Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 169: Pick a task


From the beginning to the end, Jun Wuxie didn’t say a word to Ling Tian, even if he didn’t even look at it, Ling Tian looked like air in his eyes. This not only made Ling Tian feel self-esteem hurt, but he was silent in his heart. Noted the image of Jun Wuxie.

After Jun Wuxie left, Fu Ronger rushed to Ling Tian and said, "Let's go in too."

As they said, they walked forward with Ling Tian, preparing to enter the Wanzhu Forest Sea, but when they passed by the disciples who were patrolling, Lin Mu stretched out his hand to stop Ling Tian and said, "She can go in, you can't."

"Why?" Ling Tian and Fu Rong'er were puzzled at the same time. Seeing Lin Mu repeatedly making things difficult, Fu Rong'er said angrily: "What are you going to do again?"

"Nothing, I want to look at his identity token. Only the disciples of each peak who are allowed can enter. Others, etc., are not allowed to trespass." Lin Mu spread his hand and asked Ling Tian for his identity token, Ling Tianshen Taking a breath, he tried hard to suppress the emotion of wanting to run away, and then summoned the identity token and placed it in Lin Mu's hand.

Lin Mu took Ling Tian's identity token, and his mind intruded into it. He raised his head almost a minute later, returned the token to Ling Tian, and said to him, "You can go in."


Ling Tian snorted coldly, put away the identity token, and walked in with Fu Ronger, but did not say hello to Lin Mu and the others.

After Ling Tian and the others left, a patrolling disciple asked Lin Mu in a puzzled way: "Brother, why are you embarrassing them on purpose?"

"Embarrassed? If it wasn't for Brother Wuxie, I would still let them stay here for a day until we change shifts." Lin Mu curled his lips disapprovingly. He looked at Ling Tian and the others disappearing into the distance, with some differences in his eyes. Kind of brilliance.

"But if you do this, the law enforcement elder will punish us if you know it!" The previous disciple was afraid that Lin Mu would do the same to other disciples who entered the Wanzhu Forest. Going to the elders, there must be no good fruit to eat, so he showed a worried look.

"They are the people whom Gu Yue told me to take special care of. As long as everyone else is a disciple of Liufeng except Qingzhufeng, if their status is okay, we will naturally let them go. We are going to stop those who are not in the holy land. "Lin Mu told the truth, and his words awakened the other disciples.

"Brother Gu Yue?" The disciple reacted before, and he was relieved. Lin Mu also had a micrometer in his eyes. He mysteriously said, "Look at it, there will be a good show later!"

"Which peak does Jun Wuxie belong to?"

After walking for some distance, Ling Tian slowly suppressed his dissatisfaction with Lin Mu and the others, but he couldn't suppress his curiosity about Jun Wuxie. He asked Fu Rong'er actively, and Fu Rong'er didn't sell it. She walked, while Reply:

"Jun Wuxie is the second senior of Tianjian Peak, one term higher than Senior Brother Xu. He was the runner-up in the fourteenth grade in the Seven Peaks Tournament six years ago, and his strength is second only to that of Langxiefeng Senior Brother Du Yu. He is an amazing genius. Legend has it that he was in the Transformation Infant Realm a few years ago, and now I am afraid that he has already advanced to the peak of the Transformation Infant Realm, and he will have to overcome the catastrophe if he goes further.

There was a look of worship in Fu Rong'er's eyes, that was everyone's yearning for the road to the strong, Ling Tian heard it in his ears, but remembered it in his heart.

Ling Tian found that whether it was Gu Yue, who had a feast with him, or this lofty Jun Wuxie, they were too powerful, he was still far away from them, and he had to grow up as soon as possible, otherwise he would have to keep snorting and not being caught. Pay attention.

Therefore, after listening to Fu Rong'er's description, Ling Tian just gave a symbolic "Oh" and then stopped talking.

In this way, the two people walked all the way to the Wanzhulin Hailangxie Holy Land Office. They walked to the registration desk, and then took out their identity tokens and gave them to an old man. After the old man took it, they went into their minds and felt them. Pass it to them.

At this time, the identity tokens were taken back from the old man's hand, and there was a number on the back of them. Ling Tian's 1314 and Fu Rong'er's 1315.

Seeing this number, Fu Rong'er had been here before and was not surprised, but Ling Tian didn't know what it meant.

When he was puzzled, the old man opened his mouth and said: "From now on, the numbers on your ID badges will be your code names. After you enter, you will no longer have names. The difference between peaks and types will not be restored until you finish the task. Remember ."

"Elder, no name? It doesn't matter which peak it belongs to? Do I call other people by their code names?" Ling Tian was a little surprised, seeing that the old man didn't seem to be joking, so he decided to confirm.

"Yes, there is no name, only a code name. For example, when you are inside, they will call you 1314 instead of your real name." The old man nodded, he only explained this sentence, and then continued: "Okay It’s time for you to choose a mission!"

As he said, the old man waved his hand, and a light curtain of spiritual power condensed in the air, and many words appeared on the light curtain.

It read: Eighteen puppet formations, six-level monster camp, thirty-six battlefields, and some tasks of different levels. Ling Tian was dazzled, and he didn't know which one to choose.

"Elder, what are the requirements for selecting these tasks?" Ling Tian looked at it for a while. He saw that some tasks were quite difficult, and he could not complete them at all. Compared with these, there must be corresponding rules, so he felt that he should understand first. Let's understand.

"There are indeed requirements. In principle, different levels of tasks can only be selected by warriors of different levels. In fact, they can be skipped, but they must have a good credit line to complete the tasks, otherwise they will not work." The old man was very patient, and he gave Ling Tian gave an example:

"For example, if you are here for the first time, you only have control of the aura, then you can only take on a one-star mission, like the first three puppet formations in the eighteenth puppet formation—the wooden human formation and the sixth-level monster camp. The first-level monster camp-the red demon camp, and the first six battlefields in the thirty-six battlefield-the rookie battlefield, they all belong to the first-level mission, you can choose."

"That's it, then I choose the wooden human formation of the puppet formation." Ling Tian thought about it for a while, he felt that he should take his time. After all, the puppets are not humans. They are relatively mechanical and relatively easy to deal with.

Monster beasts came in second, because their wisdom was not very high, they were not human-like, they were extremely cunning, and the most difficult to deal with, so Ling Tian put the battlefield last.

"Well, I know how to make things easy before hard. It's not arrogant or impetuous. It's a manufacturable material." The old man nodded in satisfaction. He put his finger on the light curtain of spiritual power, and lightly touched the column of the puppet formation. Tian's code name was entered, Ling Tian also felt the relevant information about the wooden human formation in the identity token, but he was not in a hurry, and did not check it immediately.

After doing this, the old man exhorted, "Remember, you must complete the task before you come back. Otherwise, if you run out of opportunities, you will be trapped in it until the ten-year period expires."

The old man spoke very seriously, but Ling Tian didn't care much. He still had confidence in himself, because his goal was to become a world-class powerhouse and then find his way back. No one can stop him. After all, this place does not belong to him. Daming is the place where he was born and raised.

"En." Ling Tian nodded to express his understanding. He saw that Fu Rong'er hadn't chosen yet, so he turned to his side. When Fu Rong'er saw it, she smiled strangely at him, and then said to the old man: "Elder, I also choose the wooden figure in the puppet formation. Array, please help me record it."

"Okay." The old man looked at Ling Tian and Fu Rong'er thoughtfully, and then he pointed his finger again and entered Fu Rong'er's code in the column of the wooden human formation of the puppet formation, and Fu Rong'er also took the task of breaking into the wooden human formation.

"Then we can go in?" Fu Ronger saw that the task had been accepted and there was nothing more to do here, so she didn't stay anymore, but stabbed Lingtian and signaled him that it was time to leave.

"Yes." The old man nodded again, and he finally warned: "Remember that you must submit the task after completing the task. You can submit it here, as well as the other three halls. Your deadline is three months. If you fail to complete it in three months, you will fail. It must be done again at that time."

"There are only five opportunities. After five failures, even if you are out, the price is to be trapped for ten years, and then you can leave Wanzhu Linhai after the expiration date."

After speaking the last sentence, the old man ignored Ling Tian and the others. He closed his eyes and continued to close his eyes to rest. When Ling Tian and Fu Rong'er saw this, Fu Rong'er said, "I see."

Then they walked to the location of the puppet formation with Ling Tian. On the way, Ling Tian couldn't help but ask Fu Rong'er: "Why do you choose the same task as me?"

"Daddy told me. He said you didn't understand when you came. Let me take you for a while, and then you will be here alone, and I can go back." Fu Rong'er smiled slightly, and she suddenly felt that she was already taller. This section is no longer the little sister in the eyes of other people.

"Oh, that's it." Ling Tian understood. Before he could be happy, he listened to Fu Rong'er and said again: "Daddy has ordered, you must complete the four-star mission before you can go out, otherwise you will stay honestly in the sea of thousands of bamboos. Right."

"Ah, what? Four-star? No! Why didn't the master tell me?" Ling Tian was taken aback. Four-star is not so fun. He just read the rules. In principle, four-star only has knots. The pill realm can be picked up, he hasn't gathered the essence, and the pill formation is far away. Fu Qianying is cruel!

ps: I'm dizzy, I've broken my promise, and making up the update turned out to be an update. It's time to shoot myself. . .