Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 130: are you fine?


Ling Tian didn't know, and Fu Qianying naturally didn't know. The two people were silent for a while in the training room, and Fu Qianying took the lead and said: "Ling Tian, have you ever had anything special in these years?"

"Something special?"

Ling Tianjin thought in his mind energetically. Suddenly, he vaguely heard and saw some vague sounds and pictures.

"Where is the blood?" The hoarse voice of a middle-aged man with his whole body hidden under a black mask resounded in Ling Tian's mind. Before Ling Tian could react, he heard a woman's voice asking calmly: " What drop of blood?"

"Hmph, less pretend to be garlic, otherwise I will kill him!" The man in black said earlier, while pinching a little guy's neck with one hand, lifting him up in the air. The little guy couldn't breathe, his little cheek flushed, and his feet kicked in the air. Ling Tian saw it in his eyes, but there was a burst of unspeakable sadness in his heart.

"Don't mess around, let him go!" The woman was shocked, her voice trembling, her eyes fixed on the man in black, fearing that he would hurt the little guy.

"It's okay to let him go, say, where is the blood dripping?" Not only did the man in black not let go of the little guy, his big hand was even harder, Xiaojia was almost squeezed by him, and Ling Tian subconsciously put his hands on his hands. Putting it to the neck, while inflating, he made a gesture of pulling something away with his hands, and she looked straight at Fu Qianying's brows frowning, hesitating whether to wake Ling Tian.

When Fu Qianying hesitated, Ling Tian suddenly put down his hands and sat down on the ground. He whimpered with tears and murmured, "Mother, father!"

"Ling Tian, what's the matter with you?" Fu Qianying leaned down. He stretched out his hand and shook Ling Tian's shoulder. Ling Tian reacted. He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes with his hand, then raised his head, paused, and said: " It's okay, Master, I just remembered some memories from a long time ago."

"Oh." Fu Qianying thoughtfully, he looked at Ling Tian earnestly, only then realized that Ling Tian is also a person with a story, but he didn't ask much, just comforted: "Ling Tian, Let it pass the past. Don’t think about it. It’s not too early now. You should rest earlier. Come to me when you get better tomorrow.

"Yes, Master." Ling Tian looked at Fu Qianying gratefully. He really didn't know what to say if Fu Qianying asked him what he remembered. Fortunately, Fu Qianying's curiosity was not strong. After all, these memories felt very familiar. , But it's actually very vague. Ling Tian only suspected that he was the child, and those who died were his mother and clansmen. He was saved by his father and escaped by chance.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian felt an inexplicable sense of sadness in his heart. His mood gradually fell. Fu Qianying saw in his eyes, he couldn't say anything, but after patted Ling Tian on the shoulder, he turned around and left the training room first.

After Fu Qianying left, Ling Tian was the only person left in the training room of Nuo University. He was at a loss for what to do and stayed on the spot. He sighed for a long time and left with some helplessness.

Ling Tian would remember that the somewhat vague memory was purely an accident. Fortunately, he could see it openly. Fu Qianying didn't break the seal in his mind. He was not strong enough to check it now, so he just didn't care about it. After returning to his room, Ling Tian began to freshen up. After all, he had been quietly practicing for three months, and he was still quite dirty. It took him a lot of effort to get it right.

When Ling Tian had finished packing up everything that should be done, he realized that it was late. At this moment, he was about to go to bed. As soon as he removed the clothes on the bed, a green jade pendant fell out.

Ling Tian had quick eyes and quick hands. He caught the jade pendant when it was about to fall to the ground. Looking at the emerald-colored spirit jade, Ling Tian couldn't help but think of Le Yao, and somehow, he suddenly felt a feeling of longing for him.

"Are you okay?" Ling Tian looked at the moonlight outside the window with gentle eyes. What he didn't know was that he was in Lejia. Le Yao and Ning'er were also standing in the yard at this time. Ning'er looked at the moonlight already standing in the yard. After a long time Le Yao, she couldn't bear to remind her: "Miss, it's late at night, why don't you go back to your house and rest."

"En." Le Yao nodded, she retracted her gaze looking at the bright moon, and then looked at Ning'er, with a worried expression on her face and asked, "Do you think he will come?"

Le Yao's words were somewhat nonsensical, but Ning'er knew who the "he" in her mouth was referring to. Without hesitation, she said directly: "Yes, Young Master Ling will definitely come!"

"Hope." Le Yao lacks confidence. Now it has been more than three months since Ling Tian left. She doesn't know whether Ling Tian has changed. Because Ling Tian joined the sacred land cultivation, he would definitely set foot in the scope of the cultivator in three months. The difference between a cultivator and a mortal is very big. Ling Tian will forget about Lejia, and Le Yao is the leader of Lejia. , This kind of thing is seen a lot.

Ning'er looked at Le Yao's somewhat dim eyes, she was very distressed, but when she thought of Ling Tian's feats of being righteous to Yuntian, she comforted: "Miss, don't worry, Young Master Ling is not that kind of ungrateful and unsuccessful. People, we have passed the news about the Snow Wolf slaughtering the village to the Langxie Holy Land. As long as Young Master Ling receives the news, he will definitely come over!"

"Really?" Le Yao's eyes lit up, but she dimmed again in an instant. She shook her head and said with some worry again: "It's better not to come."

Early the next morning, Ling Tian got up very early. He just cleaned up and went to find Fu Qianying. Fu Qianying was sitting at the table with a note in his hand and saw Ling Tian coming in. , He raised his head, paused, then said: "Ling Tian, you are here."

"En." Ling Tian nodded, and then saluted Fu Qianying, saying: "Good morning, Master."

Fu Qianying nodded slightly. He tapped his two fingers on the seat twice before saying to Ling Tian, "Ling Tian, you have reached a bottleneck in your cultivation. The most important thing is to consolidate your cultivation. It's just empty air, so it can only be oneself."

"Well, the disciple must keep in mind the teacher's teaching." Ling Tian knew that Fu Qianying was right. The most important thing for him now is to stabilize his cultivation.

"Just remember it." Fu Qianying only hesitated a little, and handed the note to Ling Tian. Ling Tian only looked at it and his face changed drastically. He asked Fu Qianying anxiously: "Master, what is this? The news from time?"

"Late night last night, Sihui received it. He said that you have a very close relationship with Le Jia, and he thought this should be told to you, and then he gave it to me. I'm asking him to prepare and then get rid of the snow wolf." Fu Qianying saw Ling Tian's nervous expression, he didn't lie to him, and told Ling Tian what Xu Sihui had told him. Ling Tian was startled after listening, he begged with some worry: "Master, can you allow me to go with Brother Xu?"

"Yes, but you have to promise me that everything must follow Sihui's instructions, and you must not act without authorization. Although Snow Wolf has a low cultivation base, it is not something you can deal with." Fu Qianying showed the note to Ling Tian. He had already decided to let Ling Tian and Xu Sihui get rid of the Snow Wolf, but he was afraid that Ling Tian was young and energetic, arrogant, and would not listen to Xu Sihui's orders, so he told him.

"Master, don't worry, I will listen to Senior Brother Xu's arrangements, and I will never mess around." Ling Tian promised, and Fu Qianying didn't say anything anymore, he waved his hand and said, "Go."

"Yes, Ling Tian retire." Ling Tian turned to leave, and Fu Qianying looked at his back, feeling a kind of reluctance and worry in her heart.

After almost a quarter of an hour, Xu Sihui finished cleaning up. He sacrificed his sword and said to Ling Tian behind him: "Ling Tian, let's go."

After Ling Tian stepped on the giant sword, Xu Sihui displayed the swordsmanship, carrying Ling Tian and breaking through the air. This is the third time Xu Sihui has taken Ling Tian to fly. The difference is that Ling Tian is already much stronger than Xu Sihui when he first saw him. He just hasn't learned the swordsmanship yet, so he can't fly long distances.

The green hills were verdant and Wanfeng towering high, Xu Sihui didn't fly high, and the square with the ground even passed by, so Ling Tian could clearly see the scenery below.

This time, Ling Tian did not faint like the previous two times. He was already the peak cultivator of the Qi-Controlling Realm. He could barely resist the pressure brought by the atmospheric pressure long ago, so he was able to maintain it even when he was flying at high speed by Xu Sihui. Sober.

ps: Khan, I suddenly encountered a recruitment application to fill in the information, only wrote a chapter, I will fill it up tomorrow, forgive me.