Ancient Godly Monarch

Chapter 133: Absent from the decisive battle?


The sky is getting brighter. Today, the king of Chu comes to the banquet and will usher in the final round of duel.

On this day, the top nine strong players in the King's Landing Banquet List will be divided into three groups for the final ranking battle.

On this day, the number of people around Chuwangtai also made history. There were obviously more people in the previous two days.

All nearby restaurants and tall hall buildings are occupied by people. They are standing in front of the windows or at the highest point of the building, looking at the scene on the Chuwangtai.

Everyone is looking forward to how brilliant and exciting today's collision will be.

The banquet was prepared, and people from various sects and forces on the stands arrived one after another. Chu Tianjiao, Xiao Lu and others also came one after another. Looking at the vast and endless crowd, Chu Tianjiao smiled and came to the banquet. It hasn’t been this grand in recent years, and it seems that this year’s event is very popular.

On the stand, in the direction of the Galaxy Guild, Zuo Yin, the vice-president of the Galaxy Guild, arrived in person. Sitting next to him were Mu Qing and several other important figures from the Galaxy Guild.

"Mu Qing, it seems that you didn't do well what I asked you to do last time." Zuo Yin said to Mu Qing, which made Mu Qing's expression freeze, not so good-looking.

What Zuo Yin was referring to was naturally the matter of the divine pattern scroll carved by Qin Wentian last time. That time, Zuo Yin let him get the scroll and brought the person who carved the scroll to the Galaxy Guild.

"President Zuo, I tried my best, but there may be some mistakes." Mu Qing whispered.

"Really?" Zuo Yin said lightly: "How come I heard that the divine pattern scroll was painted by Qin Wentian, and when you were in Tianyong City last year, you had the opportunity to recruit Qin Wentian into the Galaxy Guild , but offended him for no reason, and instead let the Shenbing Pavilion take advantage of him, is there such a thing?"

"Yes, I tried to persuade him at the beginning, but he was arrogant and refused to join our Galaxy Guild. So I wanted to hand him over to the Ye family. As for what happened next, I didn't expect it." Qing didn't look very good. He didn't expect Zuo Yin to investigate the matter. Otherwise, he wouldn't have known so clearly.

"Hmph." Zuo Yin was a little unhappy and snorted coldly. This Qin Wentian is very famous now, how could he not know about this.

If Mu Qing had introduced Qin Wentian to the Galaxy Guild back then, with Qin Wentian's talent, he could have trained him to become a vice-president.

"I wonder what kind of ranking he will achieve in this Junlin Banquet." Zuo Yin thought to himself.

Not only him, but everyone at this moment is guessing what the final ranking of the King's Landing Banquet will be.

In the direction of the Mo family, Mo Qingcheng's father was seen sitting there, asking Mo Qingcheng beside him: "Qingcheng, what seat do you think that boy can get?"

"I don't know, maybe I can get the top three seats." Mo Qingcheng smiled and said.

"Oh, you believe him so much?" Mo's father looked at Mo Qingcheng and asked, the top three seats are extremely difficult to get.

Of course he also knew the background of Luo Qianqiu and Sikong Mingyue. He was also a person valued by Jiuxuan Palace and was extremely powerful. Qin Wentian might have no chance of defeating them.

As for the other seat in the top three, with characters like Ou Chen, Er Jian, Chu Chen, and Hou Tie present, it is by no means an easy task to win it.

"No matter which seat he gets in the end, he should be proud of this King's Landing Banquet. His ability to leapfrog challenges is absolutely rare. After all, his cultivation is only at the seventh level of chakras, and it is only his star energy. The energy it contains seems to be far more terrifying than the others, presumably because of the height of the Star Soul and the Martial Star."

Father Mo whispered, apart from that, Qin Wentian's greatness is his proficiency in magical powers and his weird attack methods, such as spitting sword light from his mouth, hitting palm prints with his feet, what kind of chakras and... Only with control can he do this, and he was extremely curious about that young man.

Luo Qianqiu was standing next to the green jade dragon chair on the Prince of Chu's platform. Beside him was a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man had been standing there since the first day of the King's Landing Banquet, but he rarely spoke.

But at this moment, he glanced at Luo Qianqiu beside him and said: "Qianqiu, today, I am relying on you."

"The first seat at the Junlin Banquet will definitely be mine." Luo Qianqiu nodded. This is his mission. The first seat at the Junlin Banquet this time will definitely be his. There will be no surprises.

"Please uncle, please don't let Sikong Mingyue give way to my first place. I need him to fight with all his strength." Luo Qianqiu whispered. If others heard it, they would be extremely surprised. Junlin Banquet, unexpectedly also Secret manipulation may occur.

In this world, as long as there is tyrannical strength, there is nothing that cannot be controlled, and the same is true for Junlin Banquet.

"Okay." The middle-aged man nodded, but thought to himself that Luo Qianqiu was still a little younger, and it was inevitable to be young and frivolous. However, he had lived for so many years but he knew a truth. Sometimes in order to achieve the desired goal, Some measures are inevitable.

He came with a mission. Luo Qianqiu must step into the seventh floor of Tianxing Pavilion of Emperor Star Academy.

In other words, the first seat at the King's Landing Banquet can only belong to Luo Qianqiu.

At this moment, Luo Qianqiu was seen strolling out, and a moment later, he stood on the first battle platform.

Sikong Mingyue also strolled out. However, he walked onto the second stage because he was drawn in the second group.

People in the first nine seats of the King's Landing Banquet stepped onto the fighting stage one after another. Soon, eight figures appeared on the first three fighting stages. However, there was still one person who had not arrived.

Two people appeared on the second fighting platform. Sikong Mingyue and Chu Chen were standing there, but there was no sign of Qin Wentian.

Today is the decisive battle at the King's Landing Banquet. No matter how late we are, we shouldn't be at this time.

Unless Qin Wentian didn't dare to come.

Chu Tianjiao did not announce the start of the Junlin banquet, but waited for a while. However, as time passed, there was still no trace of Qin Wentian, which made many people start to whisper.

Could it be that Qin Wenzhen didn't show up because he was afraid of fighting Sikong Mingyue? Even if he was afraid, he could just admit defeat, so why bother to be absent

Could it be that he was deliberately absent because he didn’t want to bear the stigma of admitting defeat

"Why hasn't this guy shown up yet?" Mo Shang was a little anxious and looked at Ren Qianxing behind him.

"There is no need to interfere with anything he does. Since he did it, it has its own reasons." Ren Qianxing said calmly, which surprised Mo Shang. Mr. Ren was really open-minded. No matter what Qin Wentian does, he supports him.

Even if he was absent from the King's Landing banquet, there must be a reason.

"First battle stage, let's start first." Chu Tianjiao finally spoke, no longer waiting any longer.

On the first battle stage, there are Luo Qianqiu, Second Sword and Ruo Huan.

"First battle, Luo Qianqiu, second sword battle." The old man beside Chu Tianjiao said.

Ruo Huan walked to the side of the fighting platform, leaving Luo Qianqiu and Er Jian standing there. A terrifying aura flowed crazily around them.

Luo Qianqiu's body was filled with terrifying thunder power, roaring.

The sword energy rolled around the second sword, as if it was about to break through the sky.

"You are no match for me." Luo Qianqiu raised his head and glanced into the void. The decisive battle at the Junlin Banquet was finally here. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"You have to try it before you know." The second sword step forward, the sword energy rushed out crazily. At this moment, he was extremely dangerous.

As the second sword continued to move forward, the sword energy became stronger and stronger, almost turning into a substantial sword light, rushing towards Luo Qianqiu. However, at the same time, Luo Qianqiu's aura climbed crazily, as if he was roaring.

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The breath he released rushed from the eighth level of chakras to the ninth level of chakras. Before that, he had been fighting at the eighth level of chakras.

Now, finally no longer hiding it, his power exploded completely.

The sword energy on the second sword seemed to be stagnant, but when he landed in front of the opponent, he finally slashed out with one sword. This was a huge sword, falling from the sky, trying to break the sky in half.

However, Luo Qianqiu was seen lifting up, and a thunder god's shadow seemed to appear behind him. In the void, a huge lightning palm appeared, directly holding the sword light there, and the terrifying destructive power destroyed the sword light. Come.

"Boom." With one step, Luo Qianqiu's figure disappeared, and the lightning palm print was thrust forward, and the terrifying light of destruction destroyed everything.

The second sword slashed wildly, and thousands of sword lights appeared at this moment. However, the thunder and lightning palm prints turned into terrifying thunder snakes, entangling those sword lights, and then a terrifying thunder and lightning power was directly transmitted to the opponent's body. Er Jian's body trembled, as if he was being shocked by electricity.

"Get out." Luo Qianqiu slapped his palm out, and the lightning palm mark hit the sword, and the body of the second sword flew out. When he stopped, he bowed slightly to Luo Qianqiu and said: "I lost."

With the second sword, he was defeated and convinced.

"Luo Qianqiu's strength is so strong." The crowd was shaking in their hearts.

Is this Luo Qianqiu who has truly exploded? It's so terrifying. He has never met an opponent at the eighth level of Chakra before, but now he is completely shining.

The crowd finally understood why Zui Miaolou regarded Luo Qianqiu as the most popular candidate and believed that he was destined to be the first person at the Junlin Banquet.

"The second battle, the second sword, against Ruohuan."

The old man continued to speak, and Luo Qianqiu walked aside, leaving his position to Ruo Huan and Second Sword.

From the beginning, the second sword exploded with the strongest attack. The crazy sword light gave Ruohuan no chance to breathe. Even though her body was perfectly flexible and her melee ability was terrifying, she couldn't get close to the second sword at all. In the end, Ruo Huan was defeated, and it was a defeat without any suspense.

In this case, the remaining battle between Luo Qianqiu and Ruo Huan would not need to be fought at all.

In the ranking of the first stage, Luo Qianqiu is ranked first, and he will fight with the top ranked players from the other two groups.

The second sword is second, the powerful Ruohuan, she can only be ranked third.

The crowd's eyes moved to the second stage, but Qin Wentian was still not seen, only Sikong Mingyue and Chu Chen were there.

Qin Wentian, where is he

Could it be that we really want to give up the decisive battle at the Junlin Banquet? (To be continued)