Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 182: The magical dragon ball


"Okay, now things are clear, and this game is over. It was 521 who asked for help. Then he lost. I don't need to say what to do next." Fu Qianying raised his hand and looked towards Wu Mengda glared at 521 again, and his whole body was shocked, and the noisy arena quieted down. He looked at 521, including Wu Mengda and other elders.

When 521 saw this, he was stunned, then his face was ashamed and angry, and his voice was low, awkwardly shouted to Ling Tian who had passed out, "Grandpa, grandpa."


Before 521 was finished, Fu Ronger couldn't help but laugh. Not just her, many people in the crowd couldn't help but laugh. They never thought that two young men of the same age would be called the grandfather of the other. This shameful matter will surely be passed on as a good story.

In this regard, 521 himself understood that this was a shame he could not wash away in his entire life. At this time, the laughter of Fu Rong'er and the others was a sharp knife to him, piercing deeply into his heart, stabbing it so hard. He was bloodied.

However, 521 also understood that he was dead this time, and Fu Qianying was here. If he didn't keep his promise, he would definitely not be able to pass this level, let alone anything else.

Therefore, 521 was heartbroken. He gritted his teeth and said, "Grandpa, I will never show up in front of you again. I will roll as far as I can!"

After speaking, 521 struggled away from the little brothers who were supporting him, then turned and ran outside the arena. He had no face to stay in this arena anymore.

Not only 521, but the disciples of the 521 group also left dejectedly. They no longer had the arrogance that blocked Lingtian and Fu Rong when they were children.

When they saw this, no one stopped them. Only Fu Qianying glared at Sid, and said solemnly: "Remember, he is my disciple of Fu Qianying, not a demon. Don't talk nonsense anymore, otherwise don't blame me for being polite. !"

"Yes, Master Fu Feng is right. I blamed the messenger, and I hope Master Fu can bear it a lot." Xide was restrained by Fu Qianying's eyes. He didn't dare to confront Fu Qianying, so he had to laugh.

Fu Qianying didn't care. He turned around and threw a bottle of pill to Lin Dawei, saying: "This is a bottle of muscle-producing and bone-strengthening pill. After you take it, at most six months, you can grow an arm again. My compensation to you."

"Master Xie Fu Feng." Lin Dawei looked at Fu Qianying with complicated eyes. Although Fu Qianying had his arm cut off, he did it on his own. Fu Qianying had to do it to save him and didn't really owe him anything.

But Fu Qianying didn't care about his previous resentment, and also presented a precious bottle of Muscle Strengthening Pill, which made Lin Dawei feel mixed and wondered whether he hated the wrong person.

However, Fu Qianying didn't care about Lin Dawei's thoughts. Knowing that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, he said to Fu Ronger: "Let's go!"

After speaking, Fu Qianying gently stroked the ring in her hand, and he took away the ruthless sword on the ground. Then he grabbed Fu Ronger and Ling Tian's shoulders with both hands, disappeared in place, and left with him. With his sword.

After Fu Qianying left, all the talents in the arena were relieved. They were like children facing adults in front of Fu Qianying. They were under tremendous pressure, even the elders such as Wu Mengda.

Now, the huge boulder that had been pressing on them was gone, the crowd sighed, Wu Mengda's eyes flickered, he nodded to Lin Dawei, and then said to everyone, "It's all gone."

After speaking, he disappeared first by himself and went to a very secret place in Wanzhulinhai. After him, Xide spit, "What is the air, is not just a peak master, what's so great? Even his own disciples are It's a waste, how long can you still jump?"

To be honest, Sid knew that there was a big gap between him and Fu Qianying, so he comforted and comforted him in his heart. It was impossible to find Fu Qianying for revenge. He could only seek a chance to play a black hand.

He didn't want to stay here either, and then left the arena in tandem with Lin Dawei.

"It's really wonderful, it's just a pity that kid!" Jun Wuxie sighed, he shook his head, and then walked outside.

Ling Tian knew most of what happened in the arena. He desperately hit 521 in order to maintain his final dignity.

However, to Ling Tian’s surprise, he didn’t expect the Ruthless Sword to be so evil that it could suck the blood and essence of others. This also led to 521’s final blow of anger, and his divine consciousness forcibly rushed into his sea of consciousness. The sea of consciousness has been turned upside down, and he can no longer control it.

At this time, Ling Tian's head felt like it was about to explode. Even though he had passed out in a coma, he still felt uncomfortable.

"What to do with daddy?" Fu Rong'er paced anxiously back and forth in front of the bed. She looked at Ling Tian who was lying on the bed, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Don't bother him, I just gave him a Requiem Pill, it should be able to calm his knowledge of the sea for a while, let's go out and let him rest." Fu Qianying has a trace of blood in his eyes, and his breath is weak. A lot, obviously adjusting Ling Tian's interest rate took him a lot of energy.

When Fu Rong'er and Liu Huiqin saw this, they didn't know what to say. They both followed Fu Qianying out obediently. Fu Qianying said to Fu Rong'er, "Go and rest."

"En." Fu Rong'er nodded, she looked at Ling Tian who was lying in the room with some worry, and then reluctantly left.

"You go too." Fu Qianying said to Liu Huiqin again.

"I'm not tired, let me watch it for you." Liu Huiqin shook her head. She looked at Fu Qianying's somewhat bleak figure, and said with a heartache: "Qianying, don't be sad. That child is also suffering. I can't blame you. , You don’t have to blame yourself."

"Can't blame me?" Fu Qianying felt bitter in her heart. He looked up at the sky. It was getting late and the stars were already hanging in the sky.

The night is beautiful, but people's hearts are not beautiful. Liu Huiqin knew that Fu Qianying was uncomfortable and he would not leave, so she turned around and went into the room to get some food and wine.

"Qianying, come and drink." Liu Huiqin poured Fu Qianying a glass of wine. Fu Qianying did not postpone it. The two of them sat on the stone table and stone bench in the yard and drank. Liu Huiqin would persuade Fu Qianying to say something from time to time. .

However, what Fu Qianying and the others didn't know was that in the room at this time, a bead flew out of Ling Tian's clothes. It hovered above Ling Tian's body, emitting a dazzling light.

I saw the light spreading circle after circle, and they continued to dive into Ling Tian's sea of consciousness. They looked like they were conscious, finding different pieces of information one after another, and then dragged them back to where they were before, slowly calming down. Conflicting consciousness.

Now, the chaotic Sea of Consciousness that once left Fu Qianying helpless, slowly returned to normal under the soft light from the beads, and Ling Tian also woke up.


The bead seemed to consume too much energy, it fell down onto the quilt, Ling Tian was hit by it, and he subconsciously picked it up and took a look.

"Dragon Ball!"

Yes, it is the Dragon Ball. This dragon ball was handed over to Ling Tian by Sand Eagle at the back of Broken Arm Mountain. Ling Tian remembered that the Sand Eagle had an accident the next day, but the Dragon Ball was always carried by him and never told Before anyone, he had never thought that Dragon Ball had such special effects.

ps: I went to an interview this morning and took a physical fitness test of 800 meters. After running, I was paralyzed. I was uncomfortable with a cold until now. I wanted to stop the watch, but there was only one watch yesterday. I slowly tapped this out. There are few words in this chapter, and I will revise it tomorrow, so please bear with me. RS