Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 132: Fighting snow wolf hard


"Ling son, are you here?" Ning'er looked at the fierce figure in disbelief, her eyes were a little moist, and her voice was slightly hoarse because of excitement. Somehow, since seeing Ling Tian coming, Ning'er's whole heart was completely let go, she actually had an unconditional trust in Ling Tian.

Ling Tian looked at Ning'er who was inexplicably excited, he just nodded slightly, and then focused all his attention on the snow wolf. He found that the snow wolf was also staring at him alertly at this time.

"Ning'er, take Le girl a little further away, and I will deal with this beast!" Ling Tian tightened the ruthless sword in his hand, and a war intent rose in his heart, and he found that he wanted to fight this snow wolf very much. In a fight, he wants to test his own strength to what point

"En." Ning'er was very obedient and helped Le Yao to walk aside. Xu Sihui looked at Ling Tian rushing towards the snow wolf. He shouted with some worry: "Ling Tian, don't fight it, I will solve it. ."

"It's okay, brother, you just need to watch it from the sidelines, I can't beat you anymore." Ling Tian has already rushed out, where will he listen to Xu Sihui's words, and Xu Sihui also wants to see if his cultivation reaches the pinnacle of his aura control. How strong is Ling Tian's real combat power, so he just hesitated a little, and reminded: "Okay, I'll show you, don't be aggressive, if you can't beat me, I will deal with it!"

"Thank you brother!" Ling Tian had already rushed to the front of Xue Lang when he spoke. Unlike Le Zixin, Ling Tian's speed was faster. He pierced through with a sword, and Xue Lang couldn't get out of the way and could only swing his claws. Against.


The sound of metal fighting sounded, followed by "dang-dang-dang". Numerous collisions followed one after another. The snow wolf was very strong. Although Ling Tian made one sword after another without any muddling, the snow wolf’s defense was seamless. No matter how Ling Tian attacked, he couldn't really hurt it.

For a while, the afterimages around the snow wolf continued, Ling Tian showed no trace, it was really invisible, only the sound of breaking through the air, but he couldn't capture where his figure was. Fortunately, the snow wolf skin was rough and fleshy. Ling Tian stabbed it again and again, only stinging it, but not being able to hurt it severely.


The Snow Wolf was beaten by Ling Tian. As a wolf, it is still a noble Snow Wolf. It is top-notch in terms of speed and response. It has never thought that it will be beaten by people all the time. Its speed is at the hands of this man. She couldn't perform well at all, and she was in pain all over her body, which made Snow Wolf very annoyed.


There was another violent wolf howl, and the snow wolf's body shook, and the majestic demon power burst out like a gushing spring water. Ling Tian unexpectedly was thrown into the air. He kicked a tree, rolled over several times, thrusting his sword into the ground, and then knelt down on one knee.

However, this was only the beginning. Snow Wolf squeezed Ling Tian out of his surroundings, and it began to adjust its strategy, turning defense into offense.

Seeing the snow wolf carrying the endless power of heaven and earth, he suddenly rushed towards Ling Tian, who was still kneeling on the ground. Ling Tian looked at this cunning snow wolf, his face was solemn, he didn't think much about it, and he stood directly. Get up, lift the sword to greet him.


Ling Tian went fast, and came back fast. He only touched Snow Wolf, and then he felt an irresistible force coming from Snow Wolf’s paws. He couldn’t resist it and was thrown back. .

After drifting back about seven or eight steps, Ling Tian stabilized his figure, and then before he had time to adjust, the snow wolf's attack came again. It was a breath of icy air that contained endless icy cold. Ling Tian didn't have the confidence to take it. He had to kick the ground with his foot on the ground, his body rose from the ground, and flew into the sky.

The ice spirit spit out by the snow wolf flew under Ling Tian, and instantly hit the big tree behind. The big tree couldn't bear it, and it burst to pieces.

However, the sawdust hadn't landed yet, and the endless icy cold contained in the cold aura condensed them all in an instant, forming a piece of ice slag. These ice residues were connected together and looked like a weird flower. Looking at the terrifying power, Ling Tian smacked his tongue secretly. He was very fortunate that he did not despise the snow wolf when he came up, otherwise he would not die and be injured. what!

Not only Ling Tian was shocked by the terrifying power, but Ning'er turned pale. She asked Xu Sihui with a trembling voice, "My lord, is Young Master Ling okay?"

"It's okay, Ling Tian's martial arts is more than that. It's not easy for Snow Wolf to hurt him." Xu Sihui said lightly, but he was not so sure in his heart. His hand was already on the hilt. No, he will definitely strike out.

"Oh." Ning'er nodded seemingly, his eyes fixed on Ling Tian falling from the sky, watching his ghostly figure flashing past the snow wolf's attacks again and again, she felt inwardly He squeezed his sweat severely.

It was true that Ling Tian was not easy. This snow wolf was angered by him. It even ignored the cold icy aura one by one, making Ling Tian nervous. He didn't dare to stop at all, and could only stop. dodge.


Ling Tian's figure was flying horizontally and horizontally, and he kept appearing in different places. Although tired, Snow Wolf didn't even touch the corner of his clothes. Because Ling Tian’s advantage is that he is faster than Snow Wolf, and his stature is more flexible than Snow Wolf. Often when he feels the strong wind, he will be the first to get out of the way, so that Snow Wolf can only take the air. , It's a waste of power.

This kind of feng shui turning scene was only a matter of a few minutes. With the fight, Ling Tian gradually became familiar with the moves of the snow wolf. He found that the snow wolf attack was fierce and cunning, but it was still inferior to him. People, as the saying goes, "How much is the deceit of **

Ling Tian just missed a flaw. After Xue Lang rushed forward, he flashed around behind it, and then with a backhand sword, the ruthless sword filled with his spiritual power made a hole in Xue Lang's back. The deep sword scars shed blood, and the white fur of Xuelang was completely dyed. The skin that originally looked smooth and supple became extremely messy at this time.

Of course, when Ling Tian succeeded in the sneak attack, the snow wolf was in pain, and he didn't please him, so he was kicked out by the snow wolf.


Ling Tian hit the ground and he took a bite of dust. When he opened his mouth, the saliva was mixed with traces of blood. He was already injured. When he saw Xu Sihui coming up to help, he waved his hand, and then He jumped up again stubbornly, and stood against the snow wolf, facing each other vigilantly.

This time, no matter it was Ling Tian or Snow Wolf, no one immediately attacked, and they all began to frantically absorb the aura of heaven and earth. For a while, the spiritual energy of the world near Lejia was attracted by Ling Tian and Xuelang, and they gathered to them one after another.

After Xuelang had enough spiritual energy, its body slowly began to grow, while Ling Tian's ruthless sword was shining with gleaming cold light, obviously they were all preparing their own big moves.

This gathering of spiritual power did not take long, and soon they were ready. Xue Lang opened his mouth and spit out the inner alchemy to Ling Tian, and Ling Tian shouted, "Ziyun cut!"

I saw two rays of red and purple flying towards each other at unparalleled speed, and then under the control of a person and a demon, they collided in the center in the next second.

Without the kind of mutual support that you imagined, the purple sword light slashed on Snow Wolf’s inner alchemy. The terrifying purple energy directly caused the Snow Wolf’s inner alchemy to crack. The snow wolf and the inner alchemy were connected. When it was wounded, its mind was hurt, and blood spurted out of its mouth.

It's just that Ling Tian's cultivation is still short, and his cultivation is not as good as Snow Wolf, so naturally he can't compete with Snow Wolf's majestic demon power. Although his purple sword aura caused the Snow Wolf's inner alchemy to crack, but after the Snow Wolf's inner alchemy consumed his energy, it still rushed towards him, and he suffered a backlash from spiritual power, and he was already unable to resist. , He can only pin his hopes on Xu Sihui, who is in an intuitive battle.

Fortunately, Xu Sihui has been observing the changes in the battle situation. When he saw that Ling Tian was not good, he immediately drew his sword out of its sheath, and then moved his body. Before he could catch his figure, the others were already in front of Ling Tian. Between the stones, Xu Sihui pierced the Snow Wolf's inner alchemy with a sword.


The Snow Wolf’s inner alchemy was directly smashed, and the Snow Wolf spewed a bit of blood again, its eyes dimmed in an instant, its body couldn't hold it, it became shaky, it was not far from death.

This is not an exaggeration, because even if Ling Tian did not severely injure Snow Wolf, with Xu Sihui's cultivation base, he wanted to kill Snow Wolf, but it was just a few tricks. Therefore, Xu Sihui stabbed the inner pill of Xuelang, he didn't even look at it, and then turned around, looking at Ling Tian with an unstable breath and a pale face with some worry.