Ancient Godly Monarch

Chapter 151: Brewing storm


Chu Tianjiao left his father's room. The people of Chu State did not know that the king of Chu State had been lying ill. Even those high-level elixirs had no effect on his illness.

The King of Chu still vaguely remembered that his illness gradually became more serious after Qin Wu passed away and the Qin government was transferred from the imperial city to Tianyong City.

Chu Tianjiao came to a large hall. In front of him, there were several iron-blooded guards standing on both sides. Their bodies were as straight as spears and motionless, like statues.

"The first thing is to mobilize ten Yuanfu Dragon Guards here. No one is allowed to approach the father today. Remember, it's no one."

"The second thing is, over at the front line, give the order to execute the beheading plan."

"The third thing is to inform the Black Fort to send more troops to defend Qin Hao."

"The fourth thing is that all military commanders in the palace and this imperial city should closely monitor their families. If any family members move, they will be directly controlled or killed."

"The fifth thing..." Chu Tianjiao said, paused for a moment, and then said: "That's it, I will personally go to negotiate with Jiuxuan Palace."

This time, the first place in the Junlin Banquet was taken by the Emperor Star Academy instead of falling into the hands of Jiuxuan Palace. I am afraid that Jiuxuan Palace will not wait for the next opportunity.

Now, it seems that it is time to slowly erode the heart of Chu State. Luo Tianya and his son should make people cooperate with him.

Those statue-like guards moved and disappeared silently, as if they had never appeared, to carry out Chu Tianjiao's orders.

Chu Tianjiao looked back at the deep part of the hall, the heavily guarded room. He didn't believe that someone could invade it.

Some time after Chu Tianjiao issued the order, Chu State began to operate like a machine, and Tianyunfang, the largest transportation force in Chu State, seemed to be bustling.

While he was giving the order, the cold and dark castle in the dark forest was still so cold and forbidding, as it has always been.

A carriage arrived in front of the Black Castle and showed a token. Then the cold door slowly opened, and a group of figures on the carriage strolled out and walked into the Black Castle.

This group of figures came directly to a prison. Looking at the figure sitting inside, it was Qin Hao.

"Open the door." The person holding the token outside the prison said coldly.

The guard glanced at him, and although he hesitated, he still unlocked the key and opened the prison.

The figure holding the token walked into it together with the guard, and continued: "Unlock his shackles."

"No." The guard refused. No one has such authority.

"Pfft!" As soon as his words fell, a sharp long dagger was inserted directly into his heart from behind. At the same time, a hand covered his mouth, the dagger was stirring, and the man's eyes slowly closed. superior.

The person holding the token found the key, and then unlocked Qin Hao's shackles and untied his shabby clothes.

Qin Hao still closed his eyes and stood up slowly. Someone came in and took out new clothes and put them on him, as if he was doing something very ordinary.

"Someone intercepted the prisoner."

Suddenly, a patrolling guard noticed the situation here and immediately issued a warning. The figures that had just entered began to move, and silent murderous intent was released, flickering like ghosts.

Qin Hao's eyes finally opened, without any edge, looking extremely calm.

"Is everything ready?" Qin Hao asked.

"Not yet." The man replied, but Qin Hao didn't show any strange expression, as if he had expected it.

"Master Chuan has been rescued, and the balance has been touched. Chu Tianjiao is already ready to take action. If he doesn't take action, Chu Tianjiao may execute the general at any time. We have to act in advance." The man said methodically, and he still called Qin Hao, General.

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"Are we still going to be enemies of Chu after all?" Qin Chuan looked at the cold prison in front of him and sighed.

"From the moment King Wu passed away, it was doomed. The twelve generals swore to avenge King Wu. The coming-of-age ceremony for future generations is to make this blood oath. However, the generals have been holding back. My father and uncles only You can make progress by retreating, recuperate, and start this long wait."

The man whispered, but his words seemed particularly heavy, with an air of iron blood.

It seems that even King Wu's death has an unknown history.

Once upon a time when King Wu was the most powerful king, the late emperor was able to dominate the world and pacify all directions.

However, the rabbit died and the dog succeeded.

During that period of history, only the generals who fought at the forefront of Chu State knew the inside story.

As for the people of Chu, they just spread rumors.

No one knows what happened back then, but that period of history, although it seemed particularly peaceful at the time, actually contained a terrible storm behind it.

Outside the Black Castle, the atmosphere of killing swept away, and a mysterious team invaded unknowingly and came to respond. These people were all wearing armor and helmets, like real soldiers. Their faces could not be seen clearly, but their faces Their strength is terrifying to the extreme, the best among the best.

In fact, after the death of King Wu Qin Wu, the Qin Mansion moved to Tianyong City, and the elite military guards were no longer in the Qin Mansion and were scattered everywhere.

Of course, Chu Tianjiao also knew some clues. The Chu country was so huge, and their intelligence was extremely terrifying.

Therefore, Chu Tianjiao never had the idea of killing Qin Hao and Qin Chuan, because he was almost certain that as long as Qin Hao died, the Chu country would instantly fall into a terrible whirlpool, and the forces hidden in the darkness would be enough to make the royal power Trembling.

Chu Tianjiao didn't move, and neither did Qin Hao. This balance was maintained for a year.

But with the King's Landing Banquet, a gap seemed to have been opened in this balance, which made the balance appear to be tilted. Therefore, Chu Tianjiao decided not to wait any longer.

On this day, Tianyunfang's messengers and the secret intelligence agencies of the forces were all in operation. They traveled to various parts of Chu State and even set foot in other countries.

It seems that a terrifying hurricane is about to set off in Chu State.

Except for a very small number of people, no one in Chu State knew what was happening. The crowds were still living their own lives, either thrillingly or plainly.

Even Qin Chuan didn't know this.

Qin Hao has never mentioned it to him.

Qin He and Qin Ye, who were fighting on the front line, were naturally the same.

Qin Wentian didn't even know.

In his mind, Grandpa Qin Qin Hao has always been a gentle man, not like a general who has experienced battlefields.

He likes to be quiet and friendly, rarely walking around outside. Qin Wentian doesn't have much impression of him other than that.

In fact, Qin Chuan rarely disturbed Qin Hao. The father and son did not meet frequently. Qin Chuan rarely disturbed Qin Hao, who liked to be quiet.

In the manor where Emperor Star College Qin Wentian lived, Qin Yao personally prepared a banquet. The three of them ate happily, enjoying the simple happiness they had not had in a long time.

"It's the New Year's Day again. It's been a whole year. I wonder if your mother is still in Tianyong City." Qin Chuan thought of his wife, feeling a little sad. She must have been worried about him for a year.

"Father, mother should go back to Tianyong City to live. When do you plan to leave, we will go back to see mother so that she can be happy."

Qin Yao held dishes for Qin Chuan and said happily.

"Yes." Qin Chuan nodded: "There are also the second and third brothers. The news about them is not clear. Of course, the most important thing is your grandfather. He is still suffering in the Black Castle."

"Grandpa will be fine."

Qin Wentian smiled and said, seeming to comfort Qin Chuan.

"Good boy, when you grow older, I'm afraid you will be even more powerful. At that time, the royal family of Chu State will be afraid of you." Qin Chuan touched Qin Wentian's head. Now Qin Wentian is more powerful than A year ago, I obviously lost my immaturity and became a lot more mature.

But no matter whether he grows up or not, he will always be a child in Qin Chuan's heart.

Along the way, Qin Chuan kept listening to Qin Yao talk about how powerful Wentian was, and his beaming look made Qin Chuan full of joy. He obviously did not expect that Qin Wentian could reach this point in just one year.

"Junior brother Qin."

At this time, a figure was seen approaching, stopped in the distance, and shouted to Qin Wentian.

"Senior brother, are you okay?" Qin Wentian stood up and walked over. The other person was here to investigate the assassination, and he had been guarding his safety for the past two days.

Emperor Star Academy takes what happened yesterday very seriously, and the turmoil is still huge now.

"As for the person who assassinated you, the college has made some guesses after careful investigation. I'm afraid the results will be available soon."

Qin Wentian's eyes flashed, with a sharp look in his eyes, and he said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"One more thing, Xiao Lu sent someone to ask for someone, saying that our Emperor Star Academy should hand over Qin Yao, and he will be taken to Xueyun Country." The other party said again.

"It's best to let his people go." Qin Wentian's eyes flashed with cold light. Everything at the Junlin Banquet had well proved Xiao Lu's position.

"The college will naturally handle this matter. The last thing, Mr. Ren, is asking you when you are going to Tianxing Pavilion." The man smiled, as if this was the purpose of his coming this time. Ren Qianxing, I hope Qin Wentian can go to the seventh floor of Tianxing Pavilion as soon as possible.

"I will go as soon as possible." Qin Wentian responded. He also wanted to know what kind of secrets Tianxing Pavilion held that made Jiuxuan Palace pay so much attention to it. Luo Tianya once turned against Emperor Star Academy because of Tianxing Pavilion. Now, again, He tried every possible means to get Luo Qianqiu into it, even at the Junlin Banquet.

"Okay, try your best." The other party patted Qin Wentian on the shoulder and left. In fact, he was also curious about the seventh floor of Tianxing Pavilion. Unfortunately, he had not won the first seat at the Junlin Banquet, so naturally he was not qualified to step into it. There is some hope that Qin Wentian can reveal the secret.

PS: The author salon held on the website ends today. I just came back from Sanya. Sorry for the late update. The monthly ticket is not very powerful. Please try your best to support Wuhen. Thank you all! (To be continued)