Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 191: Ball ball



The black-clothed masked man gave a light cough, he slowly got up from the ground, then looked at the pale-faced leader, and asked for instructions: "Master, do we withdraw first?"


The gold master deliberately or unintentionally glanced in the direction where Ling Tian and the others were, and then reluctantly withdrew to the outskirts of Wuhai.

Ling Tian saw that all the black-clothed and masked people had gone far, so he and Sun Yueyue stood up and looked at Sun Yueyue, who was not surprised, Ling Tian secretly admired, he thought for a while, and said, "Let's go too."


Sun Yueyue nodded, she followed Ling Tian closely, and they were walking in the opposite direction to the black-clothed masked people, which was the most dangerous deep in the sea of fog.

After Ling Tian and the others left, a lot of monsters appeared in the place where the black masked man and the fire golden lion were fighting, including the powerful purple monster.

These monster beasts cruised in that place for a while, and then left angrily until they really didn't find any prey.

"Let’s separate here, they won’t come to search for you again in a short time. Now you go yours, I go mine, we have the chance to see you later." Ling Tian and Sun Yueyue came to a lake, Ling Tian looked clear Hushui, he made his own suggestions.


Sun Yueyue looked at Ling Tian's eyes, she was a little puzzled, and said with regret: "You don't want your salary?"

"No more." As he said, Ling Tian walked towards the lower reaches of the lake. Sun Yueyue looked at his back. He knew that Ling Tian didn't want to take a trip to the muddy water anymore, so he walked so simply.

To this. Sun Yueyue also had no reason to stay. He knew that Ling Tian was right. Now in the depths of the sea of fog, there are many dangers everywhere, if the black-clothed and masked people have not fully recovered, they would definitely not dare to rush in.

Therefore, in a short time, neither Sun Yueyue nor Ling Tian would be attacked by a masked man in black. Ling Tian chose to leave, and Sun Yueyue couldn't stop it either. Because both parties to hire can unilaterally tear up the agreement, and only need to pay a small price.

Now, Sun Yueyue is the only one in the Sun Family Pharmacist team. She doesn't even have the qualifications to negotiate terms with Ling Tian. She can only accept Ling Tian's termination of the employment relationship.

In fact, Ling Tian put aside Sun Yueyue's female classmates, not because he was afraid of things, nor was he indifferent, but because Sun Yueyue's original purpose of hiring them was not simple. Ling Tian sensed that the black-clothed masked men killed them without even talking.

Later, Geng Xin appeared. From his conversation with Sun Yueyue, Ling Tian knew that there must be an unspeakable secret between Sun Yueyue and the group of masked men who killed her.

Ling Tian was not curious, he didn't want to know what disputes were between them, and he didn't want to get involved in their fight, so he chose to leave.

The same is true for Sun Yueyue, this is also the reason why she knows that Ling Tian is by her side, she will be safer, but she does not keep Ling Tian.

Ling Tian watched carefully as he walked. This place was deep in the foggy sea and was so dangerous that he didn't dare to be careless.

Suddenly, Ling Tian caught a glimpse of blood in the spring water flowing down from the mountain, and that blood did not look like human beings. It was more condensed and dark in color, and it should have flowed out of some kind of monster.

Ling Tian hesitated for a while, then quietly climbed up in the direction of the current, and instantly discovered the source of the blood.

It turned out to be flowing out of the body of a huge monster beast. It seemed that the monster beast was seriously injured. It was lying on a large rock at this time. The blood was flowing from its body, and it was not known whether it was dead or alive.

When Ling Tian saw this, he leaned forward lightly, and saw that it was the female fire golden lion that was injured by the black masked man.

At this moment, this fire golden lion was dying. It looked at Ling Tian, whose eyes were staring. It wanted to stand up but had plenty of energy and lacked strength. It couldn't harm Ling Tian at all. It could only utter an aggrieved voice. The "humming" voice threatened Ling Tian.

When the fire golden lion was in full bloom, Ling Tian would definitely stay away without hesitation when he heard it. He would run as far as he could, and would never linger.

But now the fire golden lion is dying, Ling Tian is naturally not afraid, he is carefully watching the fire golden lion's dying counterattack, while slowly continuing to approach it.

Getting closer, Ling Tian discovered that the blood-covered fire-gold lion had a small fire-gold lion with wet hair beside it. It was also stained with blood, and it should have been a short time after birth.

Seeing this little guy, Ling Tian understood why when the black masked man killed the male fire golden lion, although the female fire golden lion madly injured a black masked man, she did not fight them to death. It turned out to be Little fire golden lion in protecting belly.

After understanding this, Ling Tian was moved and respected. He suddenly felt that whether it was a human or a demon, his mother was great in this world.

Therefore, Ling Tian just watched from a distance, but he did not continue to approach the female fire golden lion beast, and the female fire golden lion just stared at him and did not attack.

Not only that, Ling Tian also observed the surroundings for a while. Seeing that there were no other monsters here, he went to find food for the female fire golden lion.

After a while, Ling Tian came back with a takin in the Juyuan realm. He was stunned by the scene in front of him. He saw the female fire golden lion spit out his inner alchemy. It looked at Ling Tian with apathy, and then again. Looking at the cub of the fire golden lion next to him, his eyes were full of dismay.

After a pause, the female fire golden lion raised its head. It slowly threw the inner alchemy towards Ling Tian, with a begging look in its eyes.

Ling Tian took over the inner alchemy under its gaze. He found that the inner alchemy was intact, and the remaining warmth was still there. It seemed that the female fire golden lion wanted him to take care of the little fire golden lion. He nodded gently. .

Sure enough, the female fire golden lion meant this. After Ling Tian nodded and agreed, it looked at the little fire golden lion one last time, then slowly closed its eyes, and finally the body ignited spontaneously and turned to ashes.


Ling Tian sighed and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of this little guy."

With that said, Ling Tian walked over, he picked up the little fire golden lion, and saw the little guy still closed his eyes and fell asleep comfortably.

Ling Tian gently brushed the little fire golden lion's hair, he steamed the blood on the little guy with his spiritual power, and then left with it.

This unexpected gain was unexpected by Ling Tian. He never thought that he could take care of a little guy like a nanny, and he was still the offspring of a monster.

The little guy had no mother as soon as he was born. Ling Tian could only take him everywhere to look for other mother monster beasts. He caught them and then forced them to feed the little fire golden lion.

In order to call the little guy, Ling Tian gave the little fire golden lion a name, Qiqiu.

The ball grew quickly. It opened its eyes a few days after it was born, and with the help of Ling Tian, it drank a lot of monsters' milk, and its body grew slowly.

In almost a month, the ball was about 20 centimeters high and forty or fifty centimeters long. It was like a puppy. It followed Ling Tian closely and did not leave a step.

On this day, Ling Tian hit a hare again. He looked at the ball behind him, and then dangling in front of it with the rabbit.

Ling Tian made the ball greedy. Its eyes rolled around, its head dangling with the rabbit, opening its mouth from time to time to bite.

But Ling Tian is very cunning. He always lifts the rabbit when the ball is about to catch the rabbit, mentioning Gauguin, or mentioning the other side, just not to let the ball bite.

The ball worked hard for a long time, but it still didn't eat the rabbit, and gradually it became annoying.

Finally, when Ling Tian took the rabbit away from the ball's mouth again, the ball no longer chased the rabbit, but bit against Ling Tian.

Ling Tian yelled. He found that the ball was biting his foot, so he squatted down quickly and slowly pulled it away.

"Soul Dan! Dare to bite me!"

Ling Tian wanted to teach the ball a lesson, but when he saw the watery eyes of the ball, he instantly softened his heart.

"Here, let's take it to eat, don't do this next time!"

Ling Tian threw the rabbit to the ball while glaring at it warningly before bending down to treat the wound.

Ling Tian scolded the ball. He looked at Ling Tian and then at the rabbit on the ground. Although his mouth was drooling, he dared not eat it.

"Eat, I won't tease you next time." Ling Tian stroked Qiuqiu's hair, his eyes became gentle, and Qiuqiu dared to eat it.

Suddenly, the ball put down the rabbit, and it trembled all over, making a "woooooo" sound, and rolled around on the ground.

"Ball, what's the matter with you?"

Ling Tian watched the movement of the ball. He didn't know what was going on. He wanted to comfort it, but the ball rolled around on the ground and he couldn't stop it at all.

The ball couldn't speak, Ling Tian could only watch, but couldn't do anything. He was anxious and didn't know what to do for a while

"Is this rabbit poisonous?"

Ling Tian looked at the rabbit half-eaten by the ball, he was puzzled, because he hit the rabbit with his own hands, it should be said that it was not poisonous, but the performance of the ball made Ling Tian puzzled.

Thinking like this, Ling Tian picked up the rabbit and input weak spiritual power. Those spiritual powers passed through the rabbit’s flesh and blood without being hindered or corroded. This shows that the rabbit is not poisonous, which makes Ling Tian couldn't help frowning.

"This rabbit is not poisonous, but my blood is poisonous? The ball bit me just now. It must have swallowed some blood. I don't know if it's because of this." Ling Tian thought of the ball fired when he teased the ball. He took a bite at him, he didn't know if the ball couldn't digest his blood and was in pain.

"What to do? What to do?" Ling Tian was very anxious. He watched the ball rolling in pain on the ground and kept thinking of ways in his mind.

Suddenly, Ling Tian thought that if he knew the sea was chaotic, he would be cured by Dragon Ball. He didn't know if Dragon Ball would save the ball, but he took it out and placed it on the ball. (To be continued...) RT