Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 158: Transformation


"Jin Chan is desperate." Xu Sihui said in a low voice.

"En." Ling Tian nodded, because Jin Chan got the Oolong Fruit and became the target of the public. It kept fleeing to the distance, while other monsters were chasing after him. The Snow Wolf kept fighting with it, they They are already far away now, they are all kilometers away. Fortunately, Ling Tian and the others have a superior geographical location, so they can always see them and dare to speak in a low voice.

Sure enough, Jin Chan was surrounded. It didn't admit its fate, but chose a direction, and rushed outside frantically.


Jin Chan slammed into the condensed soil escape from the takin. The soil escape was unbearable, and was instantly smashed away. Jin Chan continued to move forward, avoiding the sharp horns that the takin attacked, and stepped on it from the air with one foot. Go down.

Although the takin did not stop the golden toad, it gave the other monsters time to attack. The ice hockey of the snow wolf, the flame of the flaming lion, the venom of the silver snake, the wind blade of the sword tiger, and the claws of the flamingo all rushed towards it. Jin Chan, those fierce attacks were like meteors, and the space was shaking.

Among them, the ice seeking speed is the fastest. The huge hockey puck continuously passes through the layers of space, and then catches up with the golden toad when it is less than ten meters away from the takin.

Jin Chan turned sideways and wanted to avoid it again. Somehow, its body shook for a while, and then it was delayed for less than a second, and the ice puck slammed into him firmly.


The ice hockey did not explode the golden toad into broken corpses, but it froze it into an ice sculpture and solidified in the air. Immediately after the ice hockey, there were flames and poison from the flame lion, silver snake, sword tiger, and flamingo. , Feng Jian, and Claw Shadow also all fell on Jin Chan's body. Jin Chan was blown up so that ice crystals splashed, and his body continued to fall into the lake from the air.

Ling Tian and the others were far apart, and did not realize that Jin Chan was in a special state at this time. They saw that it was constantly changing between human form and beast form, and its upper body wrapped in ice crystals also leaked an ugly face. A trace of solidified red blood can be clearly seen at the corner of his mouth.

"Brother, why didn't Jin Chan avoid Xuelang's attack?" Ling Tian was a little confused. He kept watching Jin Chan and the monsters fighting. He knew that Jin Chan should be better than Xuelang, and Xuelang was just fighting. With speed, together with the monsters can Jin Chan be so embarrassed.

It stands to reason that Jin Chan chose to break through. It should know how to avoid the attacks of other monsters, especially Snow Wolf's hockey puck. However, it has been recruited now, and Ling Tian really does not understand.

"I don't know either." Xu Sihui shook his head. He didn't see what was going on either. Like Ling Tian, he was full of doubts.

At this moment, Le Yao, who had been cautiously lying in the grass, suddenly raised her head. She looked at the sky, and then said to Ling Tian, "Ling Tian, look!"

"Looking at what?" Ling Tian didn't react, he also raised his head to look towards the sky, seeing that the sky that was originally a cloudless sky was full of dark clouds at this time, and chunks of huge thunderclouds were constantly gathering above Jin Chan.

Xu Sihui’s cultivation was the highest, and he clearly felt that the aura of heaven and earth in the air was gathering in that direction, but the figure of Jin Chan, who had been falling continuously and was about to fall into the lake, suddenly stopped, only to hear "bang". With a sound, all the ice crystals covering Jin Chan's body exploded, and Jin Chan's body was exposed again.

At this moment, Ling Tian and the others could see that there was a fuzzy face on Jin Chan's body that was constantly changing. It raised its head and looked towards the sky, and the hatred in a pair of beast eyes was obvious.

"Golden Toad has digested the Oolong Fruit. It is about to cross the catastrophe and transform into form. Those are all catastrophe clouds. It is now absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. Let's get away soon!" Xu Sihui finally understood what had happened. He didn't even care about hiding his body, standing up and rushing in the direction he came.

Ling Tian reacted. He took Le Yao's hand and ran wildly with her. The speed can be described by the fast speed.

Along the way, Ling Tian and the others only cared about running, they didn't care about the clothes being broken, their hands and feet were also full of wounds, they kept running away.

Compared with Ling Tian and their prophetic foresight, the snow wolf and other monsters reacted a bit slower, until the snow wolf saw the ice crystals on Jin Chan's body explode, and Jin Chan showed an ugly face, plus gloomy pressure. The snow wolf reacted to the sky and the storm formed by the flow of spiritual energy. It did not hesitate and fled to the distance.

Like other monsters, their scarlet eyes gradually became clear. They had already woken up, and after the snow wolf, they also looked for directions and fled in all directions.

call out

Just when the snow wolf had flown thousands of meters away, Jin Chan chased it quickly when he moved his body. Its speed was so fast that it was completely different from the previous battle with snow wolf and other monsters. .

In the blink of an eye, Jin Chan caught up with the Snow Wolf. Along with Jin Chan, there was the robbery cloud in the sky. The Snow Wolf was so scared by Jin Chan's movements that the wolf howled again and again, and it desperately wanted to get away from Jin Chan. distance.

It was a pity that everything was too late. Jin Chan knew that he was seriously injured and was unable to survive the catastrophe, so he had to take away the culprit Snow Wolf with his death, so no matter how hard the Snow Wolf tried, it was in vain.

It’s too late. It’s fast. Just when Ling Tian and the others just ran to a high place, a stronger suction suddenly appeared in the sky. This suction was centered on the golden toad, and it was shrouded in areas with a radius of several thousand meters. Among them, Snow Wolf and Jin Chan are so close, they naturally did not escape.

Not only the snow wolves, but most of the monster beasts were sucked back, because it seemed that a long time had passed, but it took less than a minute for the ice crystals on Jin Chan’s body to burst and then when Jin Chan caught up with the snow wolves. .

In such a short period of time, the monster beasts didn't run far at all, that is, Ling Tian and the others had already been far away before, fleeing with the foresight of the prophet, so that they could barely get away from the range covered by the robber cloud.

Although Ling Tian and the others felt the weak suction power, they were not too weak. They just mobilized their spiritual power to resist it. With the help of Ling Tian, Le Yao was not sucked into the range of the robbery cloud.

Jie Yun completed the gathering, and he was struggling with the snow wolf


A series of thick buckets of lightning fell from the sky, and the target was directed at all the monsters within the range of Jieyun. At this time, Jin Chan no longer cared about the snow wolf. It raised its head, gave a strange cry, and then faced that direction. The lightning it struck spit out a bunch of poisonous plasma.

The poisonous plasma charged straight up like a sharp arrow, and slammed into the thick lightning.


Without the imaginary explosion, the poisonous syrup was instantly ionized when it encountered the thunder, and the green smoke continued to be emitted, and it was quickly evaporated.

And because Jie Lei consumed half of its energy, its body size also became thinner, becoming only a thick bowl.

Jie Lei's mission is to bombard the robbers, so, without the obstruction of the poisonous plasma, Jie Lei continued to rush towards Jin Chan.

Jin Chan had been prepared for a long time, it mobilized the demon element in the body at the instant the poisonous paste was annihilated, and formed the elemental power shield above its head.


Jie Yun bombarded the shield made of demon yuan, and the shield instantly cracked and exploded completely, and Jin Chan was also bombarded from the air.


Before Jin Chan landed, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and its aura was also weakened by Jie Lei's attack.

Like Jin Chan, Snow Wolf's hockey puck didn't stop Jie Lei's bombardment, and it was also bombed to the ground, but because it hadn't been injured before, its condition was slightly better than Jin Chan's.

However, this did not make Snow Wolf rejoice, because this was only the first thunder thunder attack, and there were nine others behind, and one of them would be stronger than one of them. Whether it can survive it is still unknown.

At this time, Snow Wolf can only regret in his heart for pushing Jin Chan too eagerly. Otherwise, at its speed, he can still run far before Jin Chan’s robbery cloud is formed. It is not like it is now, and the face doesn’t belong. Its catastrophe, accompanied Jin Chan to die.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world. Any action, once paid, must bear the consequences. This is a truth that must be understood.

In fact, the snow wolf is not sad. It is powerful. Under the bombardment of the catastrophe, it did not kill in a single blow, and the monster beasts that are as greedy as the oolong fruit do not have such a good result. Under the attack, it disappeared in an instant, as if it had never existed before.