Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 139: escape


The crowd was indignant, and the voice shook the sky. Yun Cong heard Xu Ling's vows, and listened to the crowd's "Vengeance for the Three Dogs!"

However, Yun Cong only took a step out, and he secretly said that it was not good. Because he was too nervous, he didn't pay attention to his feet, and he just kicked out a small stone. The rock hit the nearby rock and made a ding-dong sound. This sound happened to reach the ears of the angry crowd. They stopped clamoring immediately, and the leader Yuanyang looked towards Yun Cong's direction. Roared:


Yun Cong is not a fool, and he will definitely be suspected if he stays here. He didn't answer Yuanyang, he didn't hesitate, but ran straight away. The speed was so fast that he was shocked.

Yuan Yang looked at Yun Cong who was running away, his brows frowned slightly, while Xu Ling screamed: "Hun Dan, you must have killed Sangou, I will kill you to avenge Sangou!"

While roaring, Xu Ling galloped up and chased Yun Cong straight away. Yuan Yang saw this and ordered the others: "Chasing!"

In an instant, more than a dozen people chased Yun Cong. Yun Cong didn't need to look back. He knew that he was being chased by more than a dozen people just by listening to the whirring wind behind him. This is not a joke. Yun Cong knew that these people were the friend named Sangou he killed. Sangou is so difficult to deal with, he can't guarantee that these guys are vegetarian. Therefore, Yun Cong used all the energy of breastfeeding. He didn't think about anything, he didn't care about anything, he just ran away frantically.

call out

An arrow feather shot from behind, chasing Yun Cong's back, Yun Cong was shocked, he rushed towards a low depression.


Before Yun Cong threw himself into the ditch, he heard the sound of arrow feathers flying above his head, and the violent wind blew Yun Cong's back, and Yun Cong felt a deep cold tingling pain. The archer in the back is obviously not low in cultivation. Although the three dogs who have not yet died are powerful, Yun Cong is not at his peak now. In this way, Yun Cong had to rethink in his heart how to get rid of these guys who were chasing him. He knew that if this goes on, he will be caught up sooner or later, and then he will be eaten by those who are blinded by hatred. .

Yun Cong just thought in his heart that his movements were not slow. After he threw himself into the ditch and avoided the first arrow feather, he quickly soared up, and then fled again.

In this way, Yun Cong ran around in a panic, but Yuanyang and the others kept chasing after him. Yun Cong's speed was obviously not as fast as them. One of them was an archer, and that guy would aim Yun Cong with an arrow from time to time. Although Yun Cong could dodge every time, his speed was slowed down.

In this way, each time Yun Cong pauses for more than one second, Yuanyang and the others will run for an extra second. Gradually, one and the other will grow and fall, and Yuanyang and the others will keep getting closer and narrowing the distance between them and Yun Cong. difference.

Soon, the distance between Yun Cong and Yuanyang, the fastest runner, was only a hundred meters, and Xu Ling was only about 120 meters away. For a master, this distance can almost be ignored. Seeing that he was about to be surrounded, Yun Cong was anxious. He didn't want to fall into the hands of these wolves and tigers. He could imagine the consequences.

However, Yun Cong is useless no matter how urgent he is. He is not familiar with this Gobi Desert and only knows to run indiscriminately, while Yuanyang and the others are constantly choosing shortcuts to encircle him.

call out

Another arrow shot over, Yun Cong jumped up, grabbed a stone with one hand, and then flashed behind the rock wall with a flick, his figure swiftly avoided the arrow attack. However, Yun Cong's luck was no longer so good this time. He just hid on the rock wall, before he could catch his breath, his face changed drastically, because he saw Yuan Yang surrounded from the other side, and he was stabling him with a sword. he.


Yun Cong had no principles. He quickly retreated wildly. Yuan Yang kept chasing him, with the point of his sword pointed at his chest. The spitting sword light almost pierced the clothes on Yun Cong's chest. Yun Cong felt pain from the sting of his skin.

However, the situation is critical and Yun Cong can't manage these now. It is important for him to save his life. Therefore, Yun Cong temporarily avoided his sharp edge and allowed Yuan Yang to be aggressive, but what he didn't expect was that he retreated only about 20 to 30 meters, and when his ears moved, he heard the sound of swords coming from behind.

Xu Ling has arrived. Although she is still not sure that Yun Cong killed the Sangou, here is Yun Cong alone. He is the most suspicious, so Xu Ling sprayed all her anger on Yun Cong.

Don't even think that Xu Ling is just a woman. She is merciless when she makes her move. She uses big moves as soon as she comes up. Yun Cong knows that this is going to take a while, and he might have lost half of his life.

Therefore, Yun Cong did not dare to neglect, he flew to the side in the air on one side of his body. Yun Cong stepped aside, and the green sword aura went straight to Yuanyang. Yuanyang was taken aback. He secretly scolded Xu Ling, a mad woman, for taking too hard and didn't care about him.

But curse, curse, Yuanyang, like Yun Cong, still has self-knowledge, he didn't dare to resist hard, otherwise even if he didn't die, he would get hurt, which is not worthwhile. Therefore, Yuanyang had to give up attacking Yun Cong, and then quickly stepped aside, avoiding Xu Ling's sword aura. The sword aura eventually smashed on the rock, shaking down countless rubbles, and Yun Cong and Yuanyang could be seen. They all smack their tongues.

Xu Ling didn't look at the surprised expressions of Yun Cong and Yuan Yang. She missed a hit, and then rushed to Yun Cong who had just landed. Yun Cong raised his head and he found another green sword. Qi rushed towards him, he didn't have time to dodge at all, he could only resist with a bloodthirsty sword.


Xu Ling's sword aura hit the bloodthirsty sword, and the bloodthirsty sword was bounced away. Yun Cong couldn't dodge, and the remaining sword aura rushed in front of him. Before Yun Cong could react, he found that a long sword mark had appeared on his chest, his clothes had also been torn, and a lot of blood had flowed out of the wound. It was just an instant that Yun Cong was originally just a cloth stained with some dust, but at this time a large area was stained red.

Yun Cong felt the pain in his chest and he woke up. At this moment, he heard a faint abnormal noise coming from his left hand. Yun Cong didn't even think about it, he just wielded the bloodthirsty sword and stabbed it.


It was Yuan Yang who made the shot. After he dodged Xu Ling's attack, he leaned forward when Xu Ling attacked Ling Tian again. Fortunately, Yun Cong reacted quickly, otherwise he would be overcast.

After Yuanyang's attack was stopped by Ling Tian, Xu Ling seized the opportunity, and Tijian deceived herself again. She displayed the viciousness of a woman when she was cruel, and went straight to Yun Cong's bottom. Yun Cong was taken aback by her style of play. He swung his sword to Kai Yuanyang, and then swung his bloodthirsty sword to stab.

Yun Cong's angle of the sword was very good. He opened Xu Ling's sword with a single sword, and Yun Cong was unreasonable. He controlled the bloodthirsty sword, rubbed Xu Ling's blade, and followed her sword. He stroked upwards until it reached Xu Ling's hilt.

Xu Ling couldn't wait to break Yun Cong's body into pieces. Of course, Yun Cong was not polite to her. He stared at Xu Ling fiercely, and then pushed Xu Ling against the rock wall with every effort.


Xu Ling hit the huge rock behind her back, and the huge rock was hit by a lot of rubble. She was also hit with blood flowing from the corner of her mouth. Obviously, her martial arts were not as good as Yun Cong, or even the Three Dogs that Yun Cong killed earlier. Only about 60% of Yun Cong's combat power can force her back.

In fact, not only Xu Ling, but even Yuanyang is not as good as Yun Cong in his heyday, because Yun Cong made a furious sword just now, he can only avoid his edge and dare not head-on. Relatively speaking, Yuanyang is just a little better than Sangou. They were able to drive Yun Cong into embarrassment before. It was because Yun Cong had no desire to fight and wanted to escape and was forced to fight, so he was beaten by them. Got caught off guard.

But now that Yun Cong was entangled by them and couldn't walk away, he let go to fight, showing his indomitable courage, which not everyone has. When Xu Ling was pushed onto the rock by Yun Cong, she knew that this person was not as simple as it seemed. Sangou was probably killed by him. She saw a cold light flashed in Yun Cong's eyes, and she knew that Yun Cong had moved. In order to kill her, she was not afraid of death, but was a little regretful, because she could no longer avenge Sangou after she died.

Therefore, Xu Ling sighed in her heart. She closed her eyes and her expression also showed regret. However, Xu Ling was not alone. Yuanyang was driven away by Yun Cong. He had no time to rescue him, but they entangled Yun Cong. When they were fighting with Yun Cong, other people naturally followed.

Seeing Yun Cong, he was about to kill Xu Ling. Xu Ling's friends were in a hurry. The archer Qiao Ping was even quicker. Without hesitation, he bent his bow and set an arrow, then aimed at Yun Cong's head and shot.

call out

It was this nasty voice again. When Yun Cong heard the sound of the air being pierced through, he knew that he could no longer deal with Xu Ling. A trace of anger flashed in his heart, but he had to let Xu Ling go, and then flashed to the side.

The sound of Yun Cong's departure naturally shocked Xu Ling. She opened her eyes, and then saw an arrow flying by in front of her. After a short while, it shot into the opposite rock, and the loose rock was directly shot through. Xu Ling gratefully gave Qiao Ping a look.

ps: Chapter 2 has been revised, and I will post it later. I was almost scammed by the computer, which is very risky