Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 128: If you fail, you will be abolished


Yun Cong didn't look back. He guessed that he couldn't ask the prisoners here. He didn't plan to waste any more time, so he walked directly outside the cell door. The eyes of the guards and prisoners looking at him along the way were full. In awe, one after another gave way, no one dared to stop him, Yun Cong walked out of the cell door under their watch.

However, the matter was not over. In the next second, Yun Cong suddenly flew back into the cell from outside the cell. He was in mid-air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his back. The bright red blood not only soaked his clothes, but also sprinkled it. Earth, an unsentimental voice followed immediately outside the cell:

"You are so bold, you dare to kill the captain of my guard on the Jagged Concentration Camp No.1, you really want to live and die!"

When the voice fell, a middle-aged man with a heavy murderous spirit walked in. He stared at Yun Cong who was struggling to get up on the ground, and said indifferently:

"Since the establishment of Jagged Concentration Camp No.1, no one has ever killed the guards, let alone the captain of the guards. Not only did you kill people, but you also wanted to leave. You really think Jagged Concentration Camp No. 1 is your home? Just leave, do you think you can go?"

Yun Cong ignored him. He had expected this kind of result. It was normal for him to be killed by others when he did it. He was mentally prepared when he did it, so he didn't vomit blood at all when he was beaten up. I care, just sticking with the bloodthirsty sword in one hand, struggling hard to stand up.

The middle-aged man who just came in was the warden of Jagged Concentration Camp No. 1 Prison. His name was Xilin. Yun Cong was kicked in by him. He is a master at the Pill Formation Stage, several levels higher than Yun Cong. Naturally it was not his opponent, he was seriously injured by kicking him with just one kick.

Yun Cong was seriously injured, and he had no ability to resist. Xilin motioned to his subordinate Hu Yin, who was with him, to come forward and take care of him. Hu Yin understood what he meant in Xilin’s eyes, and he walked up consciously. Go ahead and walk in front of Yun Cong.

Hu Yin watched Yun Cong struggling with his bloodthirsty sword. He thought it was funny to stand up. A sneer appeared unconsciously at the corner of his mouth. He suddenly drew his sword and slashed at Yun Cong's bloodthirsty sword. After going down, he wanted to humiliate Yun Cong, after all, for so many years, no prisoner had dared to go wild in Jagged Concentration Camp No. 1, let alone kill the guard captain.

The impact of this incident was very serious. Hu Yin wanted to make this unaware man pay the price. He wanted to frighten other prisoners with the same mind and kill them in order to emulate You. He believed that the warden Xilin also meant the same.

Xilin saw Hu Yin’s behavior in his eyes. He didn’t say anything. It’s just that this kid is at the pinnacle level of an ordinary warrior. Although a bit like a freak, he can leapfrog and challenge him, but he is a pill-forming master at any rate, and he doesn’t even bother to lower his status. To deal with him, his plan is to let his subordinates torture Yun Cong to death, and use his death to warn and dispel the thoughts of those prisoners who are ready to move. However, the next moment, Hu Yin's sword collided with Yun Cong's bloodthirsty sword, and the sound of the broken sword echoed. Xilin widened his eyes and looked at the neatly broken sword in two, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

What a sharp sword!

Although Yun Cong and the Bloodthirsty Sword were hit by a strong force, they all fell to the ground, but the Bloodthirsty Sword was a divine sword. Although it was sealed, it was not a common sword that Hu Yin could challenge. Xilin looked at Hu Yin's neatly broken sword and was shocked. He also just rushed over. He didn't see Yun Cong holding the bloodthirsty sword to kill the square, so he didn't know how powerful the bloodthirsty sword was. It is also the reason why his subordinate Hu Yin is so stupid.

Although Xilin didn't know the quality of Yun Cong's sword, he knew that it was definitely a treasure. He was a little jealous when he saw it. He told Hu Yin, "Bring his sword."

Hu Yin was still in shock when his sword was counter-shattered by Yun Cong's bloodthirsty sword. He only reacted to Xilin's orders. He watched Yun Cong just got to the ground with his fierce sword. He got up and stepped directly on Yun Cong's bloodthirsty sword with his foot, then bent down and reached out to grab Yun Cong's bloodthirsty sword.

When Hu Yin's hand grasped the Bloodthirsty Sword, suddenly, a huge suction force came out from the Bloodthirsty Sword, and his hand was tightly attached to the Bloodthirsty Sword. Under the action of, his arm shrank and shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his muscles disappeared in an instant, leaving only a layer of skin attached to the bones of his arm.

In just a few seconds, Hu Yin's originally energetic arms became as dry as a twilight old man, and the corners of his mouth were sucked obliquely, and his whole body was trembling under the action of this suction. Moreover, he grasped the bone-remaining hand of the Bloodthirsty Sword, and the bones were also melting, slowly becoming smaller, as if the Bloodthirsty Sword was absorbing the essence of his bones.

No one had expected such a change, including Yun Cong, the suction erupting from the Bloodthirsty Sword was entirely its own initiative, and Yun Cong did not have any guidance.

Yun Cong only now remembered that when Venerable Blood Yun passed this bloodthirsty sword to him, he told him not to touch his sword to others casually. It turned out that this was the reason why the bloodthirsty sword actually possessed this. special power.

Yun Cong thought that except for him and Venerable Blood Yun, as well as some super-powerful people who can control, other people can't even touch them, otherwise they will be sucked into corpses by it, which makes him admire the bloodthirsty sword as always. In addition, he was also secretly jealous, and kept firmly in his mind what happened today.

In an instant, Hu Yin's hand became skinny, and this terrible sucking was still spreading to other parts of his body. Seeing this situation, Xilin was the first to react. He first shouted to Yun Cong: "Quickly stop!"

However, in the face of Xilin's big drink, Yun Cong just looked at him innocently and didn't react at all. Xilin didn't know if Yun Cong pretended to be, or really couldn't help it, he shouted at his subordinate again: "Let go!"

Hu Yin did not respond like Yun Cong. He still grabbed the bloodthirsty sword. Under the action of the suction, he was sucked and grinned. His whole body was trembling, and his head shook like a splashing drum. People who didn’t know would watch it. In this case, I thought he was cramping!

Seeing that neither of them reacted, Xilin stepped forward to Yun Cong, then absorbed the power of the world and formed a palm knife. With a palm, he directly held Hu Yin's arm with the bloodthirsty sword shoulders and elbows. Cut it off, cutting off the connection between the Bloodthirsty Sword and his body.

The hand holding the bloodthirsty sword was chopped off and fell to the ground. It was quickly sucked dry. The bones turned gray, and cracks appeared on it. Without the support of the spirit, it looked like It has been weathered for many years.

After absorbing the essence in this arm, the Bloodthirsty Sword had no target, and the suction power it burst out quickly disappeared. The eyes of the others in the cell looking at the Bloodthirsty Sword were full of terror, and they no longer regarded it as a treasure. , But an evil thing, for fear of avoiding it.

Everyone else in the cell was shocked to see what happened. Only Hu Yin clutched his broken arm and roared like a pig in pain. His eyes were full of horror when he looked at the bloodthirsty sword. He didn't expect a sword. It's so powerful, so evil.

In addition to a broken arm, Hu Yin's hair is also faintly visible with white hair mixed in black hair. He has white hair at a young age. It is not that he overworked, but the bloodthirsty sword sucked his essence. Caused by. Essence was lost, and the life force was quickly consumed. His face was no longer as handsome as before, becoming old and loose, full of wrinkles, and his whole person looked like several years old.

Fortunately, Hu Yin only took care of his arms and yelled. He hasn't noticed that he has become old, otherwise he will definitely commit suicide. His companions looked at his tragic situation and secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't go, otherwise it would be like this. ending.

Xilin watched as his subordinate Hu Yin was abandoned instead of being abolished. He couldn't calm down for a long time. After he rescued Hu Yin, he no longer had the intention to continue his action. He just stood silently in place, as if thinking about something.

The atmosphere in the prison suddenly became weird. Another savvy subordinate of Xilin immediately stood up when he saw this. He looked at Yun Cong with bitter eyes, and said angrily: "You are so cruel, soul-dan! You avenge Hu Yin!"

After speaking, the alum drew his sword and slashed towards Yun Cong.