Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 114: Kill to the end


Speaking of Ling Tian holding the sword, she rushed towards Chen Shimei. Chen Shimei looked at the enlarging figure of Ling Tian in her eyes, and felt his surging murderous aura. He was frightened and froze in place, motionless.

Chen Ergou also found the trajectory of Ling Tian's movement, but he was stunned by Ling Tian's altogether. He just watched in place, but did not step forward to save Chen Shimei, only Du Lin blocked it like a gust of wind.


The sound of the two swords collided, Ling Tian's sword was smashed away by Du Lin, and the sword that had originally pierced Chen Shimei failed. Chen Shimei was so scared that she ran away instantly.

Ling Tian watched Chen Shimei run behind Chen Ergou. He did not pursue him. He just looked at Du Lin with cold eyes. Du Lin also looked at him warily. He knew that this young man did not play cards according to common sense at all. Be careful, otherwise the boat will capsize in the ditch.


Ling Tian's figure disappeared in the same place again, Du Lin looked around nervously, suddenly

call out

A sword stabbed over from his side, and the sharp sword aura made Du Lin's face changed dramatically. He moved to the side and flashed past, Ling Tian's figure brushed past him, and the two stood on each side again.


Du Lin looked at his shoulder, where the clothes had been torn, and blood was coming out of the wound. Although he flashed fast, he was still struck by Ling Tian.

Just as Du Lin stared at his wound, he felt a slight spatial fluctuation again. When he raised his head, he found that Ling Tian's figure was gone again, just when he thought that Ling Tian would steal him again. Then, he suddenly saw a figure in front of Chen Ergou slowly condensing, and he secretly said that it was not good.

Sure enough, Du Lin rushed forward, and Chen Ergou slowly fell on his back. There was obviously a wound in his chest. He had been killed by Ling Tian, and Ling Tian had already left the place before Du Lin arrived. He disappeared again.

At this moment, the hall was surprisingly quiet. Fear not only flowed in Chen Shimei's heart, but Le Zixin was also unnatural. From beginning to end, he just watched Ling Tian and Du Lin fight, but he did not intervene. Le Zixin found that Du Lin, who was better than him, was played around like a monkey in front of Ling Tian. There was no way to face Ling Tian who appeared and disappeared suddenly. This made him stunned. He was very lucky now. Fortunately, Ling Tian is his own person, not an enemy.

Du Lin was also very annoyed. If Ling Tian confronted him head-on, he felt that even if he was defeated, at least he would not be as passive as he is now. Now that Ling Tian has disappeared without a trace, he can only always be vigilant for his sneak attacks. This tightens his nerves. If he relaxes at any moment, then it is easy to be killed by Ling Tian with a single blow. This is not what he wants. of.

While Du Lin was waiting for Ling Tian's next sword, there was a slight energy fluctuation in the sky above Chen Shimei, Du Lin didn't hesitate, and directly raised the sword and stabbed it.


The tip of Du Lin’s sword and Ling Tian’s ruthless sword were close together, and the two swords rubbed against each other, and the sharp blades attacked Chen Shimei below uncontrollably. Chen Shimei’s martial arts were inferior. He was frightened and did not hide. Open, naturally his handsome face was cut out with a long cut.


Chen Shimei seemed to be crazy. He felt the hot pain on his face and touched it easily. It turned out that his hands were full of blood, which made him lose his appearance. This is totally unacceptable. As the name suggests, Chen Shimei loves beauty very much. She usually cherishes his face very much. Whenever she goes out, she always takes care of it for a long time. Now she finds that her face has been scratched. With a long trace, he felt as if he wanted his own life, and ran out without hesitation after screaming.

"Master, be careful!"

Seeing Chen Shimei running out crazy, Du Lin was taken aback. He found that Ling Tian had disappeared again, and he chased after Chen Shimei without even thinking about it.

However, Du Lin was still too late. Just when he reached the threshold of the hall, Chen Shimei's dashing figure stopped, and he lowered his head with difficulty. Only then did he realize that a sword point appeared on his chest. He was pierced from behind.

Needless to say, the person who shot was Ling Tian. Ling Tian's initial idea was to ask them to apologize to Le Yao, but after killing Chen Ergou, he knew that things would not ease anymore, so he would simply do nothing and kill to the end. Seeing Du Lin's eyes rushing up with red eyes, Ling Tian drew his sword directly, rushing into the hall, leaving Chen Shimei with eyes wide open like Chen Ergou, and fell backward.

Du Lin only caught Chen Shimei’s body, but did not stab Ling Tian. He found that Chen Shimei’s wound was full of blood. He shouted "Young Master Young Master" in shock, but Chen Shimei did not respond to him at all. Only then did he realize that he was the only one who came from their Chen family now.

Ah ah

Du Lin put down Chen Shimei's body, he snarled up to the sky, and the angry voice penetrated the roof. The musicians in the house were trembling with fright, and the face of the middle-aged man in front of the group of people in the distance changed dramatically. He hurried to those who followed. The man yelled, "All give me a hurry!"

Those people speeded up their rush to Lejia. They were the second batch of the Chen family led by Chen Tianhua personally. They came to support Du Lin and others.

Since the guard of the Chen family was killed, some of the crowds who wandered around to watch the excitement outside of Lejia sent a signal to Chen Tianhua. After Chen Tianhua learned of the incident, he was afraid that Du Lin Town would not be able to keep the situation, and that Chen Shimei would have something to take people in a hurry. He hurried over, but it was a pity that he was still late, and now all the Chen's children have died, leaving only the captain of the family guard.

Before Chen Tianhua arrived, Du Lin didn't wait anymore. To be precise, he had been driven crazy by Ling Tian. He roared for a while, seeing Ling Tian still not showing up, so he cursed: "Xiaohundan, you Come out for me, come out to fight me, don't hide, like a tortoise grandson, fight me Du Lin dignifiedly if you have the ability, what is your sneak attack?"

"Okay, do you want to fight, right? I'll accompany you!" Ling Tian's voice came from the roof. When Du Lin and Le Zixin raised their heads and looked up, Ling Tian directly stabbed with the sword, Du Lin Don't dare to hesitate, raise the sword and move up.


Du Lin’s sword rubbed against Ling Tian’s, Ling Tian slid down, and when he reached the hilt, Du Lin was crushed to the ground by him, and his body was still squatting down. He was struggling to resist. The old face flushed with suffocation.

Du Lin suffered another dark loss. He was rushed down by Ling Tian from a height, and his whole body was deformed by the powerful impact. Ling Tian's expression did not change at all when he flew up. , Kicked Du Lin on the stomach, Du Lin was kicked out like a ball, flew directly out of the house, and hit the open space outside Lejia heavily.


The ground covered with floor drills suddenly sank, and a big hole was smashed out by Du Lin. In the smoke and dust, he turned over and stood up. Regardless of erasing the trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth, he hurriedly The stature retreats violently.

When Du Lin backed back, Ling Tian followed him like a gangrene attached to bones, chasing his figure, pressing harder at every step. Du Lin didn't dare to stop. He looked at Ling Tian's sharp swordsmanship pointing directly at his heart. He was so frightened that he was sweating. Without any hesitation, he just used all his milk-feeding energy. Retreat wildly, regardless of whether there is anything behind.


Du Lin hit a tree with his back, and the tree was directly broken by him. He also continued to fall backward due to inertia, but he did not expect to be blocked by the stump and fell on his back because of an unstable center of gravity.

This is a good opportunity, and Ling Tian will certainly not let it go. He speeds up again and rushes over. Without hesitation, Ling Tian aimed a sword at Du Lin and stabbed him. Du Lin was frightened again. He didn't care about his body shape, he turned over and rolled away.

Ling Tian's sword did not stab, and immediately after the second sword, the third and fourth swords made up again. Du Lin had no chance to get up, so he could only flip around on the ground. Although he hadn't been stabbed to death, there were a few new wounds on his body. The pain from the flesh made Du Lin feel as if he had been mutilated.

Du Lin was injured, and his reaction naturally slowed down. Almost after the twelfth sword, when Ling Tian stabbed him with another sword, he was dumbfounded and did not escape, seeing that he was about to die under the Ling Tian sword. at this time.


A sword flew from a distance and plunged directly into the floor beside Du Lin. The raging sword aura and violent air wave directly pushed Ling Tian back out. Ling Tian did not stabbed Du Lin, and Du Lin was People are saved.