Ancient Strengthening Technique

Chapter 3224: A brilliant blow, a violent movement of stars


It has been a month since he arrived in the Imperial City. Qing Shui was still surprised by the peaceful month. He didn't know why. According to Qing Shui's feeling, the temple at the Imperial City headquarters would not allow him to live in peace and would definitely get rid of him. of.

But no matter what the reason was, Qing Shui was still happy in his heart. After all, it had bought him precious time. Now that he had made a breakthrough, Qing Shui was already confident that he would be able to compete even if he faced the headquarters of the Nine Provinces Temple.

In the past two years until he arrived at the national city of the Kingdom of God City not long ago, Qing Shui also learned a lot of news during this time, such as the Demon Sect, the Nine Provinces Martial Sect, and even the strength of the Supreme Temple, Ice Moon Holy Land, Supreme Holy Valley, etc. These existences are located in the northern part of the Nine Suns Territory, and are adjacent to the area around the Divine City.

Standing in the small courtyard and breathing the fresh air, there is a patch of small flowers in the small courtyard. The colorful flowers are swaying in the morning breeze, and the faint floral fragrance fills the entire small courtyard.

"Why don't you sleep more." Qing Shui smiled and turned around and walked towards the two women.

"Qing Shui, I heard that there is something going on at the temple headquarters. The reason why they didn't take action against us before was because there were conflicts within the temple, so they didn't care about it for the moment." Beihuang Fan raised his head and said.

"Oh, internal contradiction, what kind of contradiction?" Qing Shui was curious.

"The temple headquarters is actually not a unified force. Just like a dynasty, there are emperors and many princes below. In addition to these, even the palace master's line is complicated. The previous palace master was not here, plus several temple forces. There was a fierce fight between them, so they didn’t take care of us at all.”

"Then the master of the temple headquarters has returned now." Qing Shui said with a smile.

"Well, we are back, so for the time being the conflicts between the temple masters' lineage have calmed down, and we have made the temple lose face, so they should take action against us."

"Now there is news. This time, a deputy palace master is coming with the God of War." Nuo Lan came over at this time.

"Sister Nuolan, is there any news from the Demon Sect?" Qing Shui asked for the first time.

"It's not easy. I can't bear it for so long." Nuo Lan chuckled.

"She has become the head of the Demon Sect Headquarters three days ago. I am really curious about her strength. This is the Demon Sect of the Jiuzhou Demon Sect Headquarters. The blood of the Supreme Demon King is really so terrifying." Nuolan said curiously.

Qing Shui was a little shocked when he heard the news, but it was not surprising. However, he was really dissatisfied with the speed. He had absorbed a lot of god-level jade essence from the Nirvana Pool and the Purple Jade Fairyland, and now he has such cultivation. He feels like he has it now. Fighting for the position of the master of the temple headquarters, it seems that Tantai Lingyan may also have her own adventures. In addition, the seal on her body is probably almost unlocked.

Qing Shui has set up a powerful formation in this small courtyard. There are some things that have to be guarded against. However, it is not easy to attack Qing Shui and his group now. Qing Shui and Chen Chen are both warriors at the seventh level of the Soul Cultivation Realm. The remaining There are quite a few people who have reached the fifth and sixth levels of the Yangshen Realm. This is a powerful force.

Although it cannot compare with some big forces in terms of quantity, sometimes it cannot rely solely on quantity. Quantity will only play a role when the strength is the same.

Before I knew it, another three days had passed.

But this morning Qing Shui felt that the air was a bit oppressive when he got up. He looked into the sky intuitively and saw a large black dot in the distance flying towards here quickly.

Qing Shui's eyesight was very good. Although it was still far away, he could already see it. Unfortunately, Qing Shui didn't recognize him and couldn't feel the aura from such a distance. However, Qing Shui was intuitively sure that this was the God of War coming from the temple of the Divine City Headquarters. He was here to find him. my own.

Qing Shui didn't come out early, he came out late because he was in the Purple Jade Wonderland.

At this time, everyone had seen the person coming from a distance.

In just a moment, the sky above the manor was covered by a huge monster and the warriors on it.

The sky above the small courtyard was covered tightly. Qing Shui looked up at the sky. The feeling of looking up was very uncomfortable. These people stopped directly above the small courtyard, directly above. This was also a demonstration, and even more so. An insult.

Qing Shui was uncomfortable, and naturally he didn't want the people above him to feel comfortable. However, there was a formation here, so the people above him couldn't attack, but that didn't mean Qing Shui couldn't attack.

In this case, let's do something ruthless first.

At this point, Qing Shui also knew that the possibility of doing good was basically gone. Since this was the case, it was better to let nature take its course, and slowly stepped on the ground.

Nine steps for mortals!

One step, two steps...

Qing Shui's realm is seven steps, and he can now take half a step on the eighth step, but it will take time to step out.

Seven steps, the stars have changed!

In Qing Shui's hand was the magic flying sword, which he then struck directly into the air.

The silver screen of light that resembled a galaxy was really like the stars in the night sky. The brilliance at that moment made people realize what the divine light of the sun and moon was that could dominate the heaven and earth after Qing Shui unleashed such terrifying power.

Qing Shui's defense power now reaches almost 400,000,000,000. Under the influence of Mortal Steps, this blow is so terrifying~~

The faces of all the people in the air changed drastically. Humans and monsters are the same. They have a keen sense before death. Their faces turned ashen and they quickly evaded, but for many people it was already too late.


There was a crisp sound, and the snow-white halo exploded. The beauty of that moment was like a broken galaxy. It was so beautiful that it lasted for a long time before disappearing, but there were only a few people left in the sky.

Each of these people's faces were pale and stained with blood, and two of them were even dying.

This was avoided, but it was impossible to completely avoid it. Moreover, the Harmony Man was very strong and immediately activated the treasure to resist, but injuries were inevitable.

Qing Shui appeared directly in the air and looked at the half-old man who was leading him. This man was not injured. He had treasures on his body and had completely withstood a terrifying attack. However, the old man was in a terrible mood at this time and tried his best to kill Qing Shui. Shui and others, but the result is this...

The time for the temple master is approaching. As long as the temple master dies, he will be the one vying for the position of the temple master. There are also many powerful war gods in the palace master's lineage, but there are also more than a dozen deputy temple masters. There are many, and everyone wants to take a step forward and become the master of the palace. Then he can dominate the kingdom of the divine city. At that time, all the resources of the divine city are decided by himself.

At this time, the old man was extremely bitter. He didn't expect to lose most of the expert around him when he came this time. He had heard that Qing Shui was not simple. After all, he had repeatedly defeated the God of War sent by the headquarters, so he was very cautious and brought him with him. There are many good players, but I don’t really have any particular worries.