Ancient Godly Monarch

Chapter 14: choose


Qin Wentian stood there, looking at Bai Qiuxue, with a faint aura of youthfulness in his eyes.

If he had not broken through to the sixth level of body refining, Qin Wentian would not have been able to reach the eighth level. The ordinary sixth level of body refining has the power of thirty-six oxen. Qin Wentian has the extremely domineering Sky Hammer Star Soul. In addition, The violent energy of the stars gathered together, and he could punch twice as much power as the sixth level of ordinary body refining. Coupled with the increase of the Dragon Subduing Fist, his power reached the terrifying power of eighty cows. The power of the fist is equivalent to the impact of eighty cows, how terrifying.

Qin Wentian just looked at Bai Qiuxue without saying a word. The Heavenly Hammer Star Soul suspended above his head was more convincing than any words, and the eight drum sounds just now were more powerful than any words.

He, Qin Wentian, told Bai Qiuxue with his actions, who was not worthy of whom

Bai Qiuxue was a little numb at this moment. When the eight drums sounded and the Heavenly Hammer Star Soul bloomed, she couldn't believe that it was true. Qin Wentian was more genius and evil than her.

Today, the powerful forces in the imperial city and the martial arts houses of the four major academies in Chudu gathered together. The Bai family wanted to take this opportunity to announce Bai Qiuxue's talent to the people in Tianyong City, and to take Bai Qiuxue into the Imperial Star Academy and tell them. Of all people, she, Bai Qiuxue, is not worthy of Qin Wentian. Qin Wentian just wants to climb the dragon and follow the phoenix.

If Qin Wentian is still the useless person who cannot practice, then everything the Bai family hopes to see will come true. Everyone will think that Qin Wentian is not even qualified to carry Bai Qiuxue's shoes, let alone What's more, becoming husband and wife with Bai Qiuxue is an insult to Bai Qiuxue.

The Qin family and Qin Wentian's desire to cling to the Bai family's Bai Qiuxue is foolish and unrealistic.

Unfortunately, the reality is much more exciting than imagined. Now, who dares to say that Qin Wentian is not worthy of Bai Qiuxue? The talent of super nine stars, the communication with the stars in the triple sky, the sound of eight drums, who can compete with him for glory.

"Qin Wentian, you are really scheming to hide your cultivation." Bai Qingsong stared at Qin Wentian with an indifferent expression. At this moment, the matter was irreversible, and there was no use regretting it. He could only hug the big tree of the Ye family, even if Qin Wentian So what if he was extremely talented? He believed that Bai Qiuxue would not lose much to Qin Wentian. Besides, the Ye family was such a powerful force.

Qin Wentian raised his head and looked at Bai Qingsong, somewhat speechless. Bai Qingsong had such a dark heart, but instead imagined him as a scheming person, which was ridiculous.

"Seven days ago, I helped guide Bai Qiuxue to communicate with the stars in the ninth heaven, allowing Bai Qiuxue to communicate with the martial stars in the third heaven and condense the star soul. Overnight, Bai Qiuxue became a genius who shocked the Chu country. I am very Happy, happy that I can help her."

"However, I never dreamed that from that day on, your attitude towards me would completely change and I would be put under house arrest. But I am still thinking about your birthday, which is today. Xinghun, let me make you happy, I never dreamed that Uncle Bai, who is usually very kind to me, would bring someone to kill me."

"The purpose of killing me is just to please the Ye family. Because of the relationship between the Qin family and the Ye family, Uncle Bai, you want to show your attitude by killing me. Of course, it will also pave the way for Bai Qiuxue to marry Ye Wuque."

"I never dared to imagine that Uncle Bai, who I had been with for three years, would be so despicable and dark. I gathered my star soul in advance, practiced sleepless nights, and escaped from the Bai family. Today, I came here. Bai Qiuxue said, I It’s ridiculous to hide that you have practiced the Yuanli of Heaven and Earth, and yet you also think that I am deeply scheming and secretly practicing it.”

Qin Wentian spoke slowly, presenting the truth in front of everyone. With such ****, they looked at Qin Wentian and felt that the young man seemed to be much taller invisibly. The aura of the star soul, It seemed to be getting brighter, but compared to Qin Wentian, Bai Qiuxue's brilliance was getting dimmer.

The Bai family is so despicable.

"Wentian, in the past three years, how our Qin Mansion has treated the Bai family has been witnessed by everyone in Tianyong City. However, with what they are doing now, do we still need to doubt their despicability? No matter how magnanimous you are, they will still use I’ll use my own dark heart to judge you.”

Above the stands, Qin Chuan took Qin Wentian's words and saw him slowly walking down the stands and coming to the martial arts arena. He continued: "Such a family and such a despicable person, it is ridiculous for me, Qin Chuan, to actually agree to let It's my Qin Chuan's fault that my son is marrying them, Bai Qiuxue, how can she match my son Qin Wentian."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Chuan saw a powerful momentum blooming from his body. In an instant, violent energy flowed around him, crossing the void.

Qin Chuan waved his palm, and suddenly the violent energy gathered into a big sword and slashed towards the martial arts field. The big sword swept and slashed on the martial arts field, making everyone in the crowd tremble violently.

"Three years ago, I promised the Bai family to enter into this marriage contract, which almost led to a big mistake. Today, I, Qin Chuan, declare to Tianyong City that this marriage will be canceled from now on. Bai Qiuxue is not allowed to step into my Qin family's door."

Void, silent, today, who breaks off the engagement

Success and failure, talent proves everything, the Qin family broke off the engagement, it was frank, who could have any gossip, if Qin Wentian still couldn't practice, with Bai Qiuxue's amazing talent, who would dare to question the Bai family's breakup of the engagement

Bai Qiuxue's face seemed to be slightly distorted by anger. Today, she should have used the power of her genius to let everyone know that Qin Wentian was not worthy of her. However, Qin Wentian's talent made everything go smoothly. On the opposite road, Qin Chuan's words were such a shame to her.

And just now, Mo Shang was because Qin Wentian rejected her Bai Qiuxue.

Today was the day when Bai Qiuxue blossomed, but it was also the day when she suffered great shame and humiliation, all because there was one person, the person she wanted to humiliate, who surpassed her.

"Qin Wentian!" Bai Qiuxue spat out a voice, staring at Qin Wentian with cold eyes, so cold.

"I will repay you double the shame you gave me today." Bai Qiuxue's voice was cold to the bone and her eyes were firm. She never thought that the most glorious day would become the most humiliating day.

"The humiliation I gave you?" Qin Wentian smiled and said, "The Bai family treats me like this, but you still have the nerve to say such words. All the humiliation you have suffered are just what you want to inflict on me." What happened to me, I have to bear now. If it weren’t for what your Bai family did, everything that happened today would have made your Bai family even more dazzling."

Everyone was silent for a while. Qin Wentian's words were correct. The humiliation Bai Qiuxue endured was what the Bai family wanted to do to Qin Wentian. It was just because of Qin Wentian's shining light that the Bai family suffered the consequences.

Qin Wentian still stared at Bai Qiuxue, closed his eyes, and said: "From now on, I have no friendship with you or the Bai family. If you humiliate and offend me again, I will definitely repay you twice as much!"

"Go away!" Qin Wentian shouted angrily, and the sound was rolling, and it hit Bai Qiuxue's face violently, making Bai Qiuxue feel hot. The word "go" was like a slap in the face, which was worse than the words she spat out to Qin Wentian just now. The scroll word is more powerful.

Staring at Qin Wentian, Bai Qiuxue was silent for a moment, and then said: "I, Bai Qiuxue, agree to the conditions of the Royal Academy and am willing to join the Royal Academy of Chu."

When Xingfeng heard Bai Qiuxue's words, he was not as excited as he expected. He glanced at Tang Lin indifferently, making Tang Lin look ugly. They got Bai Qiuxue as they wished, and they should have been inexplicably excited. That's right, after all, they came here for Bai Qiuxue.

However, because he witnessed a more evil existence with his own eyes, and he was hostile to Bai Qiuxue, this excitement was weakened to the lowest level.

"Tang Lin, you did a good job." Xing Feng whispered, which made Tang Lin's heart tremble. Xing Feng knew that Tang Lin must have offended Qin Wentian. If he competed with Emperor Star Academy for people at this moment, there would be no hope at all. , we can only settle for the next best thing and choose Bai Qiuxue, otherwise we won’t get a single genius.

When Bai Qiuxue saw Xing Feng and Tang Lin not showing any welcome, but whispering there, she couldn't help but feel even more ashamed and angry.

"Bai Qiuxue, welcome to join. In the spring of next year, the Royal Academy will officially accept disciples from all directions. You can just bring this and register directly." Xingfeng's palm trembled, and a golden token flew towards Bai Qiuxue. Bai Qiuxue took it into her palm and saw the word "royal" engraved on it, with dragons and phoenixes dancing in the air, very domineering.

"Qin Wentian, the road ahead is still long." Bai Qiuxue fastened the order from the Royal Academy and thought to herself that she must wash away the shame of today.

"Qin Wentian, I, Shenfeng Academy, promise you double the conditions of Bai Qiuxue."

"The same goes for my Qixing Martial Palace." At this time, people from Shenfeng Academy and Qixing Martial Palace were heard saying that they valued Qin Wentian twice as much as Bai Qiuxue. Today, Qin Wentian's name will definitely be Spread throughout Tianyong City.

"Qin Wentian, our Emperor Star Academy never makes any promises. The four words Emperor Star Academy are the best promises." Mo Shang said calmly. This is his confidence. The four words Emperor Star Academy, It means everything.

When the crowd heard Mo Shang's solemn words, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. Emperor Star Academy was just different.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

However, Qin Wentian's eyes were directed towards Shenfeng Academy and Qixing Martial Palace, which made Mo Shang tense up and couldn't help but feel depressed. His words were so beautiful. To deal with an immature young man like Qin Wentian, he should try his best. yes.

"No, how could the genius you got slip away?" Mo sadly underestimated, and said solemnly: "Of course, if you have any requirements, just tell me, and what I can provide will definitely not be better than other weapons." The government academy is poor."

"Uh..." The crowd was stunned when they heard this. Even Qin Wentian was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. This Mo Shang is really interesting, but Qin Wentian still bowed in the direction of Shenfeng Academy and Qixing Martial Palace. body.

"Qin Wentian, if you ask for any conditions, I will agree to it!" Mo Shang's disguised expression completely collapsed and he looked at Qin Wentian pitifully. Even if he loses some face, he can't let him run away. .

"..." Seeing Mo Shang's expression, the crowd burst into shame. Is this the same Mo Shang who solemnly said that Emperor Star Academy is the best promise? What a scam!

"Qin Wentian thanks Shenfeng Academy and Qixing Martial Palace for their love!" Qin Wentian's words made Mo Shang's heart lift to his throat.

"It's just that I'm a junior, so I'm still willing to choose Emperor Star Academy." Qin Wentian uttered another voice, then raised his head with a smile. Both Shenfeng Academy and Qixing Martial Palace felt very disappointed, but they both understood Qin Wentian. choice, I thought to myself: "This person is not only extremely talented, but also humble and upright. He is definitely not comparable to Bai Qiuxue. He will become a great person in the future."

"Well, I hope you can become a strong man." People from the two major forces congratulated Qin Wentian.

"Thank you." Qin Wentian thanked him, and then looked at Mo Shang. Mo Shang rolled his eyes at him and cursed in a low voice: "You brat, when I get to the academy, I will look better than you."

"Haha, I hope Brother Mo can give this guy a little more attention." Of course Qin Chuan knew that Mo Shang didn't mean any harm and laughed. Mo Shang also laughed. Today was so happy. Although there were a few twists and turns just now, it seems that , quite interesting! (To be continued)