Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 143: Are you still a man?


The flame demon, known as the Living Hades, is a legend. He once made a big killing. In this cave of ten thousand demons, no one is afraid of him.

Yun Cong was taken away by him, which is a good and a bad thing, because the flame demon has a bad reputation, but his ability is recognized. He not only kills, but also saves, just like Daming’s poisonous doctor Xuewu The scar is the same, relatively speaking, the Balrog is much more powerful. If he can really prevent Yun Cong's vitality from dissipating, it would be a gift for Yun Cong to rebuild, and it would be good for Yun Cong to follow him.

However, these are all later words. After Yun Cong was taken away by the Flame Demon, Ling Tian and the others trekked all the way to a small town. This town is not big, but it is very prosperous. With pedestrians coming and going, and businessmen shouting constantly, we can all feel a very active atmosphere.

When Ling Tian was curiously looking at the unique scenery of the town, Le Yao wiped the sweat from her forehead. She really couldn't walk anymore. Looking at Ling Tian and Xu Sihui who were a little ahead, Le Yao called out. Said: "Ling Tian, Brother Xu, let's rest."

Ling Tian and Xu Sihui turned around in response, only then did they find that Le Yao's face was red, his spirits were not good, and he looked very sluggish.

Le Yao is not like Ling Tian and Xu Sihui. They have been trained, and their skin and bones have long been tempered to the point where they are made of iron and steel. With such a body and bones, even if they keep walking for ten and a half months, it is fine. Le Yao is different. She is now a mortal. For so many days, she has been walking non-stop, only occasionally stopping to rest. Most of the time, she is on the road. Naturally, she will suffer from dehydration and fatigue due to excessive water loss. .

Upon seeing this, Ling Tian and the others stopped, Ling Tian walked over to support Le Yao, Xu Sihui said: "You go slowly first, I will go to the inn."

"Okay." Ling Tian nodded. He slowed down to be consistent with Le Yao, while Xu Sihui turned and went to the inn.

"Hey, Ling Tian, there is a clothing store here. It looks good. Why don't we go in and see?" Ling Tian and Le Yao walked slowly on the street, passing by a cloth shop, Le Yao looked at this shop The stylish decoration of the cloth shop, the unique style, and the colorful clothes and skirts, she couldn't help but become interested, and before Yun Cong disagrees, she dragged him into it.

"..." Ling Tian was a little speechless. He found Le Yao, who had just been exhausted and panting. At this moment, when he saw the luxurious clothing store and saw those beautiful dresses and skirts, he got excited and dragged him in. He didn't look tired at all, which made him feel extremely curious, he couldn't help but feel a little skeptical, and his face was also covered with black lines.

Seeing Ling Tian and Le Yao entering the store, the shopkeeper greeted him from behind the counter, and opened his mouth to greet him enthusiastically: "Oh, two guest officers, please, do you choose the cloth? Or look at the finished clothes and skirts. ?"

"Both are required." Le Yao was a little excited. She found that the fabrics and clothes in this store were not worse than what she had purchased when she was at Lejia. She only took a first look and found it to be very enjoyable.

The shopkeeper is a clever businessman. He has been in business for decades and has long acquired the ability to know people. He has been observing since Ling Tian and the others entered the store. After he saw the joyful expression on Le Yao’s face, he was very Smiling happily, while leading the way, he blew:

"The girl has a good vision. You are in the right place. In Xinyang, only our store has the best fabrics and the most complete goods. There are no other stores!"

"En." Le Yao carefully looked at the pieces of fabric, brushing her hands across the skirts, squeezing, and carefully choosing the one she liked the most.

At this moment, Ling Tian had completely become a supporting actor. He followed Le Yao without saying a word, just like a bodyguard. When the shopkeeper saw this, he twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said to Lingtian: "My son, we also have men's clothing in our store. If my son likes it, I can take you to see it."

"Oh?" Ling Tian was a little puzzled. He knew that from the exterior decoration, it was obviously a women's clothing store. He didn't expect that men's clothing was sold here. This made him a little puzzled: "You are not all displayed here. Is it women's clothing?"

"The ones displayed are indeed women's clothing, because these new styles are very popular, so we decided to sell these first, and then sell the men's." Facing Ling Tian's question, the shopkeeper was not surprised, he was very patient Made an explanation.

"It turned out to be like this." Ling Tian understood this situation very well. He was also interested when he saw him, so Le Yao stopped and said at him: "You also go choose, we have to go a long way. A section of the road, when we have all chosen, then we will go together."

"Okay." Ling Tian was not hypocritical. He knew that Le Yao was right. They really need to go for a long time. Because now is different from the past, there is one more Le Yao. They can't fly back to the holy ground with Xu Sihui's sword as before. It only takes a long time or so to rush back to the holy land.

Now taking Le Yao, it will take at least ten and a half days from Lejia to Qingzhu Peak, the holy land of Langxie. This is still the result of constant driving at a normal speed. If you stop and go halfway, it will take more time, not to mention that Fu Qianying gave them three months, they don't need to be so anxious now, they can take it slowly.

In this way, you can't always wear a set of clothes, because it is not easy to change clothes, and you can imagine how smelly it will be for a long time. Therefore, when there is a clothing store, it's good to buy some clothes and bring it with you.

So, the shopkeeper asked his daughter to accompany Le Yao to continue to look at the fabrics and choose the clothes. He himself took Ling Tian into the back room, and those clothes and fabrics that were not popular are now piled up in this room.

Looking at all kinds of clothes that looked like hills, Ling Tian found that they were also good, but the styles were not as bright as the women's styles outside, so they were hidden in the back room by the snow. Ling Tian didn't dislike it, and as soon as he came in, he began to carefully select clothes that suit him, and try them on. The energy was no worse than Le Yao.

At this moment, a few people suddenly walked in outside the store. They were all dressed in tattered clothes and dirty. They looked like beggars on the street.

These people didn't care about their own clothes or their identity. As soon as they entered the store, they stretched out their dark hands to touch and squeeze the bright clothes.

Soon, the clothes that were originally extremely clean became extremely dirty in an instant. The daughter of the shopkeeper saw her heartache and was about to cry. Regardless of thinking about so much, she rushed over and grabbed the clothes from someone. , And then yelled at him: "How can you not talk about credit? If you collect protection fees and make trouble, are you still out of control?"

"Wang Fa?"

Gu Yin, the beggar leader whose clothes were robbed of by Lin Lan, looked at Lin Lan contemptuously, and said disdainfully: "I am Wang Fa! Bring me to me. I think it is good, so it is accepted as interest."

Gu Yin went to grab the clothes from Lin Lan. How could Lin Lan give it to him? She took the clothes and ran to the inner room. However, Lin Lan only took a step, Gu Yin slapped her head with a slap, and she was directly slapped to the ground by Gu Yin.


Lin Lan's forehead touched the floor, and she was dizzy. Like the corner of her mouth, a lot of blood came out of her forehead. Lin Lan felt the pain, she let go of her hand holding the clothes, retracted it, and touched her forehead, she felt the hot sex flowing.

Needless to think about it, Lin Lan also knew that she had lost her appearance, and she couldn't help sobbing when she thought that she was still a big girl and hadn't married yet.

Although Lin Lan is not very beautiful, it is not bad. Generally speaking, many people will follow her. At her age, she will be able to find someone soon.

Now that Gu Yin has been doing this, she will only have to stay in the Lin family to be a big girl in the future. Thinking of this, Lin Lan is not to mention how sad she is, and she starts to cry, regardless of her image.

However, seeing Lin Lan’s tragic situation, Gu Yin didn’t feel guilty. He curled his lips and said indifferently: "Huh! Bitch, toast and not eat or drink, and if you don’t give you some color, you just I don't know what I am?"

With that said, Gu Yin squatted down and was about to pick up the clothes that Lin Lan had thrown aside. Just as he reached out and was about to grab it, a slender hand picked up the clothes one step ahead of him.

Gu Yin caught a moment, and he was a little angry. When he raised his head and looked up, the face of a beautiful girl who was all over the country came into his eyes. He could see that, he could not help but lick his lips, staring intently. Staring at Le Yao.

"Huh! How can you be like this? It's too unreasonable! Others are girls, how can you snatch other people's things and push them to hurt, are you still a man?" Le Yao snorted. , Her pretty face was covered with frost, and her anger was very obvious.

"My eldest brother is not a man, who is?" Gu Yin didn't say a word, and one of his younger brothers arrogantly said, "Do you know who our eldest brother is? He is the famous Gu Yin, Gu Bangzhu! In Xinyang, who does he want? Birth, whoever is born, whoever wants to die, whoever has to die! No one can go against his will, where did you come from? You dare to be nosy, I think you look good, it’s better to be our boss’s wife. Right?"

"I'm pooh!" Le Yao lifted up Lin Lan, and broke her mouth at Gu Yin's younger brother in disgust. She angrily rebuked, "It's really shameless!"