Ancient Godly Monarch

Chapter 131: The figure that lights up the starry sky


Qin Wentian still stayed on the fighting platform and did not leave. He saw Sikong Mingyue standing on the fighting platform opposite him, looking towards him.

Sikong Mingyue said nothing, and the faint murderous aura filled the air, and its meaning was self-evident.

"Where are Qin Shang and Qin Zhi?" Qin Wentian asked Sikong Mingyue. Since Sikong Mingyue would target him because of Xiao Lu's words, then the relationship between Sikong Mingyue and Xiao Lu should be very good, and he would definitely Know Qin Shang and Qin Zhi.

"Qin Shang, Qin Zhi." Sikong Mingyue seemed to be thinking, and then looked at Qin Wentian and said: "After hearing the news that their father was besieged, they should go to the front line now. After all, they are my crown princess of Xueyun Kingdom. The chosen relatives, Xueyun Kingdom, will not embarrass two little people."

Sikong Mingyue didn't take Qin Shang and Qin Zhi seriously. Such two people had no value to their Xueyun Kingdom.

"Perhaps I want to correct you. Sister Qin Yao has nothing to do with the crown prince of Xueyun Kingdom, and she will never return to Xueyun Kingdom." Qin Wentian looked at Sikong Mingyue, and they seemed to be fighting each other during the conversation.

"Everyone in Xueyun Kingdom already knows that she is one of the candidates for the Crown Princess. So, no matter where she is, she must go back. Otherwise, where will the face of the Crown Prince of Xueyun Kingdom go?"

Sikong Mingyue said, then slowly turned around, turned his back to Qin Wentian, and walked towards the distance.

"You should worry about yourself. If Miss Qin Yao is willing to intercede and apologize to His Highness during tomorrow's battle, maybe I will be merciful." Sikong Mingyue said with her back to Qin Wentian. His so-called apology, Naturally, it means that Qin Yao stayed in Chu State without permission and did not return to Xueyun State.

"How arrogant." Qin Wentian looked at Sikong Mingyue's leaving figure. At first, Xiao Lu, the crown prince of Xueyun Kingdom, most likely used Qin Yao to make some kind of deal with Chu Tianjiao. Now, he actually blames Qin Yao for not returning. Xueyun Country.

Just because Qin Yao stayed in the Chu Kingdom, Xiao Lu, the crown prince of the Xueyun Kingdom, was not good-looking. After all, Qin Yao couldn't give any reason.

However, if Qin Yao had become the victim of Chu Tianjiao's temptation to Qin Chuan and was controlled by the royal family, then Xueyun Kingdom might have another approach.

"This opponent is not easy to deal with. If you can't do it, don't fight for the top three seats." Ruo Huan stood next to Qin Wentian and whispered. She had fought against Sikong Mingyue and knew how domineering Sikong Mingyue's attacks were. powerful.

"Aren't you going to fight?" Qin Wentian raised his head and looked into the distance. He was already standing on the stage of the Junlin Banquet. How could he give up so easily.

Looking up at the battle platform, Qin Wentian saw many familiar faces.

There was Mo Qingcheng in the direction of the Mo family, with a bright smile on his face, and he shook his fist at him, as if to encourage him.

In the direction of Shenbing Pavilion, An Liuyan, Yang Chen and Feng Ping were all there, nodding to him.

In the direction of Emperor Star Academy, Teacher Mo Shang was there, looking towards him with a smile on his face. Moreover, Qin Wentian saw a figure wearing a bamboo hat behind Mo Shang. He was sitting there silently. , but Qin Wentian still recognized him, Ren Qianxing.

The eyes that looked at him were full of expectation, hoping that he would shine with his glory in the final round of the King's Landing Banquet.

Although Luo Qianqiu is from Emperor Star College, in fact Luo Qianqiu does not represent Emperor Star College. It can even be said that he is the object that Emperor Star College wants to block. He represents the position of Jiuxuan Palace.

Ou Chen, although he is also a student of Emperor Star Academy, but because he is from the Ou family, a powerful person in the imperial city, he represents the Ou family more than Emperor Star Academy.

Only Qin Wentian and Ruo Huan are the purest students of Emperor Star Academy. What Emperor Star Academy hopes to see most is for Qin Wentian and Ruo Huan to perform dazzlingly.

Qin Wentian saw that the people from Emperor Star Academy had not left yet, so he took a step forward and came to the stands of Emperor Star Academy.

"What's wrong?" Mo Shang asked with a smile when he saw Qin Wentian coming.

"Teacher, I want to go to Tianhe Palace, but I don't have the permission to enter it." Qin Wentian said.

"I'll take you there." Behind Mo Shang, Ren Qianxing, who was wearing a bamboo hat, said calmly and directly opened the back door for Qin Wentian.

"Okay." Qin Wentian nodded and smiled, then followed Ren Qianxing to leave and go to Emperor Star Academy.

The major casinos in Tianmiaofang in the Imperial City were completely crazy today. They were overcrowded, especially the Zuimiao Tower near Chuwang Terrace. It was impossible to squeeze in even if they wanted to.

The first grouping of the third round has been divided, and the odds for a total of nine battles have appeared.

In the first group, Luo Qianqiu, Second Jian, and Ruo Huan, the most favored person is Luo Qianqiu, followed by Second Jian, and then Ruo Huan.

In the second group of Sikong Mingyue, Qin Wentian, and Chu Chen, the most favored person is Sikong Mingyue. As for Qin Wentian and Chu Chen, they are evenly divided. In other words, the battle between Qin Wentian and Chu Chen will be No matter who wins, the odds are 1 to 2, it depends on who you believe more.

In the third group, Ou Chen, Lone Xing, and Hou Tie, the most favored person is Ou Chen, followed by Lone Xing, and finally Hou Tie.

Among the three groups, the most promising ones are Luo Qianqiu, Sikong Mingyue, and Ou Chen. The three of them also have the lowest odds of winning the top three spots.

Qin Wentian's odds of winning the championship remain unchanged, still 400 to one.

However, the odds of him winning the top three seats fluctuated slightly, with one payout being 80%, but this would not change anything, because very few people still believed in Qin Wentian.

It is too difficult for him to reach the top three. First of all, because he will definitely lose to Sikong Mingyue, he has only one way to reach the top three. He must win the fourth or seventh seat, and then fight all the way to defeat Luo Qianqiu and Sikong. Another person from the top three outside Mingyue fought and knocked him out.

However, such difficulty is so great that it is almost impossible.

As for Luo Qianqiu and Sikong Mingyue, they were both considered invincible.

… … …

There are still no people in Emperor Star Academy. The students of Emperor Star Academy pay more attention to the Junlin Banquet than other Martial Arts Academy. This is because the students of Emperor Star Academy are frequent visitors to the Junlin Banquet.

They all look forward to the day when they themselves can stand there and become famous in Chu country.

Tianhe Hall, fifth floor.

Qin Wentian sat cross-legged. This time he did not walk slowly like last time, but walked up here in one breath.

Looking up, there is a starry sky and river.

Rounds of lines gathered together, and then turned into a terrifying fist light, rising from top to bottom, and the shadow of the fist flashed across the sky, straight into his mind.


Qin Wentian's will continued to bear this kind of shock, as if his head was constantly making a thumping sound, but he remained as steady as a rock.

At the fifth level, he could still clearly see the Tianhe pattern and the concussive attack, which was extremely difficult. If it were someone else, he wouldn't be able to feel it at all. This was given to him by his powerful perception.

After enduring the shock for a long time on the fifth floor, Qin Wentian finally gradually got used to this level of suppressed attacks and was slowly able to withstand it. However, he still did not rush up. The last time he stepped onto the sixth floor , but he realized how terrifying the attacks there were.

It was getting dark, and there was a starry sky on the fifth floor of the Tianhe Palace. However, except for the old man guarding the palace, no one was near the Tianhe Palace, so no light from the Tianhe Palace was found.

The night is getting darker.

The college seemed a bit lonely. At this moment, a girl who had returned to Emperor Star College was lying on the ground, looking up at the stars in the sky with a smile on her lips.

I heard that there were four students from the Emperor Star Academy at the Junlin Banquet. They were all so dazzling. When would she be like them

At this moment, a ray of light shone, making the girl stunned for a moment. Another patch of night sky seemed to appear on the sky, lighting up the night of Emperor Star Academy.

The girl stood up suddenly and looked into the distance. She saw a burst of bright light bursting out from a certain direction, like a starry sky.

"It's the Tianhe Palace. The light that flickered last time shines again."

The girl's body trembled slightly, and then she trotted towards the Tianhe Palace. When she arrived outside the Tianhe Palace, she saw the light shining on the sixth floor, and her heart was filled with strong shock.

On the sixth floor, someone stepped into the sixth floor of Tianhe Palace. Which senior from Emperor Star Academy is this

She has heard the legend of Tianhe Palace, and stepping into the sixth level means that she has the opportunity to communicate with the martial stars in the sixth level of the sky. Generally speaking, even the terrifying existences of the Tiangang Realm can only communicate with the fourth level. The martial stars in the sky are on the sixth level. How much star perception is needed

Moreover, the terrifying star perception can only allow your consciousness to reach the galaxy of the sixth heaven, but the pressure from there is enough to crush a person's will.

The night sky of Emperor Star Academy was lit up and stayed on for a long time. Those who were still in Emperor Star Academy were sighing and wondering whether there was such a strong senior in Emperor Star Academy. His perception was too terrifying.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, but the light is still there. The girl is still sitting in a far corner outside Tianhe Palace, her eyes slightly closed, as if she is dozing off.

At this moment, there was a slight movement, and the girl's eyes suddenly opened. Then he saw a young man slowly walking out of the Tianhe Palace. He seemed to feel her gaze, and the young man's eyes turned towards her. Bian glanced at it, then turned and left.

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But the girl's heart trembled violently, and she couldn't help but let out a exclamation, and then covered her mouth with her hands, showing an expression of extreme shock.

Who did she see

That is, Qin Wentian!

When she raised her head, there was no light in the Tianhe Palace, and there were no more stars in the sky, but the girl's heart could not calm down for a long time! (To be continued)