Ancient Strengthening Technique

Chapter 88: The purple jade wonderland on the second floor


"Well, it should have been upgraded." Qing Shui muttered happily and quickly ran towards the stone monument. Before he got there, he saw that the pool with the beach on one side had also been enlarged by about double. The original diameter was ten meters and now it is fully As long as twenty meters, the depth only became about fifteen meters. The originally dense black fish and turtles in the water suddenly seemed to be diluted. Qing Shui felt much more comfortable now.

During this time, the number of black fish increased a lot, forming a circular chain from small to large. The largest one only grew to a little over a foot and then stopped growing. It just became darker and brighter. The teeth were also sparkling, black fish They were already ferocious, but what amused Qing Shui was that the turtles were also extremely slippery and could actually prey on small black fish the size of a finger.

This is good, otherwise snakeheaded fish will reproduce too quickly. This way, you don't have to take out large quantities to arouse people's suspicion, and you can also make the turtles grow faster.

As for the limitations of the turtle, Qing Shui doesn't need to consider it yet. The growth rate of this thing is called a turtle speed. It has not yet entered the egg-laying stage. Normally, a turtle needs five to seven years from birth to laying eggs.

Thinking about it, Qing Shui was not surprised. This thing originally grew slowly, but he didn't expect it to grow very fast in his Purple Jade Wonderland. It took more than two years outside to grow to the size of a bowl, which was no bigger than those adult turtles. Small, this thing has a long life to begin with, a thousand-year-old tortoise, a ten-thousand-year-old tortoise. In the previous life, it was said that someone saw a tortoise that lived for eight hundred years, which shows how long this thing lives.

"There are three hundred and sixty worms, and the tortoise is a long tortoise, and the spirit of the worm is the elder." It is regarded as a symbol of "good luck and longevity".

Turtles are omnivorous animals. In nature, they mainly feed on worms, small fish, shrimps, snails, clams, clams, earthworms, animal carcasses and internal organs. Qingshui seemed helpless. Originally, other small fish and shrimps would also be eaten. There were quite a few, but it was a pity that the black fish had eaten them all.

Qing Shui looked at the batch of no less than two hundred turtles. Each one was black and shiny, with small eyes rolling around. The shiny black turtle shell looked extremely hard, which made Qing Shui feel that this little thing was particularly spiritual. Compared with Heiyu's fierce eyes, it feels much cuter, which is why Qing Shui hasn't started eating it yet.

However, there are natural laws in nature. Sooner or later, turtles must be eaten. Who makes turtles have super high nutritional value and are extremely delicious

Qing Shui thought about the turtle soup and turtle meat he had eaten at Yuhe Tower last time and felt that this turtle was much cuter. The taste, tsk tsk, could also nourish yin and blood and stop bleeding. Contains protein, fat, inorganic salt and other ingredients. Fever due to fatigue, hot flashes and bone steaming, cough and shortness of breath; yin deficiency and blood heat, hemoptysis, vomiting blood, and blood in the stool; liver and kidney yin deficiency, amenorrhea.

There are many ways to eat it, including making soup, steaming it, and adding it to dishes.

Suddenly it occurred to me that after a while, the master packed lightly and had nothing to eat, and his body needed to be replenished, so he might as well make soup with a turtle.

Qing Shui caught a turtle, removed the shell and internal organs, and used the meat. He added water from the pool in the Purple Jade Wonderland, lit the stored firewood in the middle of the space, added some seasonings, and started cooking.

Although Qing Shui doesn't know how to cook it, he just needs to put the ingredients in and cook it, and it will be absolutely delicious. After all, this is the turtle in his own Purple Jade Wonderland.

Until this moment, Qing Shui realized that he had not looked at the stone monument. Qing Shui let the fire burn slowly and hurriedly walked towards the stone monument on the opposite side. Because the diameter of the pool had become twenty meters, it looked much larger. He had to walk half a circle. That's more than thirty meters.

At the top are the characters "Purple Jade Wonderland".

Qing Shui looked down and saw that only possessors could come in. The time comparison with the outside was one hundred to one.

When the first level of the Purple Jade Fairyland is opened, a power fruit tree will automatically grow. It matures once every hundred years and bears ten fruit each time. Each fruit can increase a human's strength by five hundred kilograms and can also be used to refine medicine, but each person can only eat two. , eating more is useless.

The second level of Purple Jade Wonderland is opened, and an agile fruit tree automatically grows. It matures once every hundred years, and bears ten fruits each time. Each one can increase human speed by fifty percent, and can also be used to refine medicine, but each person can only eat two. . If you eat more, you can increase your speed by fifty percent again within a quarter of an hour.

The third level of Purple Jade Wonderland has not been opened...

"Wow, the fruit of agility still increases speed. In addition to the permanent growth of some abilities after taking two of them, it can also temporarily increase the speed by half for a quarter of an hour." Qing Shui was extremely excited now that he could double his speed. Qing Shui has been pleasantly surprised, but the temporary increase later is also unparalleled because it doubled the speed and then increased by half...

The heaven-defying Purple Jade Wonderland, if you can't grow up, just commit suicide.

The fruit of agility is more precious than the fruit of strength. Qing Shui knows the importance of speed. The only martial arts in the world is speed. Speed itself is power.

"Eating two pills will double his speed. Haha, although he cannot advance to the innate level and has not entered the fourth level of ancient physical strengthening techniques, this doubled speed is enough for his strength to be fully utilized in certain situations. The role of turning things around.”

Qing Shui read the introduction on the stone tablet, indicating that the Purple Jade Wonderland had risen to the second floor. At this time, Qing Shui looked at the agile fruit tree to see what the difference was.

Next to the Power Fruit tree, there is a small tree with a vigorous beard that is almost the same. The fruit hanging on it looks almost exactly the same as the Power Fruit, except that the color is green, a beautiful dreamy blue, not the green color of unripe fruits.

This fruit already looks extraordinary. The appearance of a good thing is either exquisite or simple and solemn, or majestic and powerful.

Qing Shui still doesn't understand why the Purple Jade Wonderland will be upgraded. He shakes his head and doesn't think about it anymore. It's a good thing anyway.

Well, Qing Shui seemed to have caught something, but it was fleeting.

Because there are power fruit and agility fruit, Qing Shui can conclude that after the purple jade fairyland is upgraded, there is a high possibility of endurance fruit, constitution fruit and magic fruit. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there will be others or not what he just thought of. , after all, these are just for reference when playing the game, and may not be accurate.

My Purple Jade Wonderland itself is the piece of jade pendant with the Yin and Yang Tai Chi pattern on it, which was refined with blood, and today I and Shi Qingzhuang can be regarded as the fusion of Yin and Yang, could it be that.

Qing Shui opened his mouth in surprise, "Does the upgrade of the Purple Jade Wonderland require the fusion of yin and yang between oneself and the woman to upgrade?"

Qing Shui stayed there for a moment, with only one thought in his mind, "This Purple Jade Fairyland is too..."

Then Qing Shui shook his head, "Maybe it's a coincidence, it's a coincidence."

Qing Shui looked at the cyan fruits of agility again. There were exactly ten of them from top to bottom, each one the size of an adult's fist. Qing Shui took advantage of his previous experience and twisted the next one with all his strength.

It was heavy, probably about half a kilogram, but fortunately, after the experience with the power fruit last time, Qing Shui was not surprised at all. After all, this agility fruit was almost exactly the same except for the color and the power fruit.

Qing Shui looked at the clean agility fruit and took a big bite, "Well, it's quite crispy, but it has no taste at all."

Qing Shui knew it was a good thing, no matter whether it tasted or not, he quickly entered his stomach with an agility fruit, and then picked another one and finished it quickly, because Qing Shui knew that he would need to refine it by himself later.

"Last time I ate the fruit of power, I felt a burst of heat. Why didn't I feel it this time?" Qing Shui sat on the ground in confusion and performed ancient body-building techniques.

Just when Qing Shui was wondering why there was no response, a clear breath rose from his belly and instantly spread to all parts of his body. The comfortable feeling made people feel like they were walking out of the mud.

There are 3.6 million pores all over my body, and not a single one of them feels uncomfortable.

"It's much more comfortable than eating Power Fruit." This is Qing Shui's feeling.

"Well, my body felt a lot lighter, and then I took a step. I took a step casually. This step left Qing Shui stunned, because the normal distance covered by this step was more than twice the usual distance. Then It feels very exciting, so fast, so far, so mysterious."

"This is the effect of the fruit of agility." Qing Shui clearly felt that his body was very light, as if he had thrown away a heavy burden, and his whole body felt full of strength.

"Speed is power. It turns out that I still have this feeling. In the past, I could only understand that the faster the speed, the greater the impact force. It seems that if I hadn't experienced it personally today, I wouldn't have understood that there is a deeper level." Qing Shui The surprise now is like stealing a wife.