Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 126: The living goes in and the dead goes out


After Ling Tian left, he took a shower and got some food. It didn't take much time. Anyway, Fu Qianying said to go back before dark, it's still early!

After being idle for a while, Ling Tian remembered Yun Cong again. After all, only the two of them survived the series of catastrophes of Daming. He has now settled in the Langxie Holy Land in the snowy area of the Tianhen Continent. He doesn't know what happened to Yun Cong? Is it okay

Perhaps what Ling Tian could not imagine was that Yun Cong was still alive, but he was in trouble now. Like Ling Tian, Yun Cong was teleported to the Tianhen Continent, but in a continent far away from Ling Tian, he also passed out in a coma, and after waking up, he found that Ling Tian was not around and he was not there. At the beginning, the lock domain full of countless miraculous fruits, he is now in a very dark room, there are many other people in this room, and he doesn't know these people.

In fact, it was a room, but it looked like a prison in every way. Some of those people had an obvious bloody smell on their bodies, which made Yun Cong look a little unclear.

At the moment Yun Cong was stunned, he saw several people approaching him, and one of them directly shouted at him impolitely: "Newcomer, are you awake?"

Yun Cong reacted, he nodded, and then asked, "Where is this?"

"Yo, you don't know where this is? How did you get in?" The other was a little wretched and didn't look like a kind, thin man, said in a weird manner.

"I don't know, I had an accident earlier and was in a coma. Now I woke up and I am here. I really don't know how I got in?" Yun Cong said helplessly, he said.

"This is Jagged Concentration Camp No. 1. Those who were arrested were arrested. They said something went wrong. After waking up from a coma, they came here. I think you are guilty of ambition and even the forbidden army dared to resist. Deserves to be beaten, this is cool, but few people can walk out of here alive." Another yin and yang voice, a bald head with a gloomy eye said sarcastically.

"What Jagged Concentration Camp No. 1? What Forbidden Army? Why haven't I heard of it?" Yun Cong was puzzled and asked.

"Hmph, just pretend, depending on how you pretend? Anyway, this is where the living enters the dead, so don't deceive yourself and others. Sooner or later you will recognize the reality."

I don’t know where Yun Cong has offended people. Why does that bald head look unpleasant to him? Yun Cong was confused and got here because he didn’t know anything, so he asked, this guy even pretended that he was pretending to him. , The dog couldn't spit out ivory, and the tone was still sarcasm, which made Yun Cong's heart suddenly an unknown fire, and he didn't bother to care about him.

"Fan Cong, what the hell are you so much nonsense? Don't bring people over to me!" A rough voice came from behind the people who walked towards Yun Cong Xiang Yun Cong, and Yun Cong followed the voice and looked at him. Seeing a bearded scar face, he was looking at them, and that was what he said just now.

Fan Cong was the bald head that ridiculed Yun Cong just now. He heard the bearded Scarface scolding him. He was full of agitated spirits. He immediately realized that Scar was angry. He didn't dare to neglect, and walked quickly towards Yun Cong. Vinoino replied: "Yes, Lord Scar."

Fan Cong and a few others walked up to Yun Cong, and then involuntarily stretched out his hand to hold him up, and took him to the bearded Scarface. Where is Yun Cong such an annoying person, Fan Cong ridiculed him before let him I was very upset. If he hadn't just come to this place and the situation was unfamiliar, he would have beaten him a long time ago. He didn't expect that he didn't care about it, and they would have gotten an inch. If he was a soft persimmon, anyone could pinch.

Fan Cong and their actions have completely angered Yun Cong. While breaking away their hands, he shouted angrily: "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? You are a newcomer. Of course, I have taught you the rules for a newcomer. Don't hurry up to please Mr. Scar! Do you want us to invite you?" This time it is not Fan Cong who is bald, but Yun Cong feels the same. The wretched and thin man who was very upset, when he saw Yun Cong resist, he threatened directly.

"Huh, get out of here!"

Yun Cong is really hot, he is not threatened by others, what is new? Why teach him the rules? What do you give to the scumbag scar master? They would really think, but Yun Cong didn't eat theirs at all. Seeing that they didn't remove the dirty hands, he shakes them away, drew out the bloodthirsty sword with a backhand, and cut off the movement with a single wave. The most diligent Fan Cong and that wretched and thin wrist were so painful that they only cried and cried.

Yun Cong was in a bad mood at first, and he managed to escape the catastrophe again and again, but he didn't expect to capsize in the gutter of the lock domain, be sucked in by the space crack, and then fainted, and finally he didn't know how he came to this ghost place.

It can be said that the situation is already terrible and cannot be worse. Yun Cong, like Ling Tian, has happened during this period of time more than he had been in Jianzong for a year, and what he can't stand most is what happened recently. He can't change it, every time he feels powerless, he can only accept passively, can only let it happen, and can't do anything.

Yun Cong didn't like this kind of life. He had already gathered a lot of anger in his heart and wanted to find someone to vent. These people came to the door, ignored his anger, and repeatedly provoked. He felt that if he didn't teach them a lesson, They won't know how good he is.

So Yun Cong didn’t keep his hands as soon as he shot. He directly cut off the hands of Fan Cong and the wretched thin man. Yun Cong’s movements were clean and neat. His counterattack was beyond everyone’s expectations. They just didn’t react for a while until they listened. It was only after their heart-piercing crying in Fan Cong that they realized that this newcomer had hit the bar with them, which made them very angry.

The bearded Scarface couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up and yelled at the others: "Kill him to me!"


Suddenly a group of people surrounded him, especially those who had walked towards Yun Cong with Fan Cong. They immediately put aside their contemptuous mentality and began to cooperate to besie Yun Cong when they heard the order of the bearded and scarfaced face.

However, although there are many of these people, they are not like Yun Cong. Yun Cong has a bloodthirsty sword in his hand. They are all bare-handed, and they don't have any weapons at all. Moreover, most of their cultivation bases are in ordinary pinnacle warriors, and only a few have reached the psychic realm, so they are naturally not Yun Cong’s opponents, because the profound spirit fruit in the lock domain has also greatly changed Yun Cong, so there are hardly any. He could hold a few breaths in his hand, and he fell down one by one.

Since Yun Cong made the shot, he would carry it to the end, and he would not care about the consequences. He was already comparable to the master of Qi control. Previously, when he was in the second level of ordinary warriors, he was only equal to those second-level heads. But now it is much more powerful than the ordinary pinnacle warrior, just like the strength Ling Tian demonstrated in Lejia before he built the foundation. With the bloodthirsty sword of a god-level weapon that cuts iron and mud in his hand, Yun Cong kills these people as if he chopped Chinese cabbage, all killed with a single sword, without a single accident.

Yun Cong was too powerful. When the bearded Scarface rushed to him, Yun Cong had already killed his men. Except for the fan cage and the wretched thin man who were still alive after breaking their wrists, everyone else was dead. This made the bearded Scarface's eyesight cracked and he lost his sanity in an instant. Although he is a master at controlling the aura, he never thought whether he could besiege everything in a very short time like Yun Cong. All his men were killed, and he directly shouted angrily at Yun Cong: "Hun Dan, I am going to kill you!"

The bearded scar face clenched a fist to gather energy, and the spirit of heaven and earth gathered towards him with his attraction. He was a practitioner of fire. Although he was just starting out and not a beginner, he also gathered a flame fist, in the fire fist. The moment he formed, he jumped high, then dived down, punched directly at Yun Cong, and shouted again:

"Flame Fist, Flame Attack!"

The bearded Scarface rushed to Yun Cong's side and punched Yun Cong. In fact, it only took a few seconds. Yun Cong had just finished taking care of his useless subordinates. Before he could rest, he saw one. The flame fist slowly enlarged in his eyes. With a glance, Yun Cong knew that the person who attacked him was the Scar of the people in Fan Cong's mouth. The mid-stage cultivation base of the Qi Control Realm was similar to his actual strength, and he could handle it.

ps: I set off at six in the morning and arrived at school at seven in the evening. After two days of busy work, things have come to an end. The update will be resumed tomorrow.

In addition, the contract will be sent out tomorrow, so everyone will see the exclusive work. It is estimated that it will take a few days. I hope you can vote if you have a recommendation. Your support is the biggest motivation for Xiaoyuer, thank you.