Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 156: Oolong fruit


In fact, the first person to eat crabs is not so easy. If you want to make a big thing, you must take your time and plan step by step, otherwise you will look forward to the future and increase the variables.

Nowadays, for Qin Qianjun, time is the most lacking. He is disturbed when he thinks of Qiu Daozi's damage.

After a pause, Qin Qianjun waved to the ancient housekeeper and said, "You go down first."

"Yes." The ancient steward bowed to retreat, while Qin Qianjun sat down, his eyes were startled, and he had obviously entered a state of thinking.

Xu Sihui had already woken up a few days ago when a big collision was about to erupt on the Miao Mi Peak. At this time, he, Ling Tian and Le Yao were walking in the southern Fujian mountains.

"Brother, you said that there are monsters and beasts in this southern Fujian mountain range from time to time, but now we have been walking for four days, why don't we even have a shadow?" Ling Tian broke a branch blocking the way, and he looked into the distance through the dense forest , I was puzzled.

"Don't be careless. I have been to this southern Fujian mountain range two or three times. I have seen all kinds of monsters before. Among them, there are many purple monsters that are as powerful as the infantile stage. I even heard that there are comparable in the depths of the mountains. We can't provoke the existence of strong human beings who cross the Tribulation Realm, so it's better to be careful." Xu Sihui is also very confused. He always feels that there is something wrong with the Minnan Mountain Range today, which is somewhat different from the situation he used to be familiar with.

"En." Ling Tian nodded, he swung his sword to cut off some trees and vines, and kept opening the road ahead, while Le Yao walked in the middle, and Xu Sihui broke off at the end.



A wolf howl came into Ling Tian's ears, Ling Tian stopped in response, and he raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

"It's Jingyue Lake." Xu Sihui's face changed slightly, because he felt that this wolf howl was much more energetic than the snow wolf he encountered in Kanershan when he was saving Leyao, obviously stronger.

"What a terrible wolf howl, Ling Tian, what shall we do?" Le Yao showed a worried look on her face, and she looked at Ling Tian with some fear.

"Let's take a look." Ling Tian was full of curiosity. He turned around and asked Xu Sihui: "Brother, what do you think?"

"Okay, go and have a look." Xu Sihui also wanted to know what happened in the southern Fujian mountain range. They had walked for four days and had already come near Jingyue Lake in the depths of the mountain range, but they didn't meet even a small demon. The beast, now suddenly heard a wolf howl, naturally curious.

However, as a senior, Xu Sihui is much more experienced. Seeing Ling Tianyao wanting to try, he couldn't help but reminded: "Ling Tian, you also found out that there is obviously something wrong here. We just went to see, Qian Don't be impulsive, I have just recovered from backlash, and I can't hold the sword for a long time. If we encounter any danger, we will be in trouble."

"Don't worry, brother, I won't mess around." Ling Tian looked at Le Yao's nervousness and Xu Sihui's solemnity, and he put away his contempt.

"Okay, come with me. I know that a path can lead directly to Jingyue Lake. We will hide in the distance and take a peek. As long as we don't get close, we should not be spotted." With that, Xu Sihui moved forward and crossed Ling Tian. , Found a direction, and went to Jingyue Lake.

Le Yao was stunned. She looked at Xu Sihui's back and at Ling Tian's expression again. She hesitated for a while, and then followed Ling Tian's encouraging eyes. Ling Tian himself walked in the end.

"Brother, what's so fragrant?"

After walking for a few minutes, Ling Tian suddenly smelled a strange fragrance in the air. Ling Tian had never encountered this fragrance before. He couldn't tell what it was.

"I don't know." Xu Sihui shook his head, and he also felt strange. The strange fragrance that came out of the air suddenly gave people a refreshing feeling. It seemed that just a light breath would make the whole person more energetic. This can only be felt when practicing with the help of an incense burner.

Thinking like this, a miraculous fruit suddenly appeared in Xu Sihui's mind. Just when he was about to say it, Le Yao preemptively said: "The scent of jasmine is fresh and pleasant, permeating the sky, drifting in the wind, Baishi It's not scattered inside, is it a spirit-level fruit oolong fruit?"

"Oolong fruit?" Ling Tian was a little puzzled. He didn't have the memory of this kind of strange fruit, but he looked at the joy on Le Yao's face and asked: "Yao'er, what is Oolong fruit?"

Le Yao looked at Ling Tian with a slightly different color, and then said: "Oolong fruit is a kind of spirit-grade fruit, the grade is the same as ice essence, it is very precious, and its growth conditions are very harsh, and it must be a thousand-year-old dragon elder. The swamps that have been in the past are likely to appear."

"It is of great help to people, because after some refining, it is made into a concentrating pill and placed in a training room or incense burner. The fragrance it emits can refresh people and concentrate on practicing. A rare spiritual fruit."

"Oh, there is such a fruit?" Ling Tian was a little surprised. He used to live in Daming, and he had never heard of such a miraculous fruit. Only when he came to this world and was exposed to cultivation, Ling Tian knew that if he had a high concentration of energy during cultivation, he would definitely get twice the result with half the effort and greatly shorten the time of cultivation. This is a state that every cultivator dreams of.

However, Ling Tian still has some doubts. He just heard that wolf howl was clearly full of anger, which shows that Jingyue Lake is not only a wolf now, or that this Minnan Mountain Range is not the only one. Those guys are probably now fighting. Oolong fruit.

Therefore, Ling Tian thought for a while, and asked again: "What are the benefits of oolong fruit to the monster beast?"

This time, Le Yao hadn’t spoken yet, Xu Sihui said: “You have seen it too. We have been walking for four days, and we haven’t even seen the shadow of a monster beast. If I expected it to be good, they should have gathered to the quiet by now. Moon Lake, because oolong fruit is not only helpful for our cultivation, but also a treasure that can be encountered but not sought for monsters-oolong fruit can help the purple monster to transform into a catastrophe!"

"Crossing Tribulation Transformation?" Ling Tian felt a bit dry in his throat. He was stunned for a long time, and he was a little speechless. He knew that monsters, like humans, had cultivated to a certain level. Due to the rules of heaven, they all needed to cross the calamity. In order to continue to soar into the world or disappear.

Therefore, crossing the catastrophe is of great significance to humans and monsters. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, no creature will give up. This is an innate survival instinct, and it will not change at any time.

Therefore, in the face of Ling Tian's shock, Xu Sihui nodded affirmatively, and then quickened his pace. Le Yao followed behind, with a look of expectation on his face.

Only Ling Tian was a little absent-minded. He was slowly digesting the shocking news brought by Xu Sihui and Le Yao. He was suddenly curious about the magic of this world, and he had an urge to conquer.

After walking for a while and getting closer, Xu Sihui stopped. Ling Tian and Le Yao stood behind him. As soon as Ling Tian wanted to probe, Xu Sihui pushed him back.

Xu Sihui made a silent gesture. He squatted down gently, then lay down in the grass, looking at Jingyue Lake a few hundred meters away.

Following his gaze, Ling Tian and Le Yao saw that a lake with a diameter of nearly 100 meters below was filled with various monsters, including golden toads, monkeys, silver snakes, snow wolves, and sword tigers. , Takin, flamingo, flaming lion, etc. They all stared scarletly at a crevice above the lake. There was a small blue tree about one meter high with a red fruit hanging on the small tree. It's almost ripe.

"It really is oolong fruit!"

Xu Sihui's eyes were hot, and Le Yao was shocked. Although she had guessed it before, she still felt a little different when she saw it now.

When Ling Tian saw the looks of Xu Sihui and Le Yao, he also became interested. During his careful observation, he found that the so-called oolong fruit in Xu Sihui and Le Yao actually looked like a peach, but there were more varieties. Strange fragrance.

Now, all the monsters’ eyes are attracted by Oolong Guo. They are gathered here, and the lineup is very large. Although Ling Tian is very tempted, he does not dare to be impulsive. He can only stay honestly and breathe the fragrance. While waiting for the start of the feast.

While Ling Tian and the others were watching, the oolong fruit tree suddenly changed. First, the verdant leaves slowly turned yellow and became dry, as if they had lost water.

Then there was the tree trunk. I saw that the originally tall and tough tree trunk withered section by section, and in a short while it became lifeless and completely old and dead.

At this moment, Xu Sihui and Le Yao both held their breaths, and Xu Sihui said, "Get down, don't make any noise, the show is about to begin!"

Sure enough, Xu Sihui's voice just fell, and the oolong fruit hanging on the branch suddenly broke away from the mother tree and fell straight down.


Its voice is so soft, its speed is so fast, it is about to fall into the lake, and only two figures rush out.

call out

Before Ling Tian could react, a huge golden toad spit out his tongue and directly swept away the oolong fruit that was about to fall into the lake.


The snow wolf’s long tail hit Jin Chan’s back, and Jin Chan was beaten with poisonous syrup. Its body in mid-air was also slammed into the lake. Jin Chan got the oolong fruit but failed to make it. Escape for a while.