Ancient Strengthening Technique

Chapter 162: Strengthen the foundation and cultivate the essence


"Mother, I may leave Baili City after the New Year. What are your plans? Should we go to Canglang County to develop together, or stay in Baili City!" Qing Shui felt that he still had to solve this problem!

"Mother, I may leave Baili City after the New Year. What are your plans? Should we go to Canglang County to develop together, or stay in Baili City!" Qing Shui felt that he still had to solve this problem!

Hearing Qing Shui's words, all the Qing family members, including Qing Yi, fell silent. Qing Yi raised his head and looked at the others: "Everyone, tell us whether you should stay in Baili City or go to Canglang County!"

"Brother Qingshui, how about Canglang County City? Isn't it more beautiful?" Qingbei said yearningly with stars in his eyes!

"I've never been there either, and I don't know either!" Qing Shui looked at Qing Bei's hopeful eyes and said silently!

"Our roots are in Qingjiazhuang. There is no difference between being in Baili City and Canglang County. It's just that it would be better if it is convenient to go to Canglang County and has the opportunity to develop. If it is difficult to develop somewhere, it is better to go there. Baili City!" Qing Yi finally expressed his concerns!

"Actually, there are quite a lot of opportunities to develop in Canglang County. I also have some things in my hands that can help you develop in Canglang County, so you just decide whether to go or not!" Qing Shui thought about what he had in his hands when he left after the Chinese New Year. There are also 500 enchanted fruits. This alone can open a store and support the Qing family. There will be more opportunities in the future!

Qingyi looked at the hopeful and longing eyes of the three generations. In fact, Qingyi also yearned for Canglang County City. After all, it was the most prosperous and developed city in Canglang County, with a large population and many sectarian families!

"Then it's settled. If nothing else happens, we will go to Canglang County together. The old man supports Qingshui in everything, so if we go to Canglang County or not, it is Qingshui's decision. !" Qing Yi said with a smile!

Qing Yi's words made the three generations of the Qing family extremely happy. Who among young people doesn't yearn for the world outside!

"Mother, what about grandpa and the others? Will you come with us then?" Qing Shui thought about his grandpa, eldest uncle, second uncle, and an old man who were guarding the Qing family library in Qingjiazhuang!

"We will go back and discuss with the old man during the Chinese New Year. We will see the situation then!"

Since the last time he had this plan, Qing Shui has increased the sales of the snakehead turtles in Yuhe Tower, just to make some money. Anyway, the snakehead fish in the Purple Jade Wonderland has already formed a large scale!

In the morning, Qing Shui had eaten and planned to go to Yexiangju!

In any era, the flesh and blood business is always the most profitable and prosperous. Qing Shui looked at the people who were falling in front of Yexiang Residence, some were leaving and some were coming!

As soon as Qing Shui, who had broken through the fourth level of heaven, entered Yexiang Residence, the sound of a man and a woman happily hearing each other clearly reached his ears. Qing Shui stepped onto the stairs and walked directly to the top of the building!

When Qing Shui saw Wen Ren Wushuang again, he clearly felt the gap between the two. Qing Shui was too shameless to say that he wanted to have you when his master was lightly dressed...

And Mingyue Pavilion, Qing Shui found that his emotional intelligence was very low and his face was not thick enough!

"Wushuang, after the Chinese New Year, we will go to Canglang County City Tianjian Sect. It is very likely that the Qing family will all move to Canglang County City. Do you have any plans?" Qing Shui looked at this unparalleled woman. Is it really going to be with him? Don't have a chance? .

One day Wen Ren Wushuang really falls into the arms of others, Qing Shui will definitely feel very uncomfortable. Men all have their own selfish motives, and Qing Shui is no exception. Besides, besides family affection, the most important thing in Qing Shui's heart is women. He likes to have a few of his favorites in the future. His lovely wife and lovely children, look at their cheerful and warm side!

"I can leave at any time, just let me know when the time comes!"

Although she still smiled lightly, Qing Shui felt that it was a kind of silent resistance, resistance, rejection and even a hint of disgust!

"Here you go, it can improve your strength a lot!" Qing Shui said as he threw a porcelain bottle containing two small returning pills to Wen Ren Wushuang!

"Qing Shui!" When Qing Shui was about to leave, Wen Ren Wushuang called out to Qing Shui!

Qing Shui turned his head to look at Wen Ren Wushuang in confusion! Just now, Qing Shui had the pain to erase the thoughts that Wen Ren Wushuang left for him!

"You said you would work hard to pursue me and prevent me from marrying those dirty men. You must remember what you said!"

Qing Shui walked halfway, but Wen Ren Wushuang's immortal words were still echoing in his ears!

"It seems that I am still not thick-skinned and confident enough. There are countless beauties in the Nine Provinces continent. If you want to get a few more, it won't work without strength and thick-skin!" Qing Shui made Wen Ren Wushuang stand up again with his last words. , standing higher and stronger than before!

"Qing Shui, do you still need to take off your clothes for the acupuncture?"

In the evening, Qing Shui will perform acupuncture on Mingyue Pavilion! The golden needle measures the acupoints in order to strengthen her foundation and develop her potential, and at the same time expand and strengthen her meridians!

"I'll do it myself!" Mingyue Pavilion said in a panic!

Time has passed by unconsciously, two months have passed by in a blink of an eye, and there are only less than ten days until the New Year!

Qing Shui woke up early in the morning and looked at the heavy snow falling outside. Everywhere he saw was white snow! A piece wrapped in silver!

The three generations of the Qing family still practiced in the weather with heavy snowfall. Dozens of people performed the same move, and the momentum actually contained a little bit of the roar of a tiger!

In addition to the necessary training in the Purple Jade Fairyland in the past two months, Qing Shui has taught everyone in the Qing family how to practice deer running and tiger form. Now they are on the right track, although they are still a long way from being successful. However, a layman can see that it is quite powerful. Of course, it is impossible to scare the masters with it!

Compared with them, what makes Qing Shui the happiest is Mingyue Pavilion. People with a hundred meridians are all cultivation wizards. In two months, those who came first came first almost at the same time as himself to cultivate to the tiger shape!

It made Qing Shui wonder, if Mingyue Pavilion had ancient divine power, how fast would it be possible to practice the tiger form again? Now I am even more in love with Lu Ben. Apart from spending time with Xiao Yushang every day, I spend almost all of my time practicing!

Qing Shui felt that Mingyue Pavilion might be due to the pure "Tiger Roar Qi". He would be very fast when practicing the tiger form, but how could he be faster than himself? He was worthy of being a person with a hundred meridians, but since he broke through to the fourth level of heaven, he has also been in the same state all over the body. Is it true that the meridians are integrated and comprehended, is it enlightenment? .

Qing Shui, who has experienced enlightenment twice, thinks that his understanding is not bad!

Perhaps it was Mingyue Pavilion's performance that stimulated these boys, so during this period of time they were all practicing crazily. Only Qing Shui knew the reason best, but Qing Shui liked to see the end of the crazy training of this group of beaten boys, and was beaten by a It would be embarrassing to compete with a woman who doesn’t know any martial arts skills!

Although both Qing Shui and Mingyue Pavilion have cultivated the tiger shape to a small degree, because Qing Shui's cultivation is much stronger than hers, the tiger shape and the tiger roar are incomparable!

What surprised Qing Shui the most was that when he entered Xiao Cheng's Tiger Roar Qi, he could produce a roaring sound. What Qing Shui produced was a dull and soul-stirring tiger roar, while the roaring sound produced by Mingyue Pavilion was sharp and harsh!