Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 194: Ball protection


"Let's kill him together!"

Sun Yueyue looked at the evil young man's gaze, she glanced at Ling Tian, and then swung her sword towards the man.

Ling Tian only hesitated slightly in his heart. He also drew out his ruthless sword and stab the evil spirit youth. The evil spirit youth looked at the sword light attacking from two directions, and he drifted back without a hassle. , While waving a fan to resist the attacks of Ling Tian and Sun Yueyue, she joked: "Hey, it's really a tacit understanding!"

There was a smile on the evil charm young man's face, he didn't pay attention to the attacks of Ling Tian and Sun Yueyue at all, and even said that he was very disdainful.

The situation was indeed the case. Ling Tian clearly felt that when his sword light attacked the evil charm youth, it was like stabbing on a soft layer. Without a focus, there would be no harm.

Instead, every time he was slapped back by the evil spirit youth, Ling Tian felt a shock in his heart. The evil spirit youth’s attacks were like an inch of strength, layer by layer, continuously superimposed, and finally erupted, making Ling Tian. It's very uncomfortable.

"Don't test with him, do your best!"

Sun Yueyue saw Ling Tian’s attack, she felt more and more pressure. She knew that the evil charm youth did not plan to play with them, she quickly reminded Ling Tian, and the divine sense escaped into the ring, and she was ready to use the trump card. Preparation.

Of course Ling Tian knew that the evil spirit youth was playing with them, and he was also helpless. The evil spirit youth raised him by two levels. He could easily kill the black-clothed masked men who were not opponents at all, and wanted to kill them. They just moved their fingers.

But now the evil charm young man deliberately fought with them, and Ling Tian could only respond. He knew that he wanted to survive, and he had to do his best if he wanted to see the glimmer of life.

Ling Tian displayed his strongest attack again and again-Ziyun Slash. The purple sword aura condensed into layers of purple clouds. These purple clouds kept rotating around the evil charm youth, and they released sharp sword lights. Crazy cutting to the evil charm youth.

The evil charm youth released a powerful aura, under the influence of this aura, Ling Tian's attack could not get close to him at all.

Not only that, the evil charm youth just gently waved the folding fan, Ling Tian's attack would be dissipated and bounced back.

Those turbulent attacks rushed back towards Ling Tian. The ball originally held by Ling Tian had already crawled onto his shoulders. It hid behind Ling Tian, looking upside down at the evil charm youth.


Ling Tian was hit by those energies, and he couldn't resist the strong impact. In an instant, he was blown upside down by a fan by the evil charm youth. He lay on the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The ball was also thrown out, and it rolled on the ground a few times before it stopped, but the evil youth had already reached Ling Tian's side. He looked at Ling Tian and said with great interest: "Haha, that's not bad. Ah, Ju Yuan Realm has such strength, it is rare, rare to be able to hold it in my hands for so long."

The evil charm youth had a look of admiration, but in just an instant, he changed his face, and said fiercely: "It's a pity that I'm going to die, I'm really reluctant to kill a genius."

With that, the evil charm youth stretched out his hand to Ling Tian. His movements seemed to be very slow, but Ling Tian could only watch, he couldn't stop him at all.


Suddenly a lion roar sounded, just as the evil charm youth's hand was about to reach Ling Tian's chest, the ball rolling in the distance instantly became bigger, and it rushed towards the evil charm youth.

The evil charm youth did not expect that the small ball could be transformed, and it was so fierce, he was stunned for a moment, did not react, and was directly pressed by the ball to the ground.


The sound of the clothes being torn sounded, the ball bit the evil charm youth's shoulder, the evil charm youth's clothes were bitten by it, and a piece of meat on the shoulder was also bitten off. Half of his body was red.

At this time, the evil and charming young man had a hideous face and a fierce light.

Moreover, he couldn't bear the pain the ball brought him. He shouted "Ah", then slapped the ball with a palm, and shouted angrily: "Beast, dare to bite me and die. !"

The ball was slapped by the evil charm youth and flew out. Its huge body hit the ground in the distance, and the ground was dusty by it.

When Ling Tian saw this, he didn't care about attacking the evil and charming youth, and quickly got up and ran to the ball. He looked at the state of the ball with heartache, with awe-inspiring murderous intent in his heart.

In order to protect Ling Tian, the ball took a palm of the evil charm youth. The evil charm youth shot his hand with anger, but did not keep his hand. He hit with all his strength, and the bones and meridians of the ball were shattered. It was dying to watch. Ling Tian's eyes were full of dismay.

"Ball, why are you so stupid?"

Ling Tian's tears couldn't stop streaming out, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked the ball's hair, heartbroken.

"Master, don't cry, the ball is fine."

The ball stared at Ling Tian intently with two small eyes. It was sad to see Ling Tian's tears, but it was very happy to see Ling Tian okay. It struggled and wanted to stand up, but it was weak and moved. Can't move.



A loud noise came from the side, Ling Tian should go away, he saw that he was standing up, and the evil youth who was about to attack him and the ball was blown upside down by a crystal ball thrown by Sun Yueyue.

With that violent energy, the clothes of the evil charm youth were completely crushed. He was naked, and most of his flesh and blood was blown off. The whole person could see the bloody bones, which was more than just bitten by the ball. Be horrible.


The evil charm youth fell into the distance, he knelt on one knee, looked at his body with shock, and couldn't help but spray out a mouthful of blood.


The evil young man yelled to the sky, he was injured continuously, and his heart was already very angry. He looked at Sun Yueyue who was fleeing into the distance, and said in a cold voice: "Bitch, you can't escape, I want you to know that it hurts me. I want to kill you alive! I want to eat your meat, drink your blood, pump your muscles, I want to torture your soul forever!"

In this way, the evil charm youth abandoned Ling Tian and Qiuqiu and chased after Sun Yueyue, and when the person was on the way, an extremely powerful wave swept past.

Ling Tian knew that the evil spirit youth had performed another illusion technique. After he saw that Sun Yueyue's running madly was covered by this wave, she stopped by herself, and turned around with a confused look, and walked towards the evil spirit youth with a dull expression. Come here.


The evil spirit youth gave an order to Sun Yueyue, and Sun Yueyue stopped in response.

"Hand in the sheepskin rolls."

The evil spirit youth stretched out her hand, and Sun Yueyue obediently took out a roll of shabby sheepskin from the ring and handed it to the evil spirit youth.

The evil charm youth took a look, he nodded, this was indeed what he was looking for, and he quickly put it away.

"Take off your clothes."

The evil charm youth turned around and took a look at Ling Tian. The corners of his mouth were upturned, revealing a smug look, and then stretched out his hand to touch Sun Yueyue's body, from top to bottom, straight to private secrets.

"Take your hands away!"

Seeing that Sun Yueyue instinctively covered his private secrets with his hands, the evil young man glared at Sun Yueyue displeasedly. Under his spiritual charm, she couldn't help taking away her hands. The evil young man took advantage of the situation. Put your fingers in.


The moment Sun Yueyue's fingers entered her body, her body trembled slightly, her face showed a rosy color, and the whole person groaned involuntarily.

When Ling Tian saw this, his face flushed. He didn't dare to look anymore, so he bent down, picked up the ball and wanted to leave.


The evil charm young man snorted coldly. He turned around again and said coldly: "Let you watch, you don't know how to live, and you don't want to live longer, then I have to send you to the west!"


Countless hair-like silver needles suddenly flew out of the fan of the evil charm youth. They all shot at Ling Tian and the ball. Ling Tian looked at these tiny silver needles, his expression was solemn, and quickly condensed in front of him. Dao spiritual power shield.

Bang bang bang

The spiritual shields burst one after another, the strength gap was too great, and Ling Tian couldn't stop the progress of Silver Needle at all.

The silver needles penetrated the barriers of layers of space, they kept approaching Ling Tian, and they were about to hit Ling Tian and the ball.

Suddenly, a strange wave fell from the sky, and Ling Tian saw that the silver needles shot by the evil charm youth arrived in front of him and the ball, but they all froze, and could no longer advance any further.


When the evil charm youth saw this change, his face changed slightly, and he looked up to the sky, only to see a figure from far to near, and instantly fell down, and condensed the figure of a middle-aged man.

As soon as the middle-aged man appeared, the strange wave disappeared, and the pinned silver needles also fell to the ground.

"who are you?"

The evil charm young man couldn't feel the fluctuation of the middle-aged person. He knew that this person was a master. He was also the one who prevented him from killing just now, which made him look serious.

"You don't deserve to know who I am!"

The middle-aged man didn't even look at the evil charm young man, he went straight to Ling Tian, and his words also made Sun Yueyue who had been illusionated sober up.


Sun Yueyue screamed. She looked at her body and felt the slight pain in her private secrets. She was filled with grief and anger when she remembered what had just happened.

Without even thinking about it, Sun Yueyue slapped the evil charm young man with a slap.


The evil charm young man was staring at the middle-aged man nervously. Before he could react, he was directly slapped by Sun Yueyue. His face instantly swelled up, and he was so hot and painful to be slapped.


The evil charm youth reacted, he cursed, waving a fan and wanted to kill Sun Yueyue, but just as his hand was raised, he felt a powerful mental attack.


The evil charm young man suddenly threw away the fan in his hand, holding his head, he leaped up and down in pain on the spot, as if he was crazy.

ps: Hey, I really don’t know how to say it. I planned to have two changes today, but I suddenly received a notice in the morning that this funny school arranged for us to go to tutoring car milling, and it was a whole day.

Moreover, not only today, but also tomorrow, until next Friday, we will not say anything else. We have all found jobs and are leaving soon. He actually accounts for the weekend. Can he really learn anything? I really want to leave early. . . . RS