Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 107: Practice common sense


The second level of cultivation level of the cultivator is psychic. We all know that the world where creatures live must be filled with aura. A world without aura is not suitable for creatures to survive. The psychic realm is the lowest level of cultivation that can absorb the aura of heaven and earth for their own use. Level of warrior.

The process of martial artist cultivation is mostly the absorption, refining and use of spiritual energy, and channeling is the minimum realm requirement for this process. After the warrior of the base-building realm has reached the limit, if he wants to be psychic, the first thing he does is to let go of himself, relax his whole body but concentrate, slowly open the pores of his body, and feel the aura that exists between the heaven and the earth with heart, and slowly heal Communicate with Reiki, then slowly guide them into the body, and then let them run in your body to listen to your commands, so as to realize the channeling.

Reiki is very violent, we can't feel it in nature, but when the warrior guides them into the body, we will find that they are not as docile as they seem. If you can't tame them, the meridians will be destroyed, and you will not be able to cultivate. Then he exploded and died, and his death disappeared. Therefore, the warrior must build a foundation and must lay a solid foundation in order to better accept the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body. Generally, no shortcuts should be taken in this process, otherwise it will only hurt yourself.

The psychic realm is divided into the early stage, the middle stage, the late stage and the peak realm. The level of psychic is related to the martial artist's aptitude. The stronger the aptitude talent, the greater the degree of psychic. At the same time, the degree of psychic also has a certain impact on the martial artist's future cultivation, the most important being the impact on the control of Qi, Yuan Ju and the concentrating spirit. After that, the impact will be small and almost negligible.

The third realm of martial artist's cultivation is to control the qi. After the martial artist is able to communicate with the aura, the martial artist can absorb the aura into the body, guide the aura to wash the veins, change the physique, and further use to fight and heal injuries. Or do something else.

Controlling Qi is also divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak stage. The early and middle stages of cultivation are easy, and ordinary warriors can complete it quickly, but the latter is a bit more difficult, and it takes a certain amount of time and energy to achieve it. In addition, if a warrior wants to gather the yuan, he must be able to accurately guide and control the aura into the dantian. Therefore, the stronger the martial artist, the easier it is to gather the yuan, and the advantage in battle is obvious. Therefore, the warrior attaches great importance to the cultivation of Qi control. .

The practice of slaving the aura to wash the veins and changing the physique is similar to that of the foundation-building warrior's body tempering, but compared to the foundation-building warrior's body tempering, the aura-controlling warrior changes the physique through the slave's aura tempering body More thorough, because doing so can not only temper the skin, muscles and bones, but also wash the internal organs, so that the warrior becomes strong inside and outside. This is an effect that can not be achieved by only building the base realm.

The fourth major level of martial artist is Juyuan Juyuan. Juyuan is already different from the first three basic cultivation levels. It is the first watershed of martial artist’s cultivation. When the martial artist reaches Juyuan, he will A change in texture occurs.

Before the Juyuan realm, the warriors mostly relied on their physical fitness and martial arts fighting skills. Although the warriors could use the aura of heaven and earth to fight when they reached the psychic and aura control realms, they could only temporarily sharpen their guns. Use as much as they absorb on the spot, because they can’t store the aura of heaven and earth, and can’t convert the aura absorbed into the body into their own vitality. They can only use the aura absorbed by the zero hour to fight. The result can be imagined. There is no reliability.

But after the warrior reaches the Juyuan realm, it is different. The warrior of this realm can convert the spiritual energy absorbed into the body into its own energy and store it, and directly call it when fighting, so that it does not need to be absorbed from the world little by little. . Generally speaking, when fighting, no one will give you time to gather and absorb spiritual power, and no one will wait for you to be ready before attacking, so you have a reserve of vitality in advance, and you won't suffer a lot in battle. At the same time, you can also absorb while fighting, and replenish your consumption during the battle at any time, which is very important for long-term battles.

The Juyuan Realm is also divided into four small levels, the initial stage, the middle stage, the late stage, and the Peak Gathering Realm. There is a clear gap between the martial artists of each level, and they basically follow the martial arts level rules.

After the Concentration Realm, it is the Concentration Realm. The mark of the Concentration Realm warrior is to condense the divine consciousness, but the divine consciousness that has just been condensed has a very limited tenacity and length. It cannot be used for a long time during combat and investigation, otherwise the soul will be condensed. Very weak, severe cases may have life concerns. After the concentrating state is the realm, the sign of the realm is to open up the dantian, and according to the size of the dantian space, it can be judged whether the martial artist of this realm is in the early, middle, late, or peak.

Dantian is very important to a martial artist, because it can store heaven and earth aura. In fact, it is not directly stored, but it stores the vitality that the martial artist absorbs and refines the heaven and earth aura. Once the elemental force has gathered in the dantian to a certain extent, there is no room in the dantian to accommodate, these elemental forces will be continuously compressed, first from gas to liquid, and then from liquid to solid, continuously refining and continuously condensing, and finally The golden core will be condensed in the pubic area.

As long as the golden core is successfully condensed, the martial artist will step into the next realm-the formation of the core. The main change of the martial artist in the formation of the core is the change of the golden core. Just like the realm of the palace, the golden core will also grow, and it will grow from childhood. , The color will become deeper and deeper, and the martial artist's cultivation base will change with the change of the golden core size and color, getting higher and higher. Under normal circumstances, after the martial artist's golden core has grown to a certain level, the size and color will no longer change, that is, they have reached the limit. At this time, the martial artist of this realm is the most powerful of the same level.

As mentioned earlier, the golden core does not always grow with the martial artist. In fact, it only exists in the golden core realm. After the golden core grows to a certain level, it will gradually change. Refining its martial artist's knowledge and combination, and then forming a new life situation-Yuan Ying, another kind of martial artist is similar to the new core component of Jin Dan that can store and transform the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

However, although Yuan Ying has the same function as Jin Dan, it is much more advanced than Jin Dan. Jin Dan can only store Yuan Power. In addition to storing Yuan Power, it can also directly participate in battle when it is cultivated to a certain extent. It is unmatched by Jindan.

But there are no absolutes in the world. The natural world is magical. There is an exception here, that is, monsters and a few races. After they have cultivated to the Golden Core Realm, the Golden Core can also be used for combat as their inner core. They are only used when fighting for their lives, because although they are special, they can only be used for a short period of time. After a long time, the golden core will break if it cannot withstand the impact, and they will be severely injured or die.

From Jin Dan to Yuan Ying, the martial artist has taken a big step in his path of cultivation. This level of martial artist has a new term, that is, the Huaying realm. The Huaying realm is the starting point of the real strong, and he is going to be the best. The foundation of the person, so it is very important.

The Jin Dan Hua Ying forms the Nascent Infant, and the warrior is truly out of the ordinary concept, because only from the perspective of life span, as long as there are no accidents, the warriors of this realm can live at least three hundred years, three hundred years. Although it is the lower limit, no matter how powerful they are, they can't exceed a thousand years. If they don't make progress after a thousand years, then only dust will return to dust and dirt will return.

The practice of martial artist is an act against the heavens. Although heaven and earth have given all creatures the conditions that can be cultivated, its rules are that no creatures are allowed to practice, because the cultivation of living creatures absorbs the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, mines minerals, and other actions will destroy it. The balance of its own existence will weaken its control over all things in the world, especially the super strong, the less it will restrain him, and the more destructive it causes, which is not allowed by the world.

However, since everything is born and exists in the heavens and the earth, it naturally has its reasons, just like the cultivation of living beings. They just want to go further and live longer. Although this idea is very selfish, it is generally speaking. There is nothing wrong with it. As the master of heaven and earth, although heaven and earth are ubiquitous and omnipotent, its innate mission is to maintain the balance between heaven and earth, and it cannot directly interfere with the survival of living beings.

ps: I will go to my friend today. There is something to do at his house. It must be very tiring to run back and forth. I will send a change first. If I can’t make two changes when I come back in the evening, I’ll do one.