Ancient Godly Monarch

Chapter 167: Roaring sadly


This time, the final round of assessment for the martial arts admissions of the nine major colleges in the Imperial City has finally been determined. Just like last year, it will be the Dark Forest Trial.

Perhaps because they believe that crisis and killing are the growth that martial arts practitioners must experience, the martial arts offices of all major colleges readily agreed. After all, those who signed up for the college martial arts assessments were all teenagers, and many of them had never even seen blood. It cannot be called true martial arts at all.

In this continent where the weak eat the strong and the strong survive, now that you have set foot in the martial arts, you can never think of being alone unless you are willing to be an ordinary person.

In the small town outside the dark forest, many adventurers would occasionally laugh when they saw these young people coming over. The life of licking blood from the edge of a knife was not easy. The appearance of such a group of sunny teenagers would always bring a touch of light to their lives, although Just a moment.

At the edge of the dark forest, the Imperial Star Academy camp was led by Qin Wentian, Mo Qingcheng, Ruo Huan, Dashan, Luo Cheng and others. In addition, Su Muyu accompanied Qin Wentian. Now Qin Wentian has He is the absolute protection target of Emperor Star Academy. Just because he is so dazzling, there will definitely be many people who want to kill Qin Wentian.

Although Gong Yanghong's intimidation was there, few people dared to deal with Qin Wentian openly, but they had to guard against hidden arrows. Jiang Zhen's assassination was a good example.

"Everyone is preparing to enter the forest. Be careful and safe. Your life is at stake, let alone entering the Emperor Star Academy." Dashan turned around and smiled at the assessors behind him.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Dashan." The boy in front of him grinned. It was Zijun, the talented boy. His eyes were filled with excitement and he was eager to try.

"Okay, go in." Dashan waved his hand, and the crowd immediately stepped into the dark forest with excitement and nervousness.

Qin Wentian saw the figure running beside him with a bright smile in his eyes.

"Remember your own experience last year?" Su Muyu sat on a white horse and looked at Qin Wentian beside her, her soft face giving people a warm feeling.

"Well, I was wronged by someone last year." Qin Wentian said with a smile.

"Humph, who are you talking about?" On the other side, Mo Qingcheng stared at Qin Wentian with her beautiful eyes, looking very cute.

"She knew very well that someone was very cold back then." Qin Wentian said.

"Didn't I apologize to you?" Mo Qingcheng felt a little aggrieved and stared at Qin Wentian fiercely.

"You two, please stop flirting." Ruo Huan stepped forward with a smile. She was definitely a person who was afraid of chaos in the world.

"Sister Ruohuan, what are you talking about?" Mo Qingcheng's face burned when she saw Ruohuan speaking so ambiguously.

"Are you talking nonsense? Junior Brother Qin is such an outstanding person, and I happen to like my sister too. If you don't like it, then leave it to me." Ruohuan held her hands in front of her chest, her seductive look was enough to make the man lose his mind. , Qin Wentian looked at Sister Ruohuan and smiled bitterly, this senior sister is really killing people.

When Mo Qingcheng saw the appearance of Qin Wentian and Ruo Huan, he snorted and then walked forward, causing Su Muyu, Ruo Huan and others to laugh.

Su Muyu thought in her mind that sometimes the relationship between people is very strange. The crazy words of outsiders can easily bring two people who like each other closer to each other. This girl Ruohuan is smart and smart, and she obviously intends to bring the two together.

Su Muyu watched Qin Wentian chasing after him and smiled. Such a pair of beautiful people really looked like one.

Several people rode forward. When Dashan saw the young men heading deep into the dark forest, he couldn't help but said, "I'm going to protect Zijun."

With that said, he abandoned his horse and ran into the dark forest.

He would never have done this in the past, but with the lessons learned from Qin Wentian last year, and the changes in the situation in the imperial city now, Dashan was a little worried.

"It seems that Senior Brother Dashan really likes that little guy Zijun." Qin Wentian turned around and looked at Su Muyu, Ruohuan and others who came forward.

"He wants to be a teacher and teach students." Ruohuan smiled lightly.

"That's right. When Senior Brother Dashan came, he said that he planned to stay at Emperor Star Academy in the future. It seems that there is a trace of Teacher Mo Shan in Senior Brother." Qin Wentian murmured. Every time Dashan was around him, They all give him the feeling of a big brother. Although he seems to be honest, he is still calm.

"This is related to his experience. Dashan was a wandering orphan. When he was ten years old, he met Teacher Mo Shang. After discovering that he had a talent for spiritual practice, the teacher brought him into the spiritual path. He treated him like a son and taught him carefully. Therefore, Dashan is like The teacher is also normal. He wants to study in the academy not only because of his personal talent, but also to a large extent due to the influence of the teacher."

Ruohuan stopped teasing in her eyes and spoke seriously, with a touch of warmth in her eyes. They all grew up with the teacher.

"That's it." Qin Wentian lowered his voice and looked at Senior Brother Dashan's thick figure gradually disappearing, with a bit of warmth in his eyes.

"Luo Cheng, Fatty, let's go together. Senior Sister Su and Junior Brother Qin will go together separately." Ruohuan said, and then they dispersed and went to both sides. Although this is an assessment for the students, they must avoid some. Special danger, so it is still necessary to watch.

"You guys chat, I'll go take a look in front." Su Muyu said to Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng, and then she stepped forward. Only Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng were left here.

This left Qin Wentian speechless. How could he not understand what Senior Sister Su and the others meant? They were deliberately trying to fulfill themselves.

In the quiet forest, Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng rode side by side, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Mo Qingcheng looked at Qin Wentian and said, "You idiot, can you tell me about your past?"

"What do you want to hear?" Qin Wentian responded: "Apart from coming to the Imperial City, I have been staying in the Qin Mansion in Tianyong City, but I haven't done anything."

"Isn't it Bai Qiuxue?" Mo Qingcheng whispered, but seemed to realize that he shouldn't ask, and couldn't help showing a playful look: "Don't mind."

"It's all over. What's there to worry about?" Qin Wentian shrugged.

"That's right." Mo Qingcheng smiled sweetly: "Anyway, if you can find a better one, you don't have to worry about the past."

"Find a better one?" Qin Wentian blinked and then looked at Mo Qingcheng.

If we talk about it being better, the most beautiful woman in the Chu Kingdom in front of me is much better than Bai Qiuxue in every aspect.

Seeing Qin Wentian staring at him, Mo Qingcheng's face turned red again, and then he glared at Qin Wentian resentfully and said, "You bastard."

As she spoke, she spurred her horse forward, and there were white cranes hovering low in the sky.

"Aren't you an idiot? Why have you become a bastard again?" Qin Wentian scratched his head, muttered, and looked at the beautiful figure in front of him with a naive smile.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than ten days since we entered the dark forest. The martial arts examination disciples from various major colleges are struggling to survive in the dark forest, hunting monsters. Many people seem to have realized the hardship of martial arts.

Zijun came to a jungle at this time, stabbed the head of a demon bear with the spear in his hand, stabbed it with difficulty, and began to cut open its head to take out the demon core, and then put it into the bag next to him and carried it on his body.

At this moment, his clothes are in tatters and there is a faint trace of blood on his face, but his face is filled with a smile. He has hunted many low-level monsters. After returning to the imperial city, he can exchange for some meteorites as training resources. , so that he can practice faster.

Zijun would smile happily every time he thought of this. He was determined to achieve brilliant results at the King's Landing Banquet in a year like Qin Wentian.

With such a dream, he understands that he needs to work harder, even if there is a crisis, he will not hesitate.

The young man's face was full of determination.

Far behind him, under an ancient tree, Dashan looked at Zijun with admiration on his face. Even if he was not as outstanding as Junior Brother Qin in the future, he would not be too far behind.

I saw Zijun carrying the package containing the demon core and continuing forward. At this moment, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

Throwing the package on his back to the side, he held the spear in his hand, and a whistling sound came. They were three terrifying arrows, like golden lightning.

Zijun retreated, the spear trembled continuously, turning into a rain of gunfire, and the sound of "dong-dong-dong" was heard. The spear and the arrow collided. Zijun was shocked and retreated continuously, barely able to block it.

However, at this moment, a terrifying spear penetrated the void and magnified infinitely in his pupils.


Carrying terrifying power, the spear flew up with Zijun's body, and then plunged hard into an ancient tree, nailing Zijun's body there.

Zijun's resolute smile disappeared. At this moment, he showed a hint of despair and lowered his head with difficulty to look at the spear inserted into his heart.

Why would such a powerful person want to plot against him

His eyes lost their luster in an instant, but they were still open. It seemed that he could not rest in peace. He still had a dream that he had not yet fulfilled, but everything was over forever.

"No..." A roar full of unwillingness and fear shook the void. The star soul of the mountain bloomed and his body ran wildly. The moment the terrible arrow appeared, he felt intense uneasiness and ran wildly out. , but everything is already too late.

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There was a rustling sound in the distant jungle. Inside, a pair of sharp and terrifying eyes stared at the mountain, filled with terrifying indifference and killing intent, like cold poisonous snakes, hunting their prey.

The roar of the mountain was so fierce that people from all around the area gathered frantically in his direction.

Qin Wentian was still with Mo Qingcheng and Su Muyu. When he heard the roar, he felt a strong sense of uneasiness. The roar seemed familiar.

"Buzz!" Qin Wentian jumped off his horse, wings seemed to sprout from his back, and he ran wildly, like a bolt of lightning.

Mo Qingcheng whistled, and the white crane hovering in the air flew down. Mo Qingcheng stepped on the white crane and headed in that direction.

Su Muyu flew in the air and followed Qin Wentian.

The uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger. (To be continued)