Ancient Strengthening Technique

Chapter 35: Purple Jade Wonderland


Qing Shui looked at the gash on his chest that was more than a foot long. The blood was flowing wildly. When Qing Shui's hands and feet tore open the white-headed black jade sculpture's chest like a rabbit kicking an eagle, the opponent's sharp claws also scratched the chest. The scars were deep enough to show the bones, and although they avoided the heart, they were seriously injured.

Looking at the bleeding wound, his whole body was shaking with pain. Qing Shui felt bitter in his heart. Could it be that his life was decided here? At this moment, Qing Shui thought of many things. The most important thing was his mother. Before leaving, he promised himself again and again. If you have enough self-preservation, you will take care of yourself.

I still have to help my mother fulfill her unfulfilled wish. I can't die. What will my mother do if I die? My mother will become helpless. What if someone bullies my mother? I can't die.

Qing Shui's consciousness began to blur, and blood dyed his whole body red, and at the same time, it also dyed the simple Yin Yang jade pendant that had been hanging on Qing Shui's chest red.

The purple-black blood dyed the simple Yin-Yang jade pendant into dark purple. At the moment when Qing Shui's consciousness became blurred, the jade pendant that had turned into dark purple actually emitted a faint purple light and slowly wrapped Qing Shui's whole body, like a baby. The speed drinker Qing Shui's blood can be seen with the naked eye.

Qing Shui's consciousness was shaken, and that moment felt like ten thousand years but also a moment. At this moment, he suddenly felt very awake. When he opened his eyes, the sight he saw made him a little unbelievable.

He clearly remembered the situation in which he was in danger, because he had the obsession to let go of his mother, so when he woke up the first time he knew that this was no longer his original mountainous area, but a place with a radius of 100 meters, because it was only 100 meters The radius is so wide that Qing Shui can take in everything here.

"Why am I here? Is this the place where people get after death?" Qing Shui stood up and looked around. He suddenly looked at himself and was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"Why is my injury healed?" Qing Shui looked at the blood stains on his body and the torn shirt, and saw the scar that had just formed on his chest, otherwise he would have doubted whether he had been injured, but at the same time he was sure that he was not. die.

"What kind of place is this? Why am I here?" Qing Shui frowned and looked around again.

"Hey, there's water." Qing Shui's chapped lips, which were already thirsty, had small cuts popping out, and his throat also felt sore.

There is actually a small pool in the middle of this space.

Qing Shui was already extremely thirsty, so he ran over and drank to his fill. After he put his head into the pool and drank it, he realized that the water was not ordinary delicious. He felt that his whole body was full of strength, and even his hungry stomach was completely full.

I am very thirsty.

It wasn't until this moment that Qing Shui looked at the circular pool with a diameter of ten meters in front of him. It was crystal clear and crystal clear, and it was only about ten meters deep.

"Huh." Qing Shui felt that he was constantly surprised today because he found a stone monument on the other side of the pool and a strong and strong tree that was as tall as a person.

The stone tablet was also as tall as one person, and it was thick and had a solemn air. Qing Shui walked over and looked at it, and when he looked at the front, he saw there were words on it.

"Purple Jade Fairyland." It turns out that this place is called Purple Jade Fairyland.

Qing Shui looked at the four vigorous and powerful seal script handwriting on the top. Because these four characters were the largest, Qing Shui saw them first.

There were words below, so Qing Shui continued to look down.

Only the owner can enter the Purple Jade Wonderland. In addition to the owner, no other human being can be brought in, unless they are dead.

"Only the owner can enter, am I the owner..." Qing Shui was confused now, so he had no choice but to look down.

The time ratio between the Purple Jade Wonderland and the outside world is one hundred to one.

Qing Shui couldn't calm down this time. If so, wouldn't it mean that one hundred days in the Purple Jade Wonderland is equivalent to one day outside...

The rest didn't say anything, just five lines of particularly eye-catching small characters at the bottom.

When the first level of the Purple Jade Fairyland is opened, a power fruit tree will automatically grow. It matures once every hundred years and bears ten fruit each time. Each fruit can increase a human's strength by five hundred kilograms and can also be used to refine medicine, but each person can only eat two. , eating more is useless.

The second level of Purple Jade Fairyland has not been opened, the third level of Purple Jade Fairyland has not been opened... The ninth level of Purple Jade Fairyland has not been opened.

That vigorous little tree turned out to be the Power Fruit Tree. Qing Shui looked at the tree that was only one person tall but had thick branches like an adult man. However, the branches were very short and only about a foot long and spread outwards. The main trunk and several strands were about a foot long. The branches are vigorous and powerful.

Ten fruits similar to dragon fruit were hung sparsely on it. They were bright red in color and exuded a light fragrance that was very attractive. Qing Shui now vaguely understood that this space was definitely his own. He no longer knew how to describe the joy in his heart, especially after No matter how stupid it is, no matter how stupid you are, no matter how difficult it is to break through the ancient body-building techniques, with this purple jade fairyland, anything is possible.

It's a pity that such a good thing can only be used by myself. Forget it, I have already received great benefits. This secret must be kept strictly, otherwise a disaster will definitely occur. After all, many people will not allow such a person to grow up. threaten one's own interests.

Qing Shui didn't know how much time had passed. He walked no less than three times in this space that was only about fifteen acres in size. Looking at the soft and fertile purple land under his feet, he felt incredible. The crops on this land must be good...

After turning around for a few times, Qing Shui discovered that there was no door in this space. How to get out? As soon as Qing Shui thought about how to get out, he found that he had left the Purple Jade Fairyland and arrived at the valley.

When he came out, he thought about how to get in. When he thought that he would appear in the Purple Jade Wonderland, Qing Shui was as happy as a child.

"Go in."

"go out."

Qing Shui happily went in and out...

In the end, Qing Shui knew that as long as he wanted to go in, he would go in, and if he wanted to come out, he would come out. It was very convenient. At this time, he also confirmed that he was the master of this space.

But why did this space find me? Qing Shui was very puzzled. He stood in the valley and thought about this problem for a long time to no avail. In the end, he had no choice but to let it go. Anyway, he would not suffer any loss.

Looking at the clothes on his body that had been cut into rags by the white-headed black jade sculpture, Qing Shui could only smile bitterly. Finally, he took out the spare clothes and put them on. When changing clothes, he saw that the simple Yin-Yang jade pendant that had been hanging around his neck was missing. Only bare strings remained.

"Could it be that the Purple Jade Fairyland is the space where I got the jade pendant by accident?" Qing Shui searched nearby and even went into the Purple Jade Fairyland but could not find the jade pendant.

It's just that there is no mirror now, otherwise Qing Shui would not look for it again, because there is a purple cinnabar as big as a soybean between Qing Shui's eyebrows. The shape is the shape of a jade pendant shrunk to the size of a soybean.

The purple cinnabar here is like the finishing touch between Qing Shui's eyebrows, making Qing Shui's already beautiful eyes even more magical and attractive. That face that could only be considered a good one at first, between those beautiful eyes and this grain of cinnabar It looks very extraordinary in the background.

Now that the jade pendant was gone, Qing Shui took off the bare rope and threw it away. After changing into clean clothes, he looked up and saw the dead white-headed black jade sculpture in the distance.

"Dead?" Qing Shui walked over and saw that a huge eye of the white-headed black jade sculpture was bloody and bloody. This was caused by one of the two stones he shot at the same time. The chest had been disemboweled, although this was also a fatal injury. , but Qing Shui knew that the most deadly thing was the stone that hit the white-headed jade sculpture's eyes. If Qing Shui guessed correctly, the stone should have entered its brain.

"Let's eat the roasted white-headed ink jade sculpture today."