Ancient Strengthening Technique

Chapter 3200: Intimidation and inducement, the picture scroll breaks the formation


This incident shocked the old guys at the head. He Yilong did not break the formation and was seriously injured by the rebound. The old guys saw the momentum of He Yilong and his group and felt that it was easy to break the formation. That power Even old guys like them are unstoppable...

This combination of Mortal Nine Steps is particularly effective in destroying cities, breaking formations, or attacking those who are incapacitated and incapacitated. However, it takes a long time and has strong limitations, so it is basically difficult to use Mortals in this way in combat. Nine steps.

This is not the first time that He Yilong has used this method to break the formation. It is more effective than the formation mage. In many cases where the formation mage cannot, the formation is broken by multiple people using nine steps together.

This makes the He family very proud. In their hearts, mortal inheritance is the most perfect and omnipotent. The He family has a long heritage in Mortal City, relying on mortal inheritance.

At this time, Qing Shui had already walked out. Looking at the many people outside, he naturally knew what was going on. He smiled and said, "Whoever is destroying my formation, I will let him die without being buried."

The faint smile and Xiao Sha's eyes made the surroundings very quiet for a while. If many people may have been dissatisfied before, but now they all know that this is his formation. Can it be simple to create such a terrifying formation? It offended him. I can trap you at home until you die...

"Young man, it was you who killed members of my He family." The dignified old man looked at Qing Shui and spoke in a calm tone.

"I don't know who they are, some evil people came to kill me, but it seems that they were not good at studying, but they accidentally killed two people." Qing Shui seemed to think for a while and said.

Qing Shui's attitude made Helianba's anger rise. He wished he could just slap him to death in the last issue, but he knew that the most important thing now was to recover the Nine Steps of Mortals and the Golden Giant Spirit Man. These two things could not be spread out.

"We don't have any bad intentions here today. How about we talk about it?" Helianba tried his best to keep his posture low.

"Haha, there is no malice. So many people have no malice. If there is no malice, why did you destroy my formation?" Qing Shui took a sip, not giving any face.

"You..." Helianba's face was dark. He had a noble status. He had never been treated like this before. But he told himself to endure it and deal with him after he got back the mortal Nine Steps and the Golden Giant Spirit Man, leaving him unable to survive. You can't die.

"Okay, you go back, don't disturb me, otherwise I won't be polite." Qing Shui turned around and prepared to leave.

"Little brother, I am sincere. We are from the He family. I am Helianba. Two of my family members have died. We want to get their things back." Helianba said seriously.

"Sorry, I don't have anything here." Qing Shui spread his hands.

"Are you really not going to hand it over? That thing belongs to my He family. It is very useful to my He family. We can exchange it for you. The elixir of human flesh and bones, the artifact, you can choose. We guarantee that you will hand it over. I won't embarrass you when I come up with something, otherwise even if we are defeated to death, my He family will still fight with you to the lowest point." He Lianba said coercively and lowered his tone even more.

Qing Shui smiled, "I really don't have any. I also really want the artifact and elixir, but I don't have what you mentioned. Is it possible that I can't find something for you in exchange for it?"

"Young man, everyone understands that those who went back that day saw you taking away the space bracelet." Helianba stared at Qing Shui and said.

"Oh, come to think of it, what are you talking about? I just gave it to the child to play with to see which bracelet looked good. I gave it to the child, and the child will cry when I get it back." Qing Shui touched his forehead and said in confusion.

Helianba now had the urge to vomit blood and tried to calm himself down. He knew that this boy didn't want him to look so pure. Looking at Qing Shui's pure eyes, he always felt that this boy was very cunning, but now he had no choice.

"Find something nice. You can trade this with the child." Helianba threw Qing Shui a pair of bracelets. They were beautiful and precious jade bracelets, but they were just bracelets. In the eyes of warriors, they were worthless, so they could sell them. Ordinary money.

Qing Shui took it and laughed. This old guy was really confused. He said that the one he said was good-looking was the one he wanted to have a child with. However, the one that looked better on the outside wanted him to come back. He was just saying...


Qing Shui smashed the pair of beautiful jade bracelets into pieces with one hand: "I almost forgot that the bracelet was taken away by a big bird before you came here, and I can't give it to you anymore."

"That's enough!" Helianba's body undulated slightly. Although he was still calm, everyone could see that he was very uneasy inside. Everyone knew that Qing Shui was playing tricks on them, but at first they could only cooperate, but now they found someone to play with. There is no need to endure it anymore.

"I'll say it again, hand it over or not?" Helianba said in a cold voice.

"I'm tired, go back and sleep for a while, you can do whatever you want!" Qing Shui turned around and walked away.

This moment made Helian so domineering that he almost lost his soul and soul. He watched Qing Shui's figure disappear before his eyes.

"Break the formation, break the formation, break the formation for me, no matter what the cost, you must break it for me." Helianba roared loudly.

One of the several old men on the other side took out something like a picture scroll, silver, full of sacred spiritual power. At this time, he walked up to Helianba: "Brother, do you really want to use this? "

"I can't care about so much anymore. We must break the formation and the mortal inheritance cannot be lost." Helianba gritted his teeth and said.

The old man nodded and held the scroll, which was three feet long and one foot wide. It was full of sacred aura. As the old man raised his hand, the scroll floated to the formation. Under a ray of snow-white light, it was visible to the naked eye. The formation began to disintegrate.

Qing Shui looked at the scroll in the air and was shocked. This thing is so magical. What kind of thing is it? It can actually swallow up his own formation, just like eating food, directly eating the formation.

The formation was gone once it was gone, Qing Shui called on everyone to get ready.

The formation was broken in about a stick of incense, and the scroll in the air disappeared.

"Young man, I don't know whether you will hand over that bracelet or not." Helianba's tone now became more domineering.

"I said, I will be rude to anyone who destroys my formation. Obviously you didn't take my words to heart." Qing Shui looked at Helianba walking out coldly.

"Have courage, young man. It will be easy for me to break through this place." Helianba was not sure whether the mortal nine steps and the golden giant spirit were on him. If he killed these people, he would not be able to find the mortal nine steps and the golden giant spirit. In human terms, Helianba doesn’t want to take action now,

"You're welcome to me. Young man, come here and let me see what you are capable of. Oh, by the way, your formation skills are pretty good. Are you interested in joining my He family? You have beauty, money, wealth, and status. , respect is already there, you don’t have to do anything, just set up a formation occasionally." Helianba said with a smile.

The coercion and inducement started again.

"Why, do you doubt the ability of the He family? My He family is the master of Mortal City. If you join us, you will be respected and you will rise to the top in one step." Helianba emphasized the status of the He family.