten talents in the capital who participated in the King's Landing Banquet this year, he ranks first.

The prince Chu Chen was not very impressive before, but he defeated Shi Jun, one of the top ten talents in the capital. Moreover, it seemed that he did not expend too much strength, and his trump card was probably not revealed.

Of the twelve remaining people, if possible, the crowd did not want any of them to be eliminated.

Unfortunately, there are only nine places on the list for the Junlin Banquet. Three of them are destined to leave these nine battle stages.

At this moment, Sikong Mingyue's gaze slowly moved over, and then fell on Ruo Huan.

Just now, Ruohuan had dealt with Fourth Night in front of him, and the consequences for Fourth Night were very tragic.

Now, Ruohuan, she has to pay the price.

"Buzz." A strong wind passed by, and Sikong Mingyue walked softly. However, every time he took a step, there seemed to be an invisible wind in the void, stirring his long hair.

In Sikong Mingyue's body, a terrifying killing intent crept up, as if it was about to turn into actual killing energy, instantly engulfing all nine battle platforms.

Qin Wentian's pupils shrank. The murderous aura permeating Sikong Mingyue's body was terrifying, as if anyone who dared to stand in front of him would be killed.

And at this moment, Sikong Mingyue, he was targeting Senior Sister Ruohuan.

"Senior sister, if you can't do it, give up." Qin Wentian shouted to Ruo Huan. Ruo Huan nodded gently, her expression became more solemn. The pressure from Sikong Mingyue was very strong.

"Sikong Mingyue, we finally took action." The crowd was all looking at him, as if he would attract everyone's attention once he took action.

"Sikong Mingyue is so powerful, but Tianmiaofang regards him as the second most powerful contender for the top spot. Although they are already extremely optimistic, they are still not as optimistic as Luo Qianqiu. I don't know how strong Luo Qianqiu is. Strong, why is Tianmiaofang worthy of so much attention?"

The crowd was thinking, Luo Qianqiu, he was not one of the top ten talents in the capital last year. Could it be that in just one year, he would complete the counterattack and directly ascend to the top of the King's Landing Banquet and rule the world.

In fact, with Tianmiaofang's terrifying intelligence capabilities, since they want to set odds, they must of course keep a good grasp of everyone's situation.

They know Luo Qianqiu's background very well, and they have also investigated the mission Luo Qianqiu has this time. Therefore, for Luo Qianqiu, this year's Junlin Banquet must only be the top seat, because he needs to step into The seventh floor of Tianxing Pavilion of Emperor Star Academy.

Therefore, Luo Qianqiu cannot be defeated.

At this time, Qin Wentian felt a strong pressure from Luo Qianqiu and Sikong Mingyue. With his current fighting power, he was still not sure. He wanted to fight and he would work hard to fight. He wanted to fight even more.

A year is too long, just seize the day.

But it is not enough to have faith. He must think about how to defeat Sikong Mingyue and Luo Qianqiu. On the decisive battle stage, those two people will stand in front of him. Only by overcoming them can he reach the top.

Sikong Mingyue arrived in front of Ruo Huan, but his footsteps still did not stop, strolling towards Ruo Huan.

At this time, Ruohuan's two star souls bloomed at the same time. Looking at Sikong Mingyue's arrival, even if she couldn't defeat him, she still wanted to see how strong Sikong Mingyue was. She wanted to find out the details of Sikong Mingyue. What will be his trump card

Sikong Mingyue pointed his finger directly at him. In an instant, a vast aura of killing roared out, as if it turned into the ancient word "killing", and suddenly stamped towards Ruohuan, as fast as lightning.

Ruohuan's expression changed slightly, her body's flexibility was extremely strong, but Sikong Mingyue used a long-range killing attack to deal with her, and the power of this attack was extremely terrifying. If the ancient word "killing" was imprinted on her body, it would probably be able to penetrate people directly. body of.

A long whip appeared in his hand, and the wind and rain whip bloomed in the sky, like wind and rain from all directions, blasting forward, like a sharp sword, colliding with the ancient character of killing, Ruohuan's attack collapsed directly, the ancient character still faced forward, and the remaining force Not eliminated.

"Kill!" Sikong Mingyue stepped forward. He didn't even need to fight Ruohuan up close. He pointed his finger towards the void again. In an instant, each of the ancient characters for "kill" turned into a terrifying torrent of killing, and he moved towards her crazily. Ruohuan rolled over.

Ruohuan's body kept retreating, and the resistance was extremely difficult. He had already retreated to the edge of the battle stage, and defeat was inevitable.

"Under Sikong Mingyue's pressure, Ruohuan's tyrannical strength was actually powerless to resist. It can be seen that the gap can be so huge in the same realm. Sikong Mingyue's attack may have the power of the star soul integrated into the magical power. In addition, it also integrates magical power, general trend, and terrifying killing thoughts into one."

Some strong people secretly thought that Sikong Mingyue was too strong and seemed to be on a different level than others. No wonder he was listed as the second strongest contender for the top spot this year by Tianmiaofang.

One of the two prides of Xueyun Kingdom, he is well-deserved.

Seeing that Ruohuan was still undefeated, a strong murderous aura flashed through Sikong Mingyue's eyes. His footsteps trembled and he suddenly disappeared, rushing towards Ruohuan along with the torrent of killing in front of him.

Seeing this scene, many people became nervous. Endless vines suddenly appeared, as if they were going to wrap up Sikong Mingyue, who was coming. However, they saw Sikong Mingyue gently slap a palm towards the void space, and this The palm power seemed to turn into invisible lines, vibrating in the space.

"Pfft!" Ruohuan spat out a mouthful of blood, her face turned pale, as if she was hit by a terrifying and silent killing energy, her body jumped back to leave the battlefield, and at the same time shouted: "I admit... defeat. "

Before the words were finished, Sikong Mingyue slapped her palms towards her in the void at the same time, making Ruo Huan's face look even paler.

Her star soul gives her body perfect toughness and extremely strong binding force. She can also skillfully avoid close attacks. But in fact, the purest attack and defense, Ruohuan is relatively weak. At this moment, that A terrifying torrent of killing rolled into the void, trying to kill her.

Ruo Huan's body suddenly spun and turned into a hurricane, wrapping her body inside. A terrible rumbling attack came. Ruo Huan's body was knocked out and then fell heavily. When her graceful body appeared on the ground, her face was pale and she was spitting out blood.

That haggard face arouses pity.

"Senior sister." Qin Wentian's expression froze and he stood on the edge of the fighting platform, looking at Ruo Huan below.

At the same time, several figures flashed down from the stands, including Mo Shang from Emperor Star Academy, and the person on the other side turned out to be Mo Qingcheng.

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"I have an elixir here." Mo Qingcheng took out an elixir and fed it into Ruo Huan's mouth. It melted in her mouth. In an instant, Ruo Huan felt cool all over, and the elixir seemed to be moisturizing the injured area. It was like a stream of clear water caressing her, slowly restoring her vitality, blood and spirit.

"Senior sister, is she okay?" Qin Wentian asked Mo Shang next to Ruohuan.

"Miss Qingcheng gave her a second-grade high-grade elixir, which was enough to suppress and restore her injuries." Mo Shang glanced at Mo Qingcheng.

Qin Wentian felt relieved, and then smiled at Mo Qingcheng.

"Don't worry, you were outside Tianyong City, but you also took it." Mo Qingcheng smiled and walked away. Qin Wentian was stunned, and then he understood. It turned out that after he fell into coma, Mo Qingcheng In order to save him, he was given such a precious elixir.

"I have to return and ask for some rest time." Ruo Huan looked in the direction of King Chu's stage and said to the old man next to Chu Tianjiao.

"Okay, I'll give you a break during the battle." The old man said, and Ruohuan immediately closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

Qin Wentian's eyes slowly turned and looked at Sikong Mingyue with a cold light in his eyes and anger boiling over.

"Is it time for a battle?" Sikong Mingyue looked at Qin Wentian, a murderous cold light flashed in his eyes.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared in front of Sikong Mingyue, blocking his gaze from Qin Wentian.

Someone actually took the initiative to provoke Sikong Mingyue.

This person is a lone star.

This made Qin Wentian look surprised. Why did Lone Star feel that he was deliberately trying to help him

"It seems that Qin Wentian can be invincible." The crowd was thinking in their hearts.

Now, only the last three people are left to be eliminated, and the top nine seats will be determined.

Ruo Huan is going to return to the stage. She returns to fight with one person. The loser must be eliminated. This already occupies a quota.

If Lone Star loses to Sikong Mingyue, he will also have to return. After the return battle, another elimination spot will appear.

In this case, there will only be one last spot left.

Even if Luo Qianqiu or Ou Chen wants to deal with Qin Wentian and defeat him, Qin Wentian still has a chance to return, and the chance of entering the top nine is very high.

However, at this moment, the crowd saw Qin Wentian lifting his steps and shuttling between the battle stages. Finally, his figure stood in front of Third Night.

This battle is not for myself, but for Ruohuan! (To be continued)